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Business Banking ACH Import Webcast April DeLac Intuit Financial Services University Published December 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Banking ACH Import Webcast April DeLac Intuit Financial Services University Published December 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Banking ACH Import Webcast April DeLac Intuit Financial Services University Published December 2011

2 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 2 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Objectives Main Objective: Support businesses using the ACH Import feature in Business Banking. By the end of this training, you will be able to: Describe the purpose and basics of import to a customer Walk a customer through creating an import map Explain the steps to import a file Assist a customer with questions on the approval process of the imported data Note: Knowledge of the ACH module in Business Banking is a prerequisite for this training.

3 ACH Import Overview

4 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 4 Business Banking ACH Import webcast What is Import ACH Data? What is it? Import ACH Data allows Business Banking users to save time adding and managing ACH participants. The business can import a file of participants versus manually entering participant data. Who are the best prospects for this import feature? Creating the map will take some time, so businesses with a large number of participants are likely to be the ones that use import. Also, a business whose accounting software does not create the Standard ACH file is able to use the Import function by importing text files in either a Delimited or Fixed Length format. What are the basic steps? The business creates a batch template. The business creates a map for the data that will be imported. The business imports a file. This action adds participants to the Business Banking ACH participant table and associates participants with the selected batch template. The business uses new batch template and associated participants to initiate ACH files.

5 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 5 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Overview – Import ACH Data The Import ACH Data feature supports three file formats: Standard NACHA file Text file in delimited format Text file in fixed column length format In order to access this screen, the user must have the Import ACH Data option selected by the Company Administrator in their User Maintenance profile.

6 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 6 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Overview – Import ACH Data Delimited and Fixed Length file formats require the user to create Import Maps. Creating a map allows the user to define the file layout so the Import process can identify: 1.the structure of the file being imported and 2.the location of data in the imported file in order to populate the participant table correctly within Business Banking. Note: the Standard ACH map type is pre-defined based on NACHA file format and does not require the user develop the map layout.

7 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 7 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Overview – Create Map Screen Upon clicking the Create New Delimited Map link or the Create New Fixed Map link, the screen below appears. The business user completes the Map Information section at the top (a delimited map shows here--fields differ for a fixed map). Then the user enters the fields to add, match, and/or update in the bottom half of the screen.

8 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 8 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Overview – Map Type The delimited and fixed maps allow the user to define how they would like the data applied, using the map types you see in the dropdown. What’s a map? A map tells Business Banking, from the information in the imported file, where to put it in the Participant table. For example, the person’s name needs to end up in the name field, not the amount field! So if the file has the Participant Name in the first field, you would enter “1” in the Position field here on the map.

9 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 9 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Overview – Map Type adds participant records to the participant table and assign these new records to an existing batch template (selected upon import). Add Only updates participant records that already exist in the participant table (rather than a specific batch template) with fields from the imported file based on matching criteria. Update Only The Add process adds participant records and assigns the new participants to the selected batch template. The Update process employs a user-selected matching criterion/criteria to locate participant records that exist in the selected batch template. The records are updated according to the update fields defined on the map and matched to the file imported. Add and Update – a combination of the Add Only and Update Only map types The Delete process uses matching criteria for the selected batch template. If the batch template contains participant records that are not in the imported file, those participants are disassociated, from the batch template. They are NOT deleted from the participant table. The Update process uses matching criteria to locate participant records that exist in the participant table and to be updated in the selected batch template with the update fields from the imported file. Delete and Update – updates existing participants and removes participants from a selected batch. This Map is a combination of ‘Add Only’ and ‘Delete and Update’. Add, Update, and Delete

10 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 10 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Overview – Fields The new maps use the following fields for importing Participant records: Field Data/Name Field Requirements Transaction Code(Numeric - 2 digits) FI Routing Number(Numeric - check digit calculation) Account Number(Alphanumeric - 17 maximum) Amount(Numeric - 10 maximum, no punctuation) Participant ID(Alphanumeric - 15 maximum) Participant Name(Alphanumeric - 22 maximum) Addenda Data(Alphanumeric - 80 maximum)

11 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 11 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Overview – Import Actions Along the top of this table are the following options: Match - indicates what data fields in the import file are used to locate existing participant records. Update - indicates the data to update on existing participant records. Position – defines the location of each field within the file being imported. For ‘Add Only’ option, all six (6) fields are required, with the ‘Addenda Data’ record being optional. Replacement Value – This is used to add information either a) not in the file being imported or b) to change the data in that field for all participants in the import file. A replacement value cannot be used when the Update box is checked for that field.

