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APRIL 9, 2013 SHAWNA POITRA, SD DOE SD LEAP Leading Effectively…Achieving Progress.

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Presentation on theme: "APRIL 9, 2013 SHAWNA POITRA, SD DOE SD LEAP Leading Effectively…Achieving Progress."— Presentation transcript:

1 APRIL 9, 2013 SHAWNA POITRA, SD DOE SD LEAP Leading Effectively…Achieving Progress

2 INDISTAR - SD LEAP In South Dakota Indistar is called SD LEAP  South Dakota Leading Effectively…Achieving Progress

3 Background On Indistar in South Dakota Started in November 2011  SIG Transformation Indicators- 5 schools  District Indicators through APD- 3 districts Implemented Turnaround Indicators to Focus and some Priority schools in October 2012  Focus and Priority schools that piloted APD- worked on School Turnaround Indicators this year (2012-13)  Priority schools currently participating in APD worked on District Indicators this year and will complete School Turnaround Indicators in year 1 of implementation (2013-14)

4 Creating the SD School Turnaround Indicators In April 2012 started to review Continuous and Rapid Improvement Indicators  Lois Myran (CIL) and Heather Hoak (McREL)  Set up DOE groups to review indicators  8 groups of 2-3 people from across department  Tried to get a team to review information monthly- did not happen last spring  Completed process in May 2012  Created 85 School Turnaround Indicators (customized for SD)  Created timelines for priority and focus schools

5 Trainings Trained coaches in July 2012 Trained schools in October/November 2012  Completed a Road Show with Title I staff from SD DOE and Heather Hoak (McREL)  Held 9 regional trainings for school staff to attend  District staff trained at Kickoff Meeting for APD

6 Reviewing SD LEAP Information First Reporting Date was January 31 Have 50 schools with plans and goals to review Formed a team in February of 15 DOE staff to review information  Split into 5 groups- completed a checklist for requirements  Hopefully will continue to meet monthly-new accountability department with DOE  Review and revise indicators, timelines, forms

7 Coaches Each school has a Turnaround Coach  Coach required to meet with team on-site monthly and provide comments monthly  Send a log to me three times a year documenting time spent with schools and notes of progress  Use these to help in the DOE review  Rely on the coaches to review plans/goals  Will provide annual training to coaches

8 Consolidating plans Slow process- still getting “buy in” from DOE staff Added ELL plan to system in January In the future possibly:  Schoolwide  Accreditation  SPED

9 Challenges Priority School timelines  District and school turnaround indicators Small Rural schools  Small staff, teaming, time USED monitoring  Clarified one year process for Focus schools  New timeline and vision for Focus Buy in from DOE staff  Not just a Title I issue

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