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HOW TO IMPORT AND EXPORT DATA. Why do I need to use Export/Import? Here are some examples: If you have a laptop that you take home (or have a home version.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO IMPORT AND EXPORT DATA. Why do I need to use Export/Import? Here are some examples: If you have a laptop that you take home (or have a home version."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why do I need to use Export/Import? Here are some examples: If you have a laptop that you take home (or have a home version of H.E.L.P.) to update Goals and Objectives at progress report time OR work on Annual Reviews/IEP’s away from school you will need to export data so it can be imported at school You will need to export the update files from the laptop (or home version) and Import them back into the school’s network version of H.E.L.P. so that the H.E.L.P. network version contains the most up to date information about your students.

3 When moving DATA between two H.E.L.P. programs (such as a standalone version on a laptop and a network version on a desktop computer at school) you must use IMPORT AND EXPORT

4 If this data is moved, will there be data duplication? The answer is NO

5 How do I Export H.E.L.P. data? Follow these steps to Export Files from your laptop (or home version) of H.E.L.P.

6 Do NOT try to export to a floppy disk. H.E.L.P. files are larger than the capacity of a floppy disk. You must use a larger data source to move the data

7 What are the larger data source options? 1.Use a USB key in a USB port (sometimes called a Flash drive, thumb drive, jump drive or Cruzer drive). 2. Export the data to a “go between file” and burn the exported data onto a CD

8 How to use a USB key USB keys usually are easily recognized by Windows 2000 or above. (Some Windows 98 users have reported difficulty when attempting to use a USB key) Insert the USB key into one of the USB ports available on your computer

9 Your computer will assign the USB device a drive letter. In this case it has name it Removable Disk (E:) At this window select: Take no Action or Cancel Remember the Drive Letter name that was assigned by the computer.

10 Or you could go to MY COMPUTER Look for the drive letter for the Removable Disk

11 If you do not have a USB drive You must make an export folder or “Go Between” folder to function as a source to receive the exported data

12 How can I make an export folder? You must create a file folder on your hard drive that can function as a source for your exported data. Here is HOW to do it…

13 Click on “My Computer” Go to START, PROGRAMS, Click on the “My Computer” icon on your desktop Just follow these instructions… OR

14 Click on the C: icon (this is your hard drive) NEXT…

15 Right Click in the blank space to the side or bottom of the folders

16 In the pop-up window click on NEW and in the extension click on FOLDER A pop-up window will appear:

17 The label, “New Folder” will be highlighted. While it is highlighted key in the name of the folder: i.e. temp or spec ed After keying in the name of the new folder, click in a blank area in this window to “set” (take off the highlight) the name of the folder that was just keyed in. The New Folder will appear in the window.

18 How to Export Data Open the H.E.L.P. program. From the Main Menu click on SYSTEM MAINTENANCE In the next menu the choices are: System Maintenance, State Mandated Tables, and Customized Tables—click on SYSTEM MAINTENANCE

19 You will see System Maintenance Menu 2 Click on: EXPORT DATA

20 In the next window the export options are listed: Click on: Individual Client Selection Then click OK Do NOT click on the browse button here

21 At the next menu Use the drop down arrow and select a student from the database Next: Use the Browse button to find the location of the folder to which you will make your export A window will open

22 A H.E.L.P. Browser will appear Click on the down arrow to the right of the Look in: field A directory of locations on your computer will appear.

23 Find the location you have chosen to receive the exported data You will see a list of drives available on your computer. If you are going to use a USB drive look for the drive letter your computer assigned. In this case it is Removable Disk (E:) Click on the drive letter.

24 If you have prepared a “Go Between” folder to receive the data Click on the (C:) drive It will appear in the Look in: box above

25 To find the “Go Between” folder Find the folder you created (in this case the TEMP folder) Click on it and it will appear in the Look in: field

26 You must give the exported file a file name… The Temp folder will appear in the Look in: field No matter if you are using a TEMP folder or a USB Removable Disk such as (E:\) you must give the file you are about to export a file name. Key the File name into this field. Do not use commas, slashes dashes, or apostrophes in naming the file.

27 Key in the name of the student or export name, ie. 4 April 08 In the field “File name” key in the name of the student that you will export. (The default is “Transfer” but You need to change this to the name of the student.) DO NOT USE periods, commas, slashes or dashes Click OPEN

28 In the field “Path/Name of Data Base to Export to:” you will see the letter of the drive, the name of the folder and the name of the student Next: Click the Export button

29 When the export is finished.. You will see a message “The export is complete” You can select another student and export him/her to another file name or export him/her to the same folder AND use the same file name. If using the same file name you will get a message that says the file exits. Click OK This is a good option if you have worked on several students and need to import them into the Network version or standalone version.

