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Importing Test Scores (including the use of Excel’s VLOOKUP function) Chris A. McManigal Camden County Schools Kingsland, GA.

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Presentation on theme: "Importing Test Scores (including the use of Excel’s VLOOKUP function) Chris A. McManigal Camden County Schools Kingsland, GA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Importing Test Scores (including the use of Excel’s VLOOKUP function) Chris A. McManigal Camden County Schools Kingsland, GA

2 GaETC App

3 Session Evaluation

4 Vendors Please make sure to visit the Vendors Room in Kenyan ½ Vendors will be here all day Tuesday

5 Overview PowerSource Documentation Test tables architecture Creating Tests and Test Scores in PS Extracting the DOE data file Using VLOOKUP to insert PS student numbers Verifying correct header setup Using Quick Import with Test Scores UH OH; I messed up!! How do I fix it?? Q & A

6 PowerSource Documentation Knowledgebase article 55950: “How It Works: Tests” Outlines creating tests, test scores, and the test table layout Knowledgebase article 6122: “Importing Test Scores” Describes the required import format and steps needed to import the scores

7 Test tables & relationships

8 Create Tests District  Tests  New

9 Create Test Scores District  Tests  Edit Scores  New

10 Prepare data file for import Download test score file from GaDOE Use extraction tool to get data in Excel Remove unnecessary columns Remove rows with null data Use VLOOKUP on SSN and GTID to insert student number into file Insert proper header names Save file as tab-delimited text

11 Import file File must contain the following fields (and should not contain any others): Student_number Test date Grade level Scores Header names are based on test score name and which score: [column name]_1 = numeric score [column name]_2 = percent score [column name]_3 = alphanumeric score No nulls!!

12 VLOOKUP Microsoft Excel function that searches for a value in the first column of a table array and returns a value in the same row from another column in the table array VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,range_lookup) lookup_value: the value to search in the first column of the table array table_array: two or more columns of data col_index_num: the column number in table_array from which the matching value must be returned range_lookup: a logical value that specifies whether you want VLOOKUP to find an exact match or an approximate match

13 Get VLOOKUP table array Need a “lookup” data table with SSN, GTID, and student_number Can use: Quick Export SQL SELECT ssn, state_studentnumber, studentnumber FROM students

14 Steps to use VLOOKUP 1.Open both test score data workbook and lookup workbook. 2.In an empty column, enter the VLOOKUP formula to match SSN to student_number. 3.Repeat step 2 using GTID to student_number. 4.Drag formulas to last cell. 5.Copy columns and Paste Special as Values into a empty columns 6.For those that do not match, either manually enter or delete from import file. 7.Insert final value column into test score data.

15 Simple VLOOKUP example

16 Import EOCT Example Notes: Multiple ways to import data based on test setup: One test with multiple test scores Upload all scores at once Get LOTS of zeros Each subtest individually Up to eight uploads No Zeros, but blanks Eight individual tests Must upload each test separately Get no blanks or zeros

17 UH OH; I messed up!! How do I fix it?? Easiest fix is preemptive: import for one student and check When mass filling dates, make sure you COPY not FILL!!! If you must delete data, the info must be removed from two tables: StudentTest StudentTestScore Always get a backup Use DDA to select and delete the invalid records Importing again without deleting records will cause duplicate scores Reimport the data

18 Q & A

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