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Vocabulary Week 16 Campagna. menial  During the great depression, people were thankful to have work of any kind, no matter how menial.

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1 Vocabulary Week 16 Campagna

2 menial  During the great depression, people were thankful to have work of any kind, no matter how menial.

3 menial  Adj. lowly, humble, lacking importance or dignity

4 parry  An effective press secretary can parry almost any question a reporter asks.

5 parry  V. to ward off, fend off, deflect, evade, avoid

6 predatory  Owls and other predatory birds play an important role in maintaining the balance of nature.

7 predatory  Adj. preying on, plundering

8 ravage  Swarms of locusts ravage the farmer’s fields and orchards.

9 ravage  V. to destroy, lay waste, ruin

10 stance  A fashion model’s stance is calculated to show off a designer’s clothing to the best advantage.

11 stance  N. a way of holding the body; an attitude or position on an issue

12 tawdry  An excess of gold braid and glittery beads gave the costumes a tawdry look.

13 tawdry  Adj. showy and flashy but lacking in good taste

14 turncoat  Strikers generally consider those workers who cross the picket lines to be turncoat.

15 turncoat  N. a person who switches to an opposing side or party

16 unassuming  Many celebrities remain unassuming despite their fame and wealth

17 unassuming  Adj. not putting on a show; modest

18 wallow  After a strenuous hike, I was too tired to do anything but wallow blissfully in a hot bath.

19 wallow  V. to roll about in a lazy, clumsy, or helpless way

20 waver  The committee wavered for several days before choosing the winner of the essay contest.

21 waver  V. to move to and fro, become unsteady; to show lack of firmness or decision

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