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Lazarus Rich Man GREAT GULF Abraham’s bosom (Paradise) TormentsTorments Carried by angels Died 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Lazarus Rich Man GREAT GULF Abraham’s bosom (Paradise) TormentsTorments Carried by angels Died 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lazarus Rich Man GREAT GULF Abraham’s bosom (Paradise) TormentsTorments Carried by angels Died 1

2 GREAT GULF Abraham’s bosom TormentsTorments R R Heaven Hell 2 Judgment HADES

3 GREAT GULF Abraham’s bosom TormentsTorments One saved, one lost, 16:23 (1 Tim 2:3-4; Lk 13:23-24; Matt 7:13-14) Salvation is conditional, 16:25 (Rom 6:17-18; Heb 5:9) Reap what we sow, Gal 6:7 Plan of salvation, Matt 7:21 3

4 GREAT GULF Abraham’s bosom TormentsTorments More than flesh, 16:22-23 (Gen 1:26; 2:7; 2 Cor 4:16) Death is a separation, 16:22 (Gen 2:17; Jas 2:26; Eccl 12:7) Consciousness after death, 16:23ff; Lk 20:37 (Exo 3:6) 4

5 GREAT GULF Abraham’s bosom TormentsTorments Do not become angels or ghosts when we die, 16:22, 31 Do not go directly to the final reward at death, 16:22 Care and keeping of Christ, Phil 1:23 (Eph 1:21) Rest, Rev 14:13 5

6 GREAT GULF Abraham’s bosom TormentsTorments Catholic purgatory, 2 Pet 2:9 Mormon work for dead, Mk 16:15-16 (Ezek 18:20) Hindu reincarnation, Heb 9:27 6

7 GREAT GULF Abraham’s bosom TormentsTorments No profit, Lk 9:25 Destruction and sorrows, 1 Tim 6:9-10 Non-transferable, Job 1:21 Lay up treasures in heaven, Matt 6:19-21 7

8 GREAT GULF Abraham’s bosom TormentsTorments No messages from the dead Gospel persuasion is enough, Rom 1:16; Acts 13:26; Heb 2:2-3 8

9 God forbids seeking after the dead for knowledge and understanding Deut 18:9-15 1 Sam 28:3, 7, 15-19 Deut 18:9-15 1 Sam 28:3, 7, 15-19 9

10 GREAT GULF Abraham’s bosom TormentsTorments Torment and anguish without relief Eternal, Mk 9:43-48; Matt 25:41; 2 Ths 1:8-9 Fearful, Heb 10:31 10

11 GREAT GULF Abraham’s bosom TormentsTorments Christian comforted from the effects of sin, 2 Ths 2:16-17 Encouragement and the removal of grief Be diligent to enter rest, Heb 4:9-11 11

12 GREAT GULF Abraham’s bosom TormentsTorments R R Heaven Hell 12 Where will you spend your eternity? HADES

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