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RefWorks RefWorks BEd Library Workshop. RefWorks  Web-based Bibliographic Management Tool  Create your own reference databases  Import references from.

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Presentation on theme: "RefWorks RefWorks BEd Library Workshop. RefWorks  Web-based Bibliographic Management Tool  Create your own reference databases  Import references from."— Presentation transcript:

1 RefWorks RefWorks BEd Library Workshop

2 RefWorks  Web-based Bibliographic Management Tool  Create your own reference databases  Import references from library catalogues & databases  Manage & organize your references in folders  Search your references  Adding your own keywords & comments  Create reference list of preferred style  Accessible by computers connected to Internet

3 Create your RefWorks account

4 Create/Access your RefWorks account  Click the Refworks link at library homepage

5 RefWorks Login Useful Help for RefWorks

6 User Login for HKIEd 1.RefWorks User Login for HKIEd 2.Choose Language 3.Sign up / Login 1 2 3

7  Sign up a new RefWorks account Fill in the information to register

8 The menu bar allows you to access all functionalities of RefWorks. Simply move your mouse pointer over the entries and further options will drop down.

9 Input Record Manually  Add references to RefWorks manually References > Add New Reference View fields used by> e.g. APA Select Ref Type > e.g. Book, Whole Book, Edited Book, Section Journal Article Enter data in fields with if any Save Reference


11 Select bibliography style


13 Select reference type

14 Enter the data and save the record

15 Author Format  Enter last name, followed by a comma, first name (or first initial followed by a period), and middle initial followed by a period.  Each author name must be separated by a semi-colon.  Example: Smith,J. R.; Jones,Robert K.; Adams,Mary

16 Click ‘Edit’ to modify the record if needed

17 Exercise  Input data for a book and save the record Shambaugh, D. (Ed.). (2000). The modern Chinese state. New York: Cambridge University Press.

18 Attachments  You can attach files associated with the bibliographic information stored in RefWorks BMP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF PDF Excel Powerpoint Equation Chemical structure Technical drawing, etc.


20 Indicate record with attachments

21 1. You can add your own comments in 15 user-defined fields. 2. To change the field labels, Tools > Customize > User Field Options

22 Import references from databases Import


24 Steps for import references from different databases

25 Import references from HKIEd Library Catalogue 1. At the Library Catalogue  Record found  Click [Export] / [Saved Marked Records]  Click [Export Saved List]  Select Full Display format  Save file

26 1. Format of List: Full Display 2. Save to Local Disk 1 2

27 2. At RefWorks:  References > Import  Import Filter > Hong Kong Institute of Education  Database > Hong Kong Institute of Education Library Catalogue  Browse for the saved file  Encoding > UTF-8 (for Chinese records)  Click [Import] Import references from HKIEd Library Catalogue

28 1 2 3 4 5

29 Exercise  Go to HKIEd Library Catalogue  Search for Author = “Hutton, Christopher”  Save and export all found records  Import the records to your RefWorks account

30 Last Imported Folder  The result imported will be placed in the last imported folder.  If you repeat importing records, this folder will only contain the results of the very last import.  All previously imported records are stored in the database, but not associated with a folder.

31 Databases support direct export of records to RefWorks:  CSA (Illuminia)  OVID  OCLC FirstSearch  Proquest  EBSCOhost  WilsonWeb  Thompson Gale via OpenURL Link  ABC-Clio  BioMedCentral  Project Muse  NISC  Congressional Quarterly  Elsevier Scopus  Google Scholar  And More……… Import References from Databases

32 Example: ERIC (EBSCOhost) Export records

33 You’ll be asked to login RefWorks if not yet

34 View import record

35 Many databases support direct exporting references to RefWorks, e.g. ProQuest

36 Many databases support direct exporting references to RefWorks, e.g. CSA

37 Exercise  Go to ERIC (EBSCOhost) Databases Library homepage > E-Databases > By Alphabet: E > ERIC (via EBSCOhost)  Search Title = inclusive education  Mark 5 records found & export to RefWorks

38 Organize References with Folders  Folders > Create New Folder  Enter Folder Name  Select record(s)  Put in Folder… > Select Folder  Each record can be put in as many folders as you like


40 Enter the Folder Name

41 Created folders are marked in red.

42 Folders 1 2

43 Exercise  Create 2 Folders (e.g. Project A, Project B)  Organize your references into these folders

44 Searching references  You can search for references in your database  Refworks provides multiple searching options Quick Search Box (top right of screen) Advanced Search Lookup by Author / Descriptor / Journal

45 1 2

46 This is a complete listing of all authors in the database. The number in brackets shows the number of references for each author.

47 Checking duplicated references  References may be duplicated through searching & importing from different databases.  RefWorks can help to check for duplicated records  Tools > View Duplicated > Exact Match  All deleted records are stored in a folder “Deleted References”  You can restore the deleted records if required

48 Check for duplicate references

49 Creating a Bibliography  Create bibliography from your references  Bibliography created in preferred style e.g. APA  References arranged and sorted automatically  Output bibliography in HTML or Word format  Create bibliography from all references or selected folder

50 1 2 3 4 5 Click Bibliography Select Output Style Select Output Format (HTML/Word) Select Folder / All Click to Create


52 Exercise  Create a bibliography for all references using the APA style

53 Other Features  Read-only password Sharing of records among partners  Import RSS Feed  RefGrab-It Import references from websites  Output Style Manager Create own bibliographic style (e.g. Chinese)  Export, Backup/Restore your database …

54 Need Help?  Check it out at the Library RefWorks webpage  Consult Information Counter at Library

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