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J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Project Title: Assembling Crustal Geophysical Data for Geothermal Exploration in the Great Basin CPS Identifier: 12339 Principal.

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Presentation on theme: "J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Project Title: Assembling Crustal Geophysical Data for Geothermal Exploration in the Great Basin CPS Identifier: 12339 Principal."— Presentation transcript:

1 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Project Title: Assembling Crustal Geophysical Data for Geothermal Exploration in the Great Basin CPS Identifier: 12339 Principal Investigator: John N. Louie Sponsoring Organization: University of Nevada, Reno Project Title: Assembling Crustal Geophysical Data for Geothermal Exploration in the Great Basin CPS Identifier: 12339 Principal Investigator: John N. Louie Sponsoring Organization: University of Nevada, Reno Exploration U.S. Department of Energy Geothermal Technologies Program Exploration Peer Review Report

2 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Project Purpose  Assemble 3-d reference model of seismic velocity for the western Great Basin Understand deep heat sources Understand deep heat sources Can crustal thickness be a resource indicator? Can crustal thickness be a resource indicator? Improve regional models of resource geology Improve regional models of resource geology Assist USGS national geothermal assessment Assist USGS national geothermal assessment

3 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Regional Geothermal Assessment 1990 Geophysical Framework grids Moho Depth Pg Pn Poor Detail in No. Nevada Poor Detail in No. Nevada

4 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Geothermal Index from crustal properties of 1990 Diamond size from kilowatts produced Index Gradient of index

5 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Lack of Post-60’s Refraction Coverage

6 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Project Objectives  3-d reference model of seismic velocity for the western Great Basin “Contribute critical data toward the effective exploration for new geothermal resources” “Contribute critical data toward the effective exploration for new geothermal resources” Fill in poorly characterized areas Fill in poorly characterized areas Develop a community model contributed to regional assessment activities Develop a community model contributed to regional assessment activities Evaluate geophysical indicators of geothermal resources Evaluate geophysical indicators of geothermal resources Build academic infrastructure and technical workforce in geothermal science and technology Build academic infrastructure and technical workforce in geothermal science and technology

7 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Funding Fiscal YearDOE Funding ($k)Cost Share ($k)Total 02$144,584$0$144,584 03$74,833$0$74,833 04$83,251$15,221$98,472 05$38,613$7,723$46,336 06$42,598$8,520$51,118 DOE funding to the University of Nevada, Reno has been delayed approximately one year for this project. FY 05 funding has not yet been received.

8 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Plans and Approach  Five Tasks: 1. Compile existing crustal information 2. Establish a facility for long-range crustal surveys 3. Develop new regional seismic-refraction technology 4. Collect three new crustal refraction profiles 5. Integrate new and prior results; create a regional crustal model; make model available to others

9 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Selected Milestones

10 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Results 1. 1.Compile existing crustal information 2.Establish a facility for long-range crustal surveys 3.Develop new regional seismic-refraction technology 4.Collect three new crustal refraction profiles 5.Integrate new and prior results; create a regional crustal model; make model available to others

11 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Complete Compilation of GB Crustal Thicknesses

12 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Results 2. 1.Compile existing crustal information 2.Establish a facility for long-range crustal surveys 3.Develop new regional seismic-refraction technology 4.Collect three new crustal refraction profiles 5.Integrate new and prior results; create a regional crustal model; make model available to others

13 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 21 “Texans” from Refraction Technology, Inc.

14 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Results 3. 1.Compile existing crustal information 2.Establish a facility for long-range crustal surveys 3.Develop new regional seismic-refraction technology 4.Collect three new crustal refraction profiles 5.Integrate new and prior results; create a regional crustal model; make model available to others

15 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 40-ft Benches >400 m deep Blast C 3 km wide 80,000 lbs ANFO Anatomy of a Nevada Gold Mine Daily seismic sources of opportunity

16 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 200 “Texans” from PASSCAL and DOE/GBCGE

17 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 The N. Walker Lane Experiment, 2002

18 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Data & Synthetics Reduced by 7.4 km/s

19 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 May 21 M1.6 Earthquake Near Bridgeport Small 1st arrival clear at 100s of km

20 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Results 4. 1.Compile existing crustal information 2.Establish a facility for long-range crustal surveys 3.Develop new regional seismic-refraction technology 4.Collect three new crustal refraction profiles 5.Integrate new and prior results; create a regional crustal model; make model available to others

21 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 The N. Walker Lane Experiment, 2002

22 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 How Thick is the Crust? ? ? Horizontal Rays Refraction “Tunneling” 7.2 km/s Moho Journal Publication: Louie, J. N., W. Thelen, S. B. Smith, J. B. Scott, M. Clark, and S. Pullammanappallil, 2004, The northern Walker Lane refraction experiment: Pn arrivals and the northern Sierra Nevada root: Tectonophysics, 388, 253-269.

23 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Idaho-Nevada-California (INC), 2004 Fresno Long Valley August 2004 Las Vegas

24 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 400 “Texans” from PASSCAL and DOE/GBCGE UNR’s 21-Texan Facility Round Mtn. Mine Programming Recorders Downloading Data

25 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Aug. 2004 INC Recording

26 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Aug. 2004 INC Recording - 500-km distances

27 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Spanning the Region 5/02 8/04 8/05

28 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Results 5. 1.Compile existing crustal information 2.Establish a facility for long-range crustal surveys 3.Develop new regional seismic-refraction technology 4.Collect three new crustal refraction profiles 5.Integrate new and prior results; create a regional crustal model; make model available to others

29 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Colors = crustal thickness, warmer = thinner (includes new data IDW, nn, po = 5) Circles with dots = new seismic data Numbered labels = difference between new and old data in kilometers Buffer around new data = radius 100 km where old data removed for interpolation Purple circles = Extensional White squares = Magmatic Extensional-type geothermal systems correlate with areas of thin crust while magmatic systems correlate with areas of thicker crust Considering New Crustal Thicknesses - M. Coolbaugh

30 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Compilation of Selected Crustal Thicknesses

31 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Impact of Work/Merit  New technology for national/regional assessments Progress toward improving success rate for finding resources at undrilled sites to 40% Progress toward improving success rate for finding resources at undrilled sites to 40%  Thin crust helps locate Buffalo Valley prospect  Technology transfer: Websites, Journal paper, 2 GRC papers, SEG paper, International conference, 7 other US workshops Websites, Journal paper, 2 GRC papers, SEG paper, International conference, 7 other US workshops Collaborators: IRIS/PASSCAL, Optim Inc., LLNL, GBCGE Collaborators: IRIS/PASSCAL, Optim Inc., LLNL, GBCGE  Workforce development: 20 student field hands, 8 student co-authors, senior thesis, 2 MS theses, PhD thesis 20 student field hands, 8 student co-authors, senior thesis, 2 MS theses, PhD thesis

32 J. Louie, UNR 7/27/2005 Plans for Completion  Final 2 project years have reduced funds  Publish INC results  Collect Utah transect 8/05, report results, publish  Integrate new results into Great Basin model  Gather industry feedback on regional model  Publish and deliver model to collaborators and groups doing regional assessment  Heimgartner graduates with MS degree by 9/07

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