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1 | US DOE Geothermal Public Service of Colorado Ponnequin Wind Farm Geothermal Technologies Office Geothermal Regulatory Roadmap.

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Presentation on theme: "1 | US DOE Geothermal Public Service of Colorado Ponnequin Wind Farm Geothermal Technologies Office Geothermal Regulatory Roadmap."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 | US DOE Geothermal Public Service of Colorado Ponnequin Wind Farm Geothermal Technologies Office Geothermal Regulatory Roadmap NEPA Database Overview Jay Nathwani Geothermal Technologies Office Kate Young NREL Principal Investigator June 26, 2013

2 2 | US DOE Geothermal Status Update Roadmap Content Analyses Web Interface White Papers Moving Forward Meeting Agenda

3 3 | US DOE Geothermal Colorado Colorado agency/industry review: March 6, 2013 Completed  through agency and legal review Now available onlineTexas Texas agency/industry review: June 12, 2013 Completed  through agency and legal review Now available online GRR Content Technology White Papers Web Interface RoadmapFuture Plans Permitting Analysis

4 4 | US DOE Geothermal GRR Content: Colorado Permitting Concerns Uncertainty Since geothermal is so new to this state, state agencies (e.g. Department of Water Resources) aren’t quite sure how they will handle every situation. This causes angst and misunderstanding with the general public (they think there are requirements that may or may not be there, and are insisting the developer follow these "ideas”) Leasing State Land Board has not formalized their renewable energy leasing process - there are no resources online or guidance for how to obtain a lease. Plan to present recommendations to the State Land Board soon (in April?). Geothermal Resource is the heat, but does not include water - for example, EGS heat okay. Water rights must be obtained independently. Tributary vs. Nontributary Status DWR and CGS have suggested that a developer WANTS their resource to be tributary because a nontributary source is limited by surface ownership, and by total volume available by law (calculated 100-year life). There would never be enough water in a non- tributary water right that is tied to land ownership for an ecumenically viable power plant. Geothermal Well Permitting current process assumes non consumption of the tributary (see previous bullet) water. If any of it is consumptive, DWR is not yet sure how it will be handled - how to obtain a water right. NREL is working with DWR to flesh out that portion of the flowchart. County Regulations (1041 Permits) Allows the counties to develop their own geothermal permitting and regulations - relates to siting and zoning. The state has received grant money for suggested guidelines which are in process and scheduled for draft release March 15, 2013. Flow charts will be developed as part of 1041 regs and could be incorporated into the geothermal road-mapping effort. In some areas, while 1041 permits are in the process of development a moratorium on development has been adopted. (e.g. Chaffee County) Technology White Papers Web Interface Roadmap Future Plans Permitting Analysis

5 5 | US DOE Geothermal GRR Content: Texas Permitting Concerns Water Rights Much of the surface water is already over-appropriated. Ground water is owned by the private landowner in most cases, and therefore, water leases typically need to be worked out through these land owners. Leasing Most geothermal development will occur on private lands in Texas Geothermal Resource Per TX NR Code 141.003, geothermal energy includes the heat and any associated resource, therefore a developer can utilize gas and oil that come up when drilling for geothermal resources. Another Texas statute states that geothermal will be administered as a mineral (but this does not mean it is a mineral right). Geothermal Well Permitting Many of the permits required for geothermal development (along with oil and gas) has been delegated to Railroad Commission (RRC), including drilling permits, underground injection control, air quality, etc. Transmission/ Power Plant Siting The Texas PUC has delegated authority to ERCOT (85% of the state), and therefore only retained jurisdiction in non-ERCOT areas or where the energy facility generation capacity is less than 10MW. Technology White Papers Web Interface Roadmap Future Plans Permitting Analysis

6 6 | US DOE Geothermal NREL/DOE Industry Agencies Congress Agencies OUTCOMES Develop Framework Collect Data Conduct Analyses Develop Language Enact Law/ Policy Reduce Permitting Time Lower LCOE Increase # of Projects Increase Deployment FY12 FY13 FY14 and Beyond Identify Game Changers Reduce NEPA permitting time Centralized location for all permitting Cost Recovery/ Permit Fees Analyze effectiveness of currently operating centralized permitting Collect NEPA data and conduct analysis Provide analysis of successful cost recovery programs Industry Agencies Industry Agencies Congress Agencies Congress Agencies Bring People Together Permitting Analyses Technology White Papers Web Interface Permitting Analysis Future Plans Roadmap Tuesday, October 1, 1:50 Policy/Market Analysis/Utility Session (Rm 123) Tuesday, October 1, 2:50 Regulatory/Environmental Session (Rm 121) Tuesday, October 1, 9:00-noon Side Session – (Rm 117 ) no GRC registration required

