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Yakir Vizel 1,2 and Orna Grumberg 1 1.Computer Science Department, The Technion, Haifa, Israel. 2.Architecture, System Level and Validation Solutions,

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Presentation on theme: "Yakir Vizel 1,2 and Orna Grumberg 1 1.Computer Science Department, The Technion, Haifa, Israel. 2.Architecture, System Level and Validation Solutions,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Yakir Vizel 1,2 and Orna Grumberg 1 1.Computer Science Department, The Technion, Haifa, Israel. 2.Architecture, System Level and Validation Solutions, Intel Development Center, Haifa, Israel Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 1

2  Introduction  Model checking  Forward Reachability Analysis  Bounded Model Checking  Interpolation  Interpolation  Interpolation-Sequence  Interpolation-Sequence Based Model Checking  Experimental Results Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 2

3 3

4  Given a system and a specification, does the system satisfy the specification. Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 4 SystemAGq MC ?  The specification is given in temporal logic – e.g. LTL.  We deal with specifications of the form AGq.

5 …… S n S 2 S1S1 S1S1 INIT BAD ¬q Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 5

6  Does the system have a counterexample of length k? Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 6......

7 INIT I3I3 I3I3 BAD ¬q I1I1 I1I1 I2I2 I2I2 S1S1 S 1 S2S2 S 2 S3S3 S 3 7

8 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 8

9 9  Given the following BMC formula. A B I

10 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 10 A1A1 A2A2 A3A3 AkAk A k+1 I1I1 I2I2 I3I3 I k-1 IkIk  The same BMC formula partitioned in a different manner:

11  Can easily be computed. For 1 ≤ j < n  A = A 1  …  A j  B = A j+1  …  A n  I j is the interpolant for the pair (A,B) Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 11

12 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 12

13 I 1,1 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 I 1,2 I 2,2 I1I1 I1I1 13

14  A way to do reachability analysis using a SAT solver.  Uses the original BMC loop and adds an inclusion check for full verification.  Similar sets to those computed by Forward Reachability Analysis but over- approximated. Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 14

15  Use BMC to search for bugs.  Partition the checked BMC formula and extract the interpolation sequence Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 I 1,N I N-1,N I 2,N I N,N 15

16 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 INIT S1S1 S1S1 S2S2 S2S2 S3S3 S3S3 I1I1 I1I1 I2I2 I2I2 I3I3 I3I3 BAD ¬q I 1,1 I 2,2 I 1,2 I1I1 I1I1 I2I2 I2I2 I 3,3 I 2,3 I 1,3 16

17  The computation itself is different.  Uses basic interpolation.  Successive calls to BMC for the same bound.  Not incremental.  The sets computed are different. Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 17 S1S1 S1S1 I1I1 I1I1 J1J1 J1J1

18 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 18

19  Experiments were conducted on two future CPU designs from Intel (two different architectures/tocks) Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 19

20 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 200920

21 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 200921

22 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 Spec#VarsBound (Ours) Bound (M) #Int (Ours) #Int (M) #BMC (Ours) #BMC (M) Time [s] (Ours) Time [s] (M) F1F1 340616151368016809705518 F2F2 17539845409 91388 F3F3 175316151369416944731901 F4F4 34066521136 68208 F5F5 176121322254 F6F6 39723163331914 F7F7 219731633325441340 F8F8 48945115353635101 22

23  False properties is always faster.  True properties – results vary. Heavier properties favor ISB where the easier favor IB.  Some properties cannot be verified by one method but can be verified by the other and vise-versa. Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 23

24  A new SAT-based method for unbounded model checking.  BMC is used for falsification.  Simulating forward reachability analysis for verification.  Method was successfully applied to industrial sized systems. Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 200924

25 Thank You! Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, Austin, Texas 2009 25

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