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1 Welcome to On-site Training. 2 Technology Readiness for Schools and Districts.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Welcome to On-site Training. 2 Technology Readiness for Schools and Districts."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Welcome to On-site Training

2 2 Technology Readiness for Schools and Districts

3 Technology Readiness for Schools and Districts 3 By the end of this part of the presentation, you will have a general understanding of: PARCC’s minimum and recommended hardware and bandwidth requirements School Readiness planning Technology Set-up Infrastructure Trial

4 Agenda 4 Technology Guidelines School Planning Technology Set-up Configure the Network Proctor Caching SystemCheck Tool TestNav and Proctor Caching Configurations Practice Tests and Sample Items Infrastructure Trial Resources

5 Technology Guidelines 5 Updates and additional technology resources are available at:

6 School Planning 6 Technical Training Modules Technology User Guides Accessibility Features and Accommodations

7 Technology Setup 7 Configure the Network Proctor Caching SystemCheck Tool TestNav and Proctor Caching Configurations Practice Tests and Sample Items

8 Resources – Technology Setup 8

9 Infrastructure Trial 9 Opportunity to simulate test‐day network environment. Performed in the PearsonAccess next Training Site Schools are strongly encourage to take advantage of the PARCC Training Center to evaluate their infrastructure before the live assessment Take corrective action on any issues discovered during the trial. Review the PARCC Infrastructure Readiness Guide and the Infrastructure Trials: Running a Dress Rehearsal training module to prepare for this activity.

10 10 PearsonAccess next

11 11 Purpose: To guide users through the steps to create and manage staff accounts and import student registration into PearsonAccess next. By the end of this training, users will better understand: How to create and manage staff accounts. How to manually add student registration information in PearsonAccess next. How to work with Online Sessions How to submit an Additional Order

12 12 PearsonAccess next

13 13 PearsonAccess next - Login

14 14 PearsonAccess next – Home Page

15 15 PearsonAccess next – Home Page

16 16 PearsonAccess next - Home

17 Organization Participation 17 Verify that your school is participating in PBA and EOY administrations in PearsonAccess next : 1.Click the “Setup” Button and select “Organizations” 2.Under “Find Organizations” type in the name of your organization and click the “Search” button. 3.From the Results check the name of your organization. 4.From the “Select Tasks” dropdown menu check "Manage Participation" and click the “Start” button. 5.Verify that the “Participating” box is checked. 6.Verify this checked in both PBA and EOY administrations.

18 Checking Participation Status 18

19 User Roles - PearsonAccess users must be assigned roles. Permissions - Each User Role contains a set of permissions that determine which tasks that specific User Role can perform in PearsonAccess. Permissions are bundled into User Roles. Conferrability defines the list of roles that a one user can grant (confer) to another user account during user account management. User Accounts 19

20 Base Roles have been created with abilities that generally align to the organization level and title of the user. A user account needs at least one base role to be functional. Base Roles: State Role – Assigned to state-level user accounts. LEA/District Test Coordinator Role – Assigned to LEA/District Test Coordinator user accounts. Non-School Institution Test Coordinator Role – Assigned to Non-School Institution Test Coordinator user accounts (Same abilities as LEA/District Test Coordinator). School Institution Test Coordinator Role – Assigned to School Test Coordinator user accounts. Test Administrator Role – Assigned to users who will administer computer-based tests. Technology Coordinator Role – Assigned to users who will support technology for computer- based tests. User Accounts - Base Roles 20

21 Add-on Roles have been created to enable states to continue with their current policies and abide by state-specific laws. Each state has the option to create user accounts with Add-on Role assignments. Add-on Roles Organization Role –Assigned to users who will create and modify organizations within PearsonAccess next. Enrollment Role – Assigned to users who will set an organization as participating in a test administration and enter enrollment counts. Request Additional Order Role – Assigned to users who will place an additional order. Approve Additional Order Role – Assigned to users who will approve an additional order. Delete Student Role – Assigned to users who will be able to delete students from PearsonAccess next. Sensitive Data Role – Assigned to users who will be able to view and edit Student Sensitive Data. User Accounts – Add-on Roles 21

22 Conferrability in PearsonAccess next 22

23 User’s role will determine the functionality the user can access. User Role Matrix can be found on the Support page of PearsonAccess next. User Role Matrix 23

24 Authorized LEA and school personnel will be able to create individual staff user accounts within PearsonAccess next manually or by importing a file. 24 User Interface for Creating User Accounts

25 Create / Edit Users: Allows authorized personnel to view and update existing accounts, as well as create new accounts manually. Editing User Accounts 25

26 A user’s role and organization will determine the functionality they can access. Manually Creating a New User Account 26

27 User accounts may also be created or maintained by importing a User File; this is especially helpful when working with accounts in bulk quantities. Creating New User Accounts Through a File Import 27

28 Resources: Creating New User Accounts – Templates 28

29 Identifies when a user account becomes active. Format as: MM/DD/CCYY MM is the 2-digit month DD is the 2-digit day CC is the century YY is the 2-digit year For example, if a start date is March 30, 2011, it should be entered as 03/30/2011. User File – Field Definitions 29 Contains the Username. Must be unique. If the username entered to create a new account is already taken, an error message will be received upon your import. It is suggested to use your email address. Contains the organization codes associated with the user. Multiple values in this field should represent ALL organizations associated with the user and separated by a colon. Contains the role associated to a user. Multiple values in this field should represent ALL roles associated with the user and must be separated by a colon. Identifies when a user account becomes inactive. Format as: MM/DD/CCYY MM is the 2-digit month DD is the 2-digit day CC is the century YY is the 2-digit year For example, if a start date is March 30, 2011, it should be entered as 03/30/2011. Identifies whether the user’s account is disabled. YES = Account should be disabled. NO = Account is not disabled. This text field is required if the Disabled field is set to YES. Valid values are: C (create) U (update)

30 Import a User File for processing at Setup > Import/Export Data > select Import/Export Data from the Task box > click Start Importing a User File 30

31 PARCC Customer Support agents can: – Reset passwords – Unlock accounts for LEA Test Coordinator accounts Agents cannot: – Create accounts – Lock/unlock accounts other than LEA Test Coordinator accounts – Update email addresses – Delete/undelete accounts Customer Support for User Accounts 31

32 Student Registration refers to student demographic data and other test-specific information about individual students. Student Registration 32

33 Importing a Student