7 7 | US DOE Geothermal Technical White Papers Task Description: Develop technology characterizations of geothermal technologies to help educate agency personnel on the technical details, field operations, environmental impacts and permitting issues. General Outline: 1.Introduction 2.Technology Description 2.1 Technology Overview 2.2 Technology Features 3.Environmental Impacts and Permitting Issues 3.1 Environmental Impact Screening Criteria 3.2 Potential Environmental Consequences 3.3 Permitting Requirements and Issues Future Plans Roadmap Permitting Analysis Technical White Papers Web Interface

8 8 | US DOE Geothermal Technical White Papers - Topics FY13 White Paper Topics FY14 White Paper Topics Hydraulic Stimulation: Multi-Stage Stimulation Zonal Isolation Diverters Chemical Stimulation Downhole Fluids: Stimulation Fluids Tracers Working Fluids Nanotechnologies Production Drilling and Well Completion: Drilling Muds, Casing, Cementing, BOPs Injection Wells, Advanced Drilling Techniques, Step-Outs, Lateral/Horizontal Drilling Exploratory Drilling: Temperature Gradient Holes (TGH) 2M Probe Surveys Slimhole Drilling Produced Fluids Re-Injection On-Site Treatment Shipment for Treatment Reservoir Engineering: Well Characterization Techniques Flow Tests Down-hole Methods Induction of Fluid Flow Geophysical Surveys: Seismic MT Gravity Geoscientific Surveys Geological Human Observation Geochemical Remote Sensing Other Stimulation: Chemical Stimulation Explosive Stimulation Rock Mechanics Fracture Propagation Future Plans Roadmap Permitting Analysis Technical White Papers Web Interface In Agency Review In Agency Review In Agency Review In Agency Review In Agency Review

9 9 | US DOE Geothermal TaskTime Frame Due Date Responsible EntityJFMAMJJAS Team Kick Off Meeting1 dayWeek of 1/22/2013 All entities Develop Technical Working Paper Construct 3 Weeks2/15/2013New West with support from NREL Finalize List of Paper Topics 3 Weeks2/15/2013DOE, in consultation with BLM, USFS, and DOD, and with support from New West and NREL Data Collection and Analysis for Paper #1 2 Weeks3/1/2013New West with support from NREL Draft Technical Working Paper #1 5 Weeks4/5/2013New West with support from NREL DOE and partner agency review of Paper #1 2 weeks4/19/2013DOE, in consultation with BLM, USFS, and DOD Incorporate Comments and Finalize Paper #1 3 Weeks5/10/2013New West with support from NREL Data Collection and Analysis for Papers #2-4 5 weeks5/24/2013New West with support from NREL Draft Technical Working Papers #2-4 8 weeks7/19/2013New West with support from NREL DOE and partner agency review of Papers #2-4 3 weeks8/9/2013DOE, in consultation with BLM, USFS, and DOD Incorporate Comments and Finalize Papers #2-4 2 weeks8/22/2013New West with support from NREL Publish and Distribute Papers #1-4 3 week9/12/2013DOE with support from New West/NREL Technical White Papers Schedule

10 10 | US DOE Geothermal Colorado and Texas complete Roadmap 2 analyses complete – being presented at GRC: Geothermal Federal Funding Mechanisms Coordinating Permit Offices Analysis NEPA Database Complete Preliminary analysis presented today Analyze data and draft report with results Collect similar information for oil & gas NEPA White Papers Continue to add general information for each of the roadmap areas Add data to the state pages to query on each technology page Continue development of wizard interface, walking users through permit trigger questions Web Interface 5 White papers complete Will be available on agency websites, DOE website, OpenEI, NGDS Upcoming Plans Technology White Papers Upcoming Plans Roadmap Permitting Analysis Web Interface

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