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OPALES Demonstration CWI – Feb. 22 nd 2006 Antoine Isaac.

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Presentation on theme: "OPALES Demonstration CWI – Feb. 22 nd 2006 Antoine Isaac."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPALES Demonstration CWI – Feb. 22 nd 2006 Antoine Isaac

2 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk1 OPALES  French Project (RIAM, 2001-2003)  Partners: « Developers » INA (Coordinator) LIRMM (IHM, GC) CS « Users » CNRS (video library) MSH (humanities, communication) CNDP (educational material)

3 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk2 « Tools to share knowledge in educational/scientific communities »  Goals Sharing and exploiting AV resources Fitting the needs of various specific user communities  Approach Accessing document via annotations Similar to classical indexing approach Interpretation of AV content used for exploitation Ensuring the relevance of annotation for communities and applications Using points of view

4 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk3 Points of view  Exploitation of annotation/indexes needs semantic continuity Shared interpretation/coherent manipulation for indexer/searcher/system  OPALES points of view Mirror specific application/community needs Embody annotation policies Gather users who choose them for creating or filtering annotations  Thorough experiments with 2 points of view Ethnology-oriented analysis of videos regarding childhood Educational exploitation of geographic information films

5 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk4 Points of view and annotation/search policies  Free-text annotation and search Natural interpretation of AV content  Form-based annotation and search Predefined structure Basic control (value lists)

6 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk5 OPALES Forms

7 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk6 Points of view and annotation/search policies  Free-text annotation and search Natural interpretation of AV content  Form-based annotation and search Predefined structure Basic control (value lists)  Ontology-based annotation and search

8 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk7 Ontology-based annotation and search  Explicit and flexible structuring of index elements Added value of relations for rich indexing Conceptual Graphs formalism

9 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk8 Ontology-based annotation

10 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk9 Ontology-based annotation and search  Explicit and flexible structuring of index elements  Control ensured by formal specifications  Inference Taking into account (viewpoint-specific) implicit knowledge to link queries to indexes Cogitant CG inference engine

11 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk10 Problems of ontology-based approach  Complex indexing process Difficult to get accustomed to Especially for people not used to KR  Coupling design of complex ontological knowledge with use Legitimate conceptualisation w.r.t. application and practice Specification of formal inference knowledge

12 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk11 DOE ontology editor  Semi-informal semantics [Bachimont] Differential principles inter-defining notions by similarities and differences Meaning naturally linked to an application domain Compatible with extraction of ontology elements from textual resources [Véronique Malaisé] Compatible with further formalization

13 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk12 DOE [Bachimont, Isaac, Troncy] (now !)

14 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk13 Indexing patterns  Determine relational template recurrent in aimed information practices Dependent on point of view  Propose those structures to the indexer as a starting point for description

15 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk14 Indexing patterns: example (1) English

16 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk15

17 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk16 Indexing patterns: example (3) English

18 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk17 Patterns and reasoning  Comparison index/query Pattern as an implicit pivotal structure, compensating for description/query variations  Inferring facts from pattern structure  Inferring pattern-fitting facts from different structure

19 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk18 Conclusion  Points of view as materialization of indexing and exploitation strategies  Knowledge-based tools Expressivity, control and inference  Experimentation (two qualitative evaluations with domain users) shows that there are obstacles: No familiarity of targeted users with formal techniques Difficulty for the knowledge workers to design proper ontological resources for each point of view

20 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk19 Conclusion  Experimentation shows that approach is made feasible by: Ontologies linked in quite a natural way to meanings and practices targeted by points of views Differential principles help ontology designer’s work and final users’ understanding Formalizing users needs by Indexing Patterns Both for description and query Also legitimates ontology designers’ work Turning to “relational” reasoning for compensating variations [Remark: complexity goes now for KR engine] Techniques to ensuring semantic continuity in ontology- based indexing and search

21 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk20 THANK YOU !

22 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk21 Childcare use pattern Back

23 2006-02-22 Antoine Isaac – CWI Talk22 Specialised index Back

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