12 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 12 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Overview – Import a New Map Once the new map is set up, it appears on the main Import ACH Data screen.

13 Create a New Delimited Map

14 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 14 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Create a New Delimited Map 1.On the Import ACH Data screen, click on the link Create New Delimited Map. 2.The Delimited ACH Map screen appears.

15 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 15 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Create a New Delimited Map Notes: Special characters are not allowed in the Map Name. Tab delimiters are not allowed in the imported delimited text file as they are not visible and more commonly prone to file format errors. 3.Select a map type from the dropdown. 4.Enter a map name. This should describe the map file in order to distinguish it from other ones. 5.Select a delimiter from the dropdown list. The delimiter identifies the break between each data field of the file being imported. Options include: Comma (,) Colon (:) Semi-Colon (;) Backslash (\) Forward Slash (/) Pipe (|)

16 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 16 Business Banking ACH Import webcast 6.If the file contains a header, select Yes for Skip First Header Record; if the file contains only data records and no header, select No. 7.Enter the total number of fields in record line. For example, if the file contains a column for Name, Routing Number, Account Number, and Amount, the number of fields is four. Note: When importing a NACHA file, it must contain header and participant information. The other two import file types—Delimited and Fixed—can contain header information, but it will not be imported and therefore will not create a Batch Template. Create a New Delimited Map

17 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 17 Business Banking ACH Import webcast 8.Select the record/line terminator from the End of Record ID dropdown. New Line (carriage return – enter key) Comma (,) Colon (:) Semi-Colon (;) Backslash (\) Forward Slash (/) Pipe (|) 9.If the file contains quotes around the fields, select Yes for Strip Quotes (“”) around Fields; select No if they do not. Notes: When creating a map or a file for import, the ‘Delimiter’ and ‘End of Record ID’ cannot be the same. Excel files will typically wrap text fields in quotes. If you are unsure whether the fields contain quotes, select Yes and the Import process will detect if the strip is needed. Create a New Delimited Map

18 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 18 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Create a New Delimited Map The Map Type selected determines the requirements for completing the Fields to Add, Match, or Update section. The requirements are laid out by map type in the following slides.

19 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 19 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Add Only Map Type: Define the top six Field Positions in the Position column (Addenda is optional). Match and Update boxes are grayed out and cannot be selected. Replacement Values are optional; they affect all participants in the imported file. Create a New Delimited Map – Add Only

20 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 20 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Add and Update Map Type: Check at least one Update box, i.e. if you are updating the Amount for each employee in a Direct Deposit file, check the Update box next to Amount. Select the field(s) to Match based on the following criteria: If matching with the Participant ID, Participant Name, or Account Number, only one Match is required; if matching with the FI Routing Number, select an additional field to Match. The selected update field cannot be the same as the field selected for matching. Define the top six Field Positions in the Position column (Addenda is optional). Replacement Values are optional; they will affect all participants in the imported file. Note: If the imported file contains participant records that do not exist in the template, then those participants are added to the participant table. Create a New Delimited Map – Add and Update

21 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 21 Business Banking ACH Import webcast If only one Match box is checked when creating an Add and Update map, a pop-up warns the user that other participants with the same info could be updated. Create a New Delimited Map – Add and Update

22 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 22 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Update Only Map Type: Check at least one Update box and define the Field Position for that field. Select the field(s) to Match and complete the Field Positions using on the following criteria: If matching with the Participant ID, Participant Name, or Account Number only one Match is required; if matching with the FI Routing Number you must select an additional field to Match. Replacement Values are optional; they will affect all participants in the imported file. Create a New Delimited Map – Update Only Note: This is the only map type where the user does not select a batch template on the Import screen.

23 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 23 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Delete and Update Map Type: Check at least one Update box and define the Field Position for that field. Select the field(s) to Match and complete the Field Positions using on the following criteria: If matching with the Participant ID, Participant Name, or Account Number only one Match is required; if matching with the FI Routing Number you must select an additional field to Match. Replacement Values are optional; they affect all participants in the imported file. Create a New Delimited Map – Delete and Update Note: Participants not in the Import file are removed from the batch template selected on the main Import screen; they are not deleted from the Business Banking ACH participant table.

