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Working with Survey Data in ArcGIS CVEN 2012 – Geomatics University of Colorado – Boulder April 2006 Alyssa McCluskey.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with Survey Data in ArcGIS CVEN 2012 – Geomatics University of Colorado – Boulder April 2006 Alyssa McCluskey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with Survey Data in ArcGIS CVEN 2012 – Geomatics University of Colorado – Boulder April 2006 Alyssa McCluskey

2 Topics Covered Benefits of integrating survey data and GIS data Workflow for integrating survey and GIS data Tools for loading survey data into a geodatabase. Managing survey data in ArcCatalog™ Computing and adjusting survey data in ArcMap™ Editing geodatabase features.

3 Background Assume you have used a TPS instrument to perform a survey You have downloaded the data from the instrument to your computer You now want the ability to use the data in your GIS

4 ArcCatalog – Survey Analyst Extension


6 Creating a Survey Dataset






12 Making a Feature Survey Aware Survey-aware features can be linked to survey points without directly changing their position. This means you "track" the locations of survey-aware features as they are edited through the standard methods. They are linked to the survey points, so you can ultimately update their geometry to the survey point locations. Non-survey-aware features can also be edited by digitizing so they snap to survey points; however, these features are not "aware" of the underlying survey points to which they are snapped.

13 Creating Survey Project




17 Import Raw Data into Survey Project Survey data is data you obtained from the field with a TPS

18 Import Survey Data This is your raw data from the field

19 Import Survey Data You should know this from your survey

20 Import Survey Data You should know this from your survey

21 Import Survey Data

22 Preview Survey Data Points are survey points Lines represent measurements

23 Editor and Survey Editor


25 Bring Survey Project into ArcMap



28 Symbology


30 Create Sub-layer Want to separate points with known and unknown coordinates

31 Create Sub-layer



34 Points with Unknown Coordinates





39 Points with Known Coordinates

40 Control Points Provisional Point Compute Traverse

41 Start Editing

42 Set Snapping


44 Set Snapping Tolerance


46 TPS Traverse Tool

47 TPS Traverse Tool - General

48 TPS Traverse Tool - Setup Contains the instrument setup name. (The Fixed field is checked if this is the traverse start point.) Shows other properties for that setup point Shows the start point’s instrument location Info about the TPS instrument

49 Series of Measurements

50 TPS Traverse Tool - Setup

51 Click on each of your measurements

52 TPS Traverse Tool - Setup

53 TPS Traverse Tool - Measurement Information recorded by the survey instrument during the survey. You imported this information In this tab you can choose the traverse setup points to review the measurements that were made from them, and set or review measurement orientation information.

54 TPS Traverse Tool - Measurement Different traverse computation methods The Compass rule, also known as the Bowditch rule, distributes the closure error in the Northings and Eastings in proportion to the distance along all the courses, from the first point to each of the unadjusted coordinate locations. The Transit rule assumes distances have no measurement error and distributes the error only through the directions and angles. The Crandall method distributes the error in the distances only, assuming directions and angles have no measurement error.

55 TPS Traverse Tool - Compute

56 Now we have computed points, but still need buildings

57 TPS Traverse Tool – Compute Again

58 TPS Traverse Tool - Compute Now we have computed the buildings too. Notice that the buildings and point don’t exactly match. Establish a link between survey and building pts, move building and snap it to surveyed corner.

59 Fixing features to survey points

60 Use LINK tool Click on survey point, then feature corner

61 Fixing features to survey points Red Diamonds indicate Linkage to survey points

62 Fixing features to survey points Depends on the number of links you establish

63 Fixing features to survey points

64 Digitizing with Survey Data when you digitize the new GIS feature it will be linked to the survey points

65 Digitizing with Survey Data Click on survey points

66 Digitizing with Survey Data

67 Completing Lab 3 Skip the video Adjust the corners of the 2 remaining middle buildings, create a map of the area with 2 additional data views of the corrected buildings Email or print certificate of course completion


69 Saving/Printing Certificate

70 Save as pdf and email to me or print and turn in.

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