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Chapter 16, Section 2 Europeans in India and Southeast Asia.

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1 Chapter 16, Section 2 Europeans in India and Southeast Asia

2 Portugal Gains a Foothold in India Vasco da Gama  reaches trading center of Calicut, India  Calicut traders rejected da Gama’s goods

3 Pedro Alvarez Cabral  set out for India  Landed in Brazil  Eventually reached Calicut  Established trading post in India

4 The Portuguese Empire Expands The Impact of Cabral’s Voyage:  Gained control of many trading centers between the east coast of Africa and the west coast of India

5 The Portuguese Empire Expands The Impact of Afonso de Albuquerque’s Voyage  Moluccas– The Spice Islands (Indonesia)  Spice: cloves  Set up Portuguese spice trade in Malacca, located near Moluccas

6 Challengers to Portugal The Rise of the Dutch (Holland/Netherlands) Goal: Control Portugal’s empire of Asian trading posts  Portugal could not defend these post against the Dutch, an economic and military power

7 Challengers to Portugal Dutch East India Company  Dutch government gave this company a trade monopoly in Asia  Monopoly: complete control of trade in a market or product  Established many new trading posts and relationships in Southeast Asia  Had armies to seize land and people to serve its enterprise

8 Challengers to Portugal The British East India Company Goal: expand trading to India  The main power in India, The Mughal Empire, lost control The English in Asia  India became a colony of Britain  Colony: a territory ruled over by a faraway country

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