24 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 24 Business Banking ACH Import webcast If only one Match box is checked when creating a Delete and Update map, a pop-up warns the user that other participants with the same info could be updated. The pop-up also tells that user that participants not in the file will be disassociated from the selected batch template. (This goes for Add, Update, and Delete maps as well). Create a New Delimited Map – Delete and Update

25 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 25 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Add, Update, and Delete Map Type: This Map Type requires that you import the file twice, once to Add only and a second time to Delete and Update. Define the six Field Positions in the Position column (Addenda is optional). Check at least one Update box and define the Field Position for that field. Select the field(s) to Match based on the following criteria: If matching with the Participant ID, Participant Name, or Account Number only one Match is required; if matching with the FI Routing Number you must select an additional field to Match. Replacement Values are optional; they will affect all participants in the imported file. Create a New Delimited Map – Add, Update, and Delete

26 Create a New Fixed Map

27 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 27 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Create a New Fixed Map 1.On the Import ACH Data screen, click on the link Create New Fixed Map. 2.The Fixed ACH Map screen appears.

28 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 28 Business Banking ACH Import webcast 3.Select a map type from the dropdown. 4.Enter a map name. This should describe the file in order to distinguish it from previous imports. 5.If the file contains a header, select Yes for Skip First Header Record; if the file contains only data records and no header, select No. 6.Enter the record/line length for each row in the fixed format file. Create a New Fixed Map Notes: Special characters are not allowed in the Map Name. Each record/line must be the same length; carriage returns must be included.

29 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 29 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Create a New Fixed Map Position - Start & Length – complete the first six (6) Position fields. Start – indicates where this field is located within the file being imported. Each field must always start in the same position for each record line. Length – indicates the length of the data for that field. The length indicates how long or how many characters the field contains. Please note that some field lengths are fixed, such as routing number, whereas some, like account number, are variable (with a maximum setting).

30 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 30 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Create a New Fixed Map Just as with delimited maps, the Map Type selected for a fixed map determines the requirements for completing the Fields to Add, Match, or Update section. The requirements are laid out by map type in the following slides.

31 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 31 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Add Only Map Type: Define the Start and Length Positions for the first six fields in the Position column (Addenda is optional). Match and Update boxes are grayed out and cannot be selected. Replacement Values are optional; they will affect all participants in the imported file. Create a New Fixed Map – Add Only

32 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 32 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Add and Update Map Type: Define the Start and Length Positions for the first 6 Field Positions in the Position column (Addenda is optional). Check at least one Update box, i.e. if you are updating the Amount for each employee in a Direct Deposit file, check the Update box next to Amount. Select the field(s) to Match based on the following criteria: If matching with the Participant ID, Participant Name, or Account Number, only one Match is required; if matching with the FI Routing Number, select an additional field to Match. The selected update field cannot be the same as the field selected for matching. Replacement Values are optional; they will affect all participants in the imported file. Create a New Fixed Map – Add and Update Note: If the imported file contains participant records that do not exist in the template, then those participants are added to the participant table.

33 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 33 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Update Only Map Type: Check at least one Update box and define the start and length Position for that field. Select the field(s) to Match and complete the Position start and length using on the following criteria: If matching with the Participant ID, Participant Name, or Account Number only one Match is required; if matching with the FI Routing Number you must select an additional field to Match. The selected update field cannot be the same as the field selected for matching. Replacement Values are optional; they will affect all participants in the imported file. Create a New Fixed Map – Update Only Note: This is the only map type where the user does not select a batch template on the Import screen.

34 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 34 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Delete and Update Map Type: Check at least one Update box and define the Position for that field. Select the field(s) to Match and complete the Position start and lengths using on the following criteria: If matching with the Participant ID, Participant Name, or Account Number only one Match is required; if matching with the FI Routing Number you must select an additional field to Match. Create a New Fixed Map – Delete and Update Note: If you enter a Replacement Value, that value will apply to all participants within the import file. Participants are deleted from the selected batch template; they are not deleted from the Business Banking ACH participant table.

35 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 35 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Add, Update, and Delete Map Type: This Map Type requires that you import the file twice, once to Add only and a second time to Delete and Update. Define the Start and Length for the first six fields in the Position column (Addenda is optional). Check at least one Update box and define the Position for that field. Select the field(s) to Match based on the following criteria: If matching with the Participant ID, Participant Name, or Account Number only one Match is required; if matching with the FI Routing Number you must select an additional field to Match. Replacement Values are optional; they will affect all participants in the imported file. Create a New Fixed Map – Add, Update, and Delete Note: If you enter a Replacement Value, that value will apply to all participants within the import file.

36 Import a File

37 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 37 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Import a Delimited or Fixed Length ACH File 1.On the Import ACH Data screen, click on the Select button for the desired map. 2.Under File Selection, click Browse and locate the delimited or fixed text file for import. Note: a delete link appears in the far right column for all map selection choices other than Standard ACH. To make edits to an existing map, click the map name.