30 What If I exported data to a folder I created, How do I get the data on a CD?

31 To Burn a CD Your computer must have the capability to write data to a CD (burn a CD) Open you CD writing program (programs vary with each machine)

32 Go to Start, Programs and select your CD Recording Program

33 NEXT Select “Create a Data Disk”

34 Select Data Disk

35 Place new CD in the CD drive Click Add Data A browser will open, use the directory in Look in: to find exported data and also find the file name Click Add Click burn CD

36 Next… You will need to import the data you exported (either to USB or CD) into the school network

37 IMPORTING FILES INTO SCHOOL NETWORK H.E.L.P. Before you Import the updated files from the laptop or home computer into the school network H.E.L.P. you MUST delete the “old” records that are in the network H.E.L.P. Remember: H.E.L.P. will not duplicate records. If you do not delete the “old records” it will appear that the import did not work.

38 You have 2 options: #1. Use Delete in Client Intake: IF you are the ONLY teacher who writes and updates the student’s IEP. For example: no other teachers or related service personnel (such as Speech Pathologist, OT, PT, social worker, teacher of the hearing impaired, etc.) update or complete portions of the IEP, you can delete the student and all the forms using Delete in Client Intake. Note: When you import the students from your data source you will bring in the student and all his updated forms into the network. DO NOT USE THIS OPTION IF other personnel also edit and create forms for this student, you will delete their forms and work

39 Option 2… #2 Delete individual forms: Use this option if other personnel edit and create forms for this student. Use this option also if you only update one form such as Goals and Objectives. Note: At progress report time you usually only change information on the Goals and Objectives forms. You do not need to delete the student and all of his/her forms since they have not changed

40 Deleting from Client Intake 1.Use the Search Icon (binoculars) 2.When the drop down opens, select the student to be deleted by clicking on the name 3.Select the trash can (delete) icon. A pop-up window will appear Delete icon

41 Deleting from Client Intake In the pop-up window you are given a choice. Before deleting the student do you wish to Save the student first? If you wish to Save the student click Save. When you click Delete you will see a meter at the bottom of this window indicating that each of the forms for this student are being deleted. After delete is finished the word “Deleted” will appear in all fields

42 Deleting from Client Intake If needed click on the Search icon (binoculars), to search for another student to be deleted When finished, click the closing door icon to leave Client Intake and return to the main menu.

43 How to Delete in Forms Menu 1.In the FORMS MENU click on the name of the form to be deleted, such as Goals and Objectives 2.Deleting a form within the FORMS MENU will delete only that form Remember: Deleting a student within CLIENT INTAKE will delete the student and ALL the forms for that student.

44 How to Delete in Forms Menu 3.Find the record that you want to delete using the SEARCH ICON (binoculars) to locate the student by name 4.Verify the record you want to delete is on the screen 5.Click on the DELETE ICON (Trash Can) 6.A message will appear giving you one more change to verify the delete. Click OK to delete, click cancel to undo the delete. 7.Following the delete you will not longer see the record on the screen, H.E.L.P. takes you to the next record.

45 Choose the Search (binoculars) to locate the student’s record you wish to delete by selecting the student’s name You will see a list of students Select the student by clicking on the student’s name. Please note that a student can be listed more than once. To help you to locate the correct record you wish to delete please look at the Name, Date, Goal number and Implementer fields noted in the browse

46 Verify the record by looking at it on the screen If it is the correct record click the delete icon (Trash Can) A message asking you to verify you wish to delete the record will appear. Click OK if you are certain this is the record you with to delete.

47 After you have deleted “old records” in the Network H.E.L.P. you need to import the updated records from your laptop.

48 Connect USB device or place CD in school computer that is connected to your school network H.E.L.P.

49 How to IMPORT Data Open the H.E.L.P. program. From the Main Menu click on SYSTEM MAINTENANCE In the next menu the choices are: System Maintenance, State Mandated Tables, and Customized Tables—click on SYSTEM MAINTENANCE

50 You will see System Maintenance Menu 2 Click on: IMPORT DATA

51 Import Students 1. Select the type of data you will import by clicking a bullet in the circle in front of the data Select: Client Information and Client Forms 2.Use the Browse button to the right of the Path/Name of Data Base

52 Import Data A H.E.L.P. Browser will appear Use the drop down arrow in the “Look in” field to find the location of the data from which you wish to import ie. (C:\) or Removable Disk (E:\) Highlight the location of the data on the area selected and click OPEN At the next window find the file to import, highlight it and click OPEN

53 In this window find the folder you created Double click on the folder you created

54 Import Data The correct path from which to import the data will appear in the Path/Name of Data Base to Import line Then click OK When finished you will receive a message that the import is complete The new data you imported should not be part of the school network H.E.L.P.

55 Check to see if data was Imported Go to Client Intake Student(s) who were imported from your data source can be found under the Search Icon (binoculars) If only importing changed forms, go to the form(s) that were changed in the Forms Menu and open the form. Use the Search Icon (binoculars) to locate the student’s form by clicking on the student’s name

56 Facts about Import/Export You have created a copy of this student’s record The student data still remains in the location from which it was imported Export does not delete the student it just copies the data

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