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Lab 3 Data Sources: Locating, Importing, Manipulating URBPL 5/6010: Urban Research University of Utah Pam Perlich Revised 9/10/2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab 3 Data Sources: Locating, Importing, Manipulating URBPL 5/6010: Urban Research University of Utah Pam Perlich Revised 9/10/2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab 3 Data Sources: Locating, Importing, Manipulating URBPL 5/6010: Urban Research University of Utah Pam Perlich Revised 9/10/2006

2 Objectives Pasting from other programs Importing from other programs Text HTML Picture Database Federal statistical agency web sites

3 Files for Lab 3 CopyData.doc CopyData.txt TextColumns.xls Database.mdb

4 Link Data to Other Programs CopyData.doc Open the word file Select the text to be copied Open Excel – Explore different paste options Paste Paste special Text MS word object MS word object paste link Change text in original document and it will update in the spreadsheet as well. Picture Go to a website and copy a graphic Paste this into Excel

5 Importing Delimited Text Data CopyData.txt Open CopyData.txt in a text editor and examine contents Data => Import (as delimited) Files can be comma, quote, comma and quote, or tab delimited Delimiters interpret and format the data

6 Importing Fixed Width Data Select People & Households  Historical Census Data  Item 17: Urban and Rural Populations: 1900 to 1990 Save this file to your computer (urpop0090.txt) Examine the file in a text editor Import it to Excel Note: the title lines are not important. Just import the data to create a clean data set. It is a fixed width file.

7 Changing Text to Columns TextColumns.xls Open the file Select the cell that contain data Data =>Text to columns Fixed width Specify dividing columns Finish

8 Import Database Files Database.mdb Open Excel Data => Import External Data => Import Data Point to the database file Examine the “properties” choices Import to a new worksheet Explore the record based nature of a database file

9 Web Files Import from a web page Data => import external data => new web query Navigate to Select any page of data and import Alternative methods Try to copy a data table from the web site and paste into Excel Save data as HTML file then import it to Excel Many organizations are building much better data downloading functionality into their websites.

10 File Export Explore the file  save as options Try a few of these to test the results.

11 Federal Statistical Agencies Bureau of the Census Bureau of Labor Statistics Bureau of Economic Analysis

12 American Factfinder American Factfinder Click on “About the Data” and review the contents Types of tables – Quick tables, geographic comparison tables, etc. Data sets – Decennial census, ACS, etc. Select each top level menu and examine contents – Population finder, fact sheet, etc.

13 Select Decennial Census

14 List all tables

15 AFF Features – Project 2 Data sets  Decennial Census  Census 2000  SF1  List all tables Study the types – Quick tables, geographic comparison table, detailed tables (population and household) Select P37: Group Quarters Population by Group Quarters Type  Next 

16 Select Geo within Geo

17 Select “All Places” Then “Add” Then “Show Result”



20 AFF: Custom Tables & Geo within Geo Select data sets to return to data menu Select SF1  Custom Tables Select “Geo within Geo” Show me all the “Places” within a “County”  Select geography of your choice Select P1 – Population; P37 – Population in Group Quarters; P16 – Population in Households Select which data elements you need  Show results. Explore the filtering option Get you data into Excel and format it


22 AFF: Explore Other Available Data Sets and Functions Click “FAQ” Click “How to Use it” Spend some time reviewing this If students have specific research issues, have the lab assemble the data.

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