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Excel Lesson 16 Protecting, Tracking, and Sharing Workbooks Microsoft Office 2010 Advanced Cable / Morrison 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Excel Lesson 16 Protecting, Tracking, and Sharing Workbooks Microsoft Office 2010 Advanced Cable / Morrison 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Excel Lesson 16 Protecting, Tracking, and Sharing Workbooks Microsoft Office 2010 Advanced Cable / Morrison 1

2 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Objectives Add password protection to a worksheet. Remove password protection from a worksheet. Add password protection to a workbook. Remove password protection from a workbook. Enable the Track Changes feature. 222

3 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Objectives (continued) Change a workbook with tracked changes. Accept or reject tracked changes. Disable the Track Changes feature. Create a shared workbook. Modify a shared workbook. 3

4 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Vocabulary 444 case sensitive decrypt disable enable encrypt password shared workbook

5 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Introduction To protect Excel data from unwanted changes, you can add password protection to worksheets and workbooks. The Track Changes feature can be enabled to keep track of the changes made in a workbook. Shared workbooks allow multiple users to work in the same workbook at the same time. 5

6 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Adding Password Protection to a Worksheet To prevent changes to a worksheet, you can protect it with a password. A password refers to a sequence of characters, known only by you, that is required for access to the file. Passwords are case sensitive. 6

7 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Adding Password Protection to a Worksheet (continued) Protect Sheet dialog box 7

8 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Removing Password Protection from a Worksheet When a worksheet is password protected, changes cannot be made to it. To make changes, you will need to remove the password protection. 8 Unprotect Sheet dialog box

9 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Adding Password Protection to a Workbook To prevent a workbook from being opened by an unauthorized person, you can password-protect a workbook. When you password-protect a workbook, you are encrypting the file. Encrypting means that the information in the file is scrambled. 9

10 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Adding Password Protection to a Workbook (continued) Protect Workbook options 10

11 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Removing Password Protection from a Workbook You can remove the password protection from a workbook as needed. When you remove the password protection, you are decrypting the workbook. 11

12 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Removing Password Protection from a Workbook (continued) Encrypt Document dialog box 12

13 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Enabling the Track Changes Feature The Track Changes feature shows changes made to an Excel worksheet. – Changed cells appear with a border If the Track Changes feature is enabled, it makes the workbook a shared file. You enable the Track Changes feature using the Highlight Changes dialog box. 13

14 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Enabling the Track Changes Feature Completed Highlight Changes dialog box 14

15 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Making Changes in a Workbook with Tracked Changes A cell with a border around it indicates that a change has been made. If you place your mouse pointer over the highlighted cell, a callout will appear showing more information about the change. 15

16 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Making Changes in a Workbook with Tracked Changes (continued) Worksheet with tracked changes 16

17 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Accepting or Rejecting Tracked Changes As you review changes made to cells, you can accept or reject the changes. – The Accept or Reject Changes dialog box allows you to do this You can accept or reject each change one at a time or you can accept or reject all changes at once. 17

18 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Accepting or Rejecting Tracked Changes (continued) Accept or Reject Changes dialog box 18

19 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Disabling the Track Changes Feature The Track Changes feature can be disabled, when it is not needed any longer. When you disable Track Changes, the workbook will no longer be shared. Before you disable the Track Changes feature, make sure that all the changes are reviewed, accepted, or rejected. 19

20 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Creating a Shared Workbook The Share Workbook feature allows several people to work in a workbook simultaneously. With a shared workbook, changes made by multiple users are tracked. – You can choose to accept or reject these changes. 20

21 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Creating a Shared Workbook (continued) Advanced tab settings in the Share Workbook dialog box 21

22 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Modifying a Shared Workbook When you make changes to a shared workbook, Excel keeps track of the changes. – You can accept or reject the changes. – The changes are not marked with a border as they are with the Track Changes feature. 22

23 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary In this lesson, you learned: You can add password protection to a worksheet to prevent unwanted changes. When password protection is no longer needed, you can remove it from a worksheet. You can add password protection to an entire workbook. 23

24 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary (continued) A password can be removed from the workbook. You can track changes in a workbook by enabling the Track Changes feature. The Track Changes feature keeps a history of the changes made. You can accept or reject tracked changes. 24

25 Excel Lesson 16 Cable / MorrisonMicrosoft Office 2010 Advanced Summary (continued) If you no longer need to track changes, you can disable the Track Changes feature. Several users can use the same workbook at the same time with the Share Workbook feature enabled. You can make changes to a shared workbook. 25

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