38 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 38 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Import a Delimited or Fixed Length ACH File 3.Under Batch/Process Mode Selection, choose the map type option. 4.Select the Batch Template that the import should affect. 5.Click Import. The options in the Batch/Process Mode Selection section differ based on the map type selected above. For Add Only maps: The process mode dropdown lists only one option: Add Only. A Batch Template must be chosen.

39 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 39 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Import a Delimited or Fixed Length ACH File For Add and Update maps: The process mode dropdown lists three options: Add Only, Add and Update, Update Only. A Batch Template must be chosen except when Update Only is the process mode. For Update Only maps: The process mode dropdown lists one option: Update Only. A Batch Template is not chosen.

40 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 40 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Import a Delimited or Fixed Length ACH File For Delete and Update maps: The process mode dropdown lists two options: Update Only, Delete and Update. A Batch Template must be chosen. For Add, Update and Delete maps, you must perform the import twice: 1.Select Add Only as the process mode, select the Batch Template, and click Import. 2.Select Delete and Update as the process mode, select the Batch Template, and click Import.

41 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 41 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Import a Delimited or Fixed Length ACH File 6.After clicking Import, the preview displays only the first eight (8) records of the file to verify the file is being parsed as defined on the map screen. The screen also shows the number of all records being imported. 7.The preview screen displays the positions defined on the map screen. Example: If the user selected Participant ID and Account number as a Match and the Amount as an update, only Account number, Amount, Participant ID columns will display on the screen. Note: For any records that contain errors, the Preview screen will display detailed error messages.

42 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 42 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Import a Delimited or Fixed Length ACH File 8.Click Submit if satisfied with the preview. 9.A confirmation screen appears with a reference number. A message displays at the bottom telling the user to go to the ACH Activity screen to preview and approve the imported data. An email notification goes out to the user that performed the import plus all the ACH approvers.

43 Approve Imported Data

44 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 44 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Approve Imported Data The ACH Activity screens have been enhanced to display Pending and Completed Import ACH activity (a.k.a. jobs). ALL delimited and fixed import jobs must be approved, even if approval is not required to initiate files. Users with Import ACH Data permissions will be able to Approve/Submit their Import Jobs from the ACH Activity screen. Users with approval authority will also be able to Approve/Submit the Import Jobs from the ACH Admin/Approval Activity screen. The import feature does not affect daily or batch limits.

45 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 45 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Approve Imported Data 1.Click the Preview link. Note: The import job becomes invalid if participant maintenance occurs between import and approval of the import job.

46 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 46 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Approve Imported Data Notes: The screen notation ‘Asterisk (*) indicates the fields that will be updated. Pending Jobs are deleted after 24 hours. 2.Review the ACH Import Preview screen to see the changes that will be committed when the job is approved.

47 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 47 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Approve Imported Data Cancel: rejects the changes to the participants and selected batch templates (No Add, Update or Delete will be completed). Approve: saves the changes to the participants and selected batch templates. 3.Close the Preview window to return back to the Activity/Approval screen. 4.Check the Select box to process desired files. 5.Click Approve or Cancel.

48 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 48 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Approve Imported Data Approving an import job does not initiate the file to the financial institution. A user with initiation permissions must go to the Initiate ACH screen to initiate the file. 6.Click OK on the pop-up to confirm the Approve or Cancel decision. 7.If approved, the data in the import file is applied to the ACH participants.

49 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 49 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Approve Imported Data 8.The job is moved to the Completed section on the activity screen with the appropriate status. Statuses Approved: The pending import job was approved. Canceled: The pending import job was canceled. Failed: Participant is deleted prior to import.

50 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 50 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Recap of Objectives Main Objective: Support businesses using the ACH Import feature in Business Banking. By now, you should be able to: Describe the purpose and basics of import to a customer Walk a customer through creating an import map Explain the steps to import a file Assist a customer with questions on the approval process of the imported data

51 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 51 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Questions? Pause the webcast to jot down your question(s), then email them within 2 business days after the webcast to

52 © 2011 Intuit Financial Services. Confidential and Proprietary p 52 Business Banking ACH Import webcast Webcast Survey Hang on… we’re almost done! Please take a minute to complete the webcast survey at When you close this webcast recording, a new browser window will open with the survey. You’ll select “Business Banking” and “ACH” from the dropdowns on the survey. Your feedback is valuable to us! Please let us know: if this webcast provided valuable information to you how the trainer presented the material

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