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Teaching the Old NMAI New Tricks Redesigning Object Movement and Data Compilation Workflows using IMu and the Statistics module Thursday, October 16th,

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching the Old NMAI New Tricks Redesigning Object Movement and Data Compilation Workflows using IMu and the Statistics module Thursday, October 16th,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching the Old NMAI New Tricks Redesigning Object Movement and Data Compilation Workflows using IMu and the Statistics module Thursday, October 16th, 2014 “Lucy's latest trick” by Philip Bump is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0Lucy's latest trickPhilip Bump CC BY-SA 4.0

2 Two projects Using IMu to build a web application for real- time object location changes Using eperiodic scripts to capture “record quality” data in the statistics module Thursday, October 16th, 2014

3 Barcodes, barcodes, barcodes Started 15 years ago; all objects are barcoded Batch upload process Incorporated process into EMu in 2006 Began exploration of other systems Thursday, October 16th, 2014

4 Pursuing change Questions on our minds: – How to upgrade the equipment? – How to bring EMu into collections? – How to keep a real-time inventory? Pursued MVWise – only option at time Other upgrades – Create barcodes with Crystal – Update barcode printers Thursday, October 16th, 2014

5 Rethinking again… In 2013 – began to reevaluate again Questions on our minds this time: – Is there newer equipment? – Do we need to bring EMu into collections? – How can we keep it expandable? Use new IMu capabilities Thursday, October 16th, 2014

6 What did we do? KE built – KE supports Focused on main task – object movements Bonus: group functionality IPod Touch, Linea Pro, ICody + CIMoN Thursday, October 16th, 2014

7 How does it work? Log in with EMu account Object relocation or Create group Then scan barcodes For Groups, hit submit. For objects, already done. Logout Thursday, October 16th, 2014


9 Perks Fast! 19,000 moves were recorded since Sept 1 Holds scans in dead zones Lightweight and easy to use People are happy! Thursday, October 16th, 2014

10 Challenges Weaknesses – dependence on ICody Can’t upgrade – need to test and don’t have sufficient resources Uses licenses – remind users need to log out Linea Pro drains battery Thursday, October 16th, 2014

11 What next? Explore expanding the app – Enabling sharing of groups – Bringing basic intranet into collections spaces Working with KE to try to make more platform independent Thursday, October 16th, 2014

12 Statistics, statistics, statistics Have gathered from the advent of NMAI In recent years – more complex Standards for record and image quality Thursday, October 16th, 2014

13 Record and image quality Rate records and images as standard, above standard, etc. – What fields constitute a good record? – What image resolutions constitute a good image? – What metadata should be entered? Imagine for a moment what this looks like… Thursday, October 16th, 2014

14 How has this been done? Over 800,000+ items in EMu – this is really hard On front end – takes weeks Dump in Access – takes days I want better… Thursday, October 16th, 2014

15 Statistics in EMu Started to explore using eperiodic scripts and statistics module Benefits: – Track numbers that change over time – Great for complicated queries – Runs at night and more often Thursday, October 16th, 2014 “Sleeping Cat” by Ella Mullins is licensed under CC BY 4.0Sleeping CatElla Mullins CC BY 4.0

16 What did we do? I provide queries - KE built SQL & Perl scripts Just finished implementing first 6 queries. – Total “Below Standard” object records & number of items represented by those records – Total “Standard” object records & items represented – Total “Above Standard” object records & items represented Thursday, October 16th, 2014


18 Challenges Getting numbers to line up – Leave yourself time – Check the numbers No in-house Perl expertise, so had to wait for KE Not necessarily less time than Access, but can do in off hours Thursday, October 16th, 2014

19 What next? Probably more scripts – estimate that there are ~30 more scripts that could be built Find in-house Perl expertise to help? Determine how to track changes to standards Thursday, October 16th, 2014

20 Don’t be shy… Michael and I will be on tour at NMAI – CRC Will do brief demo Barcode questions to Michael Statistics questions to me Or find us at lunch or the reception Thursday, October 16th, 2014 “Shy” by Ängela Antunes is licensed under CC BY 4.0.ShyÄngela AntunesCC BY 4.0

21 Questions? Kara Lewis, Collections Information Program Manager, Smithsonian NMAI Michael Skadowski, IT Specialist, Smithsonian NMAI Thursday, October 16th, 2014 For a limited time only!

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