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Published byJarrod Curl Modified over 10 years ago
Limited Duty Officer Chief Warrant Officer Applicant Brief 2013
Topics Sustainability Initiative Application windows Off-Ramps
CWO Uniforms Flying CWO Who we are Eligibility Timeline Reward
Sustainability Initiative
Directed by Chief of Naval Personnel in 2010 Ensure viable and sustainable career progression for all designators Captain billets for all LDO designators CWO5 billets for all CWO designators Shift of LDO billets to CWO beginning in FY-15 Phased conversion of billets through FY-19 1 October 2014 thru 2019 20 20
Application Windows Service Obligation
NAVADMIN 281/12 announces the following changes: LDO 8-14 years of service for FY-15 (waiver up to 15) *LDO 8-14 years of service for FY-16 (waivers up to 14.5) CWO years for FY-15 (waivers down to 13 up to 22) CWO years for FY-16 (waivers up to 22 for MCPO) CWO 6 year service obligation upon commissioning * Pending change: YOS in FY-16 and YOS in FY-17 to support proposed permanent appointments of all LDOs as explained on next slide. Promotion potential to Captain for all selected Promotion potential to CWO5 for most selected, CWO4 potential for all. Need two tours out of CWOs 1 October 2013 thru 2016 20 20
Permanent LDOs Navy has proposed elimination of temporary officer appointments for LDOs All LDO Lieutenants are permanently appointed as of 1 Feb 2013 Proposal to make LTJG appointments permanent within the next year Proposal to appoint all LDOs as permanent beginning 1 Oct 16 (FY-17 selections)(10-14 TIS) 1 Feb 13 message stated new policy wherein all LDO LT appointments were permanent without the opportunity for temporary appointment. LDO LTJG promotions may follow suite in the next few months or sooner. LDO ENS permanent appointments however would require a change in policy for TIS windows or an a change to USC Title 10 law which requires temporary appointments for those who have less that 10 years of service, once 10 years is achieved, then it can be permanent. “IF A SELECTED OFFICER DOES NOT DECLINE HIS OR HER PROMOTION IN WRITING PRIOR TO HIS OR HER PROJECTED DATE OF RANK THAT OFFICER IS CONSIDERED TO HAVE ACCEPTED THE PROMOTION ON THE DATE INDICATED. AN OFFICER WHO CHOSES TO DECLINE HIS OR HER PROMOTION MUST SUBMIT THE DECLINATION IN WRITING TO COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-831), PRIOR TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE INDICATED ABOVE. PREPARE NAVPERS FORM 1421/7 (REV 08-11). USE THIS NAVADMIN AS REF A. USE 10 U.S.C. 624 AS REF B FOR PERMANENT LIEUTENANTS AND ABOVE. USE 10 U.S.C. 578 AS REF B FOR CHIEF WARRANT OFFICERS. USE 10 USC 624 AND 5589 AS REFERENCE B FOR LIMITED DUTY OFFICER PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT. LIMITED DUTY OFFICER APPOINTMENT TO LIEUTENANT IS A PERMANENT APPOINTMENT; ACCEPTANCE OF THE APPOINTMENT IS ACCEPTANCE OF PERMANENT APPOINTMENT AS A LIMITED DUTY OFFICER. 1 October 2016 20 20
Promotion by Enterprise
Currently LDOs compete for promotion in two competitive categories (line and staff) CWOs promote in a single competitive category Proposed changes would most likely promote within Warfare or Enterprise groups: Surface Aviation Submarines Information Dominance Corps Expeditionary General Services Nuclear (under review by NR LDO OCM) Promotion potential to Captain for all selected Promotion potential to CWO5 for most selected, CWO4 potential for all. Need two tours out of CWOs Most likely scenario based on OSAM modeling BY OPNAV N13/N14 would group summary groups for Fitrep purpose and for promotion competitive categories by Warfare Enterprise, but this has not been finalized, just studied for projected positive/negative impact to community and the ability to potentially increase flow-point and reach targeted vacancies by designator as needed FY-17 (2016 Promotions) 20 20
Off-Ramps Primarily for IDC and Supply communities
Select as LDO (no degree required) Laterally transfer to RL / Staff at 6-8 year point (degree/certifications required) Advanced educational opportunities at Naval Post-Graduate School (NPS) and War College Increased service lengths (30 YCS) Increased promotion opportunity (100% to date) Potential for Flag Officer (no Flags as LDO) Pending OPNAVINST revision currently with DNS for signature will define Off-Ramp and provide latitude via Without Board Action (WOBA) or via Lateral Transfer for LDOs in IDC and Supply. Off-Ramp Defined is: “Off-Ramp is a change of designator from LDO to the respective restricted line or Staff Corps counterpart community. Off-Ramps were developed to consolidate officers of the same capabilities and technical acumen under one restricted line or Staff Corps designator.” (based on historical Detailing practices wherein LDOs, RL, or Staff officers were cross-detailed and doing the same work at the LCDR, CDR, and CAPT paygrades) Begins now FY-13 20 20
CWO Uniforms Proposed uniforms would have 1 blue break for each grade. No change for CWO5 (already standard across services) Still in the review process Proposal is being reviewed by OPNAV N13 Uniform Board team including proto-type devices from Navy vendors. At Uniform Board 20 20
Flying CWOs Program is being eliminated
Cannot provide reasonable career progression within CWO community URL inventory is short Proposed transition options include: Conversion to URL / Active Component Conversion to URL / Reserve Component Conversion to FTS Conversion to other LDO/CWO designator qualified for Each option required independent legal approval NAVADMIN is in route and soon to be signed that will disestablish this pilot program and will offer the options and explain the process for current Flying CWOs in the program. NAVADMIN 192/13 20 20
Is this program for you? Do you like the technical aspects of your job? Are you the “go to” leader that has the answers? Do you like taking charge? Do you want to do so on a broader scale? Do you want the authority to make a difference? And the associated increase of responsibility? Do you thrive on challenging assignments? And want to apply your highly honed technical skills with less restrictions? Do you want more certainty in your career More for you and your family… FOREVER If you don’t like what your doing now, this program may not be for you. Competitive promotion begins at LCDR / CWO4 (more later) Retirement benefits are significant (more later) 20 20
Program Overview The Limited Duty Officer and Chief Warrant Officer Programs provide our Navy with experienced technical specialists and managers who have extensive expertise and authority to direct the most difficult and exacting technical operations at sea and ashore. The differences in the formal definitions of LDOs and CWOs are subtle, focusing on the degree of authority and responsibility. LDOs have defined career progression goals. CWOs are technical and designed for repetitive tours.
LDO Program For Sailors who enjoy leading Sailors in their technical field and want less restrictions in calling the shots Commissioning path for outstanding leaders that may be lacking a degree Leaders with strong technical backgrounds Ultimately want to be the OIC, XO or CO Major Command the pinnacle goal Increased leadership opportunity for CWOs
OPNAVINST 1420.1B, NAVADMINs 281/12, 176/13 and 177/13
LDO Eligibility U.S. citizen No age restriction High School Diploma or equivalent Serving as a MCPO, SCPO, CPO or PO1 At least 8, but not more than 14 years of active naval service prior to 1 Oct of FY for which applying (READ ANNOUNCING NAVADMIN UPON RELEASE FOR FY-15 WAIVER POLICIES) Meet physical standards. No court martial or civilian conviction for other than minor offenses or NJP for 3 years prior to 1 Oct of year applying PO1s must complete all eligibility requirements for E-7 (except TIR and Leadership Training Continuum) and must achieve selection board eligibility in the annual CPO advancement Recommended by CO FY-15 LDO applications 8-14 years (no waivers beyond 15) Emphasize NAVADMIN 281/12 OPNAVINST B, NAVADMINs 281/12, 176/13 and 177/13 5 5
LDO Designators Annual Quotas
SURFACE AVIATION 611X DECK X DECK 5 612X OPS X OPERATIONS 4 613X ENGINEER X MAINTENANCE 26 616X ORDNANCE X ORDNANCE 9 618X ELECTRONICS X AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL 4 SUBMARINE INFO DOMINANCE CORPS 640X NUC PWR X IP 18* 623X ENG X IW 13* 626X ORD X INTEL 3* 628X ELECT X OCEANO 3* 629X COMM * EXPEDITIONARY GENERAL SERVICES 648X EOD X ADMIN 28 653X CEC X BAND 2 649X SEC X SUPPLY 7* *Off-ramp by senior LT to core Restricted Line/Staff designator Off-Ramp pending OPNAVINST revision currently with DNS for signature will define Off-Ramp and provide latitude via Without Board Action (WOBA) or via Lateral Transfer for LDOs in IDC and Supply. *6290 Sub Comms approved by SUBFOR / FFC / CNP for Off-Ramp to 1820, pending further actions regarding SV1 AQD, SUBPAY, and billet transition phasing plan. Quotas based on 5 year average 13 13
CWO Program For leaders in the Chief’s mess that enjoy:
Teaching Sailors the technical aspects of their field Being the one with the technical answers Commissioning path for outstanding leaders that may be lacking a degree Possess extensive technical training, experience and leadership Serve primarily as division officers and officers in charge Chiefs / Senior Chiefs promote to CWO2. Master Chiefs to CWO3 (regardless of time-in-grade.)
CWO Eligibility Same requirements for LDO except: CPO-select minimum
FY-15 at least 14 but not more than 21 years of active duty prior to 1 Oct of FY for which applying. READ ANNOUNCING NAVADMIN UPON RELEASE FOR FY-15 WAIVER POLICIES - Waivers down to 13 Years and up to 22 years will be considered for FY-15. - Emphasize NAVADMIN 281/12
CWO Designators Annual Quotas
SURFACE EXPEDITIONARY 711X BOATSWAIN X SPEC WARFARE 9 712X OPERATIONS X SW COMBATANT-CRAFT 4 713X ENGINEER/REPAIR TECH 20 *753X CIVIL ENGINEER CORPS 3 716X ORDNANCE X SECURITY 3 718X ELECTRONICS 4 INFO DOMINANCE CORPS SUBMARINE X IP *740X NUCLEAR POWER X CYBER 1 720X DIVER X INFO WARFARE 14 726X ORDNANCE TECH X INTEL 5 AVIATION GENERAL SERVICES 731X DECK X SHIPS CLERK 9 732X OPERATIONS X FOOD SERVICE 4 733X MAINTENANCE 19 736X ORDNANCE 13 *CWO Designator being Disestablished *No Quotas in FY-15. - 740X Designator Disestablishment: CNO has approved and we are awaiting the message to be released for notification that SECNAV has approved. - 753X Designator Disestablishment: Community/Flag Sponsor has approved and disseminated decision; briefings up the Chain of Command to CNP, CNO, and SECNAV approval progressing. Quotas based on 5 year average 13 13
LDO/CWO Preparation Sooner the better – even as an E4!
Make your seniors aware of your goals Be the leader (LPO/LCPO/CMC) Develop a strong resume with diversity of jobs Sea duty, overseas, and shore tours Warfare qualification Detailer, Recruiter, Instructor, RTC Get involved: Career Counselor, Training PO, CAT Community involvement College degree WE ARE HIRING MULTI TASK TECHNICAL LEADERS – WHAT DOES YOUR RESUME REFLECT? These are listed in order of relevance to typical board weighting. Must have good evals, soft breakouts …
3 Critical Elements Interview Appraisal Boards - (endorsement by the community) Setup by your CO or Appointed Command Coordinator with LDOs/CWOs in the designator you are applying for Minimum of 3 required (can have up to 5) Appraisal sheets belong to the CO not the applicant CO’s Endorsement - (acknowledges your performance) Unconstrained; provide a well written draft to your CO CO can highlight your victories and precept language CO can explain and address past negatives if needed Personal Statements - (your opportunity to speak directly to the board) Explain why this program personally appeals to you Should be genuine and heartfelt DO NOT provide the definition of an LDO/CWO CO’s must control Interview Appraisal Board process and establish and appoint board members or a command coordinator that ensures Interview Appraisals are not hand-picked by member. Interview boards must provide honest feedback to the member and to the CO on member’s qualifications and abilities as outlined per the instruction. If not ready, then DO NOT recommend at the command level, don’t leave this up to the board to filter out. Highlight accomplishments and qualifications here. Read the precepts from past boards (online). If there is any issue that needs to be brought to the boards attention, this is the best place to address it. 12 12
Final Preparations Follow guidance in OPNAVINST B, NAVADMINs 281/12, 176/13 and 177/13 (if applicable) Use the sample format ( Have your application reviewed by at least one LDO/CWO in the designator you are applying for You are responsible for your portion of the application - but not your CO’s endorsement Applications postmarked NLT 1 October Additional information postmarked not later than 1 December 11 11
(Nuclear Qualified Applicants may have additional requirements)
Application Timeline Apr: Submit Special Request Chit to CO to participate (Nuclear Qualified Applicants may have additional requirements) May: Submit your application package to Admin Jun: Interviewer’s Appraisal Board Jul: CO’s endorsement prepared 1 Oct: Package deadline Early Jan: Board convenes Feb/Mar: Results announced by NAVADMIN
Is it worth the effort? Only you can answer this question!
Impact your Sailors QOL Authority to make a difference Orders negotiation Serve longer (up to 38 years or more!) Quality of life – you and your family Promotion Pay - Retirement Pay is forever!
LDO Promotion Opportunity FY14
CAPT YRS TCS % Opportunity CDR YRS TCS % Opportunity LCDR 10 YRS TCS % Opportunity LT YRS TCS Fully Qualified LTJG 2 YRS TCS Fully Qualified 20
CWO Promotion Opportunity FY14
CWO YRS TCS % Opportunity CWO YRS TCS % Opportunity CWO YRS TCS Fully Qualified
“$how me the Money” FOREVER
CWO5 33 years of Service Retired Pay 6,444 / month 77,330 /year Captain 38 years of Service Retired Pay 9,674 / month 116,088 / year MCPO 30 years of Service Retired Pay 4,894 / month 58,734 / year If you are thinking about getting out before retirement or trying to get someone to apply. 20 1% COLA 1,293,264 20 1% COLA 1,702,730 20 1% COLA 2,556,142 Calculated on 2013 Pay Scale and “High Three”
Active LDO Selectees Profile
Average Age: 32 Total Years of Active Service: 13 Years Average Years of Total Education Completed: 14 Years Warfare Qualified: 99% Average Number of Duty Stations: 6 Average Number of Sea/Overseas Tours Competed: 1 Average Number of Training Schools Completed: 7 IA/GSA Tours 9%
Active CWO Selectees Profile
Age: 36 Total Years of Active Service: 17 Years Average Years of Total Education Completed: 14 Years Warfare Qualified: 100% Average Number of Duty Stations: 6 Average Number of Sea/Overseas Tours Competed: 3 Average Number of Training Schools Completed: 7 IA/GSA Tours 18%
Contact Information OCM – CAPT Len Friddle, (901) , CWO OCM – CWO5 Mitch Allen, (901) , Asst OCM – LT Leo Peterson, (901) , DSN prefix 882 Recommend adding local POCs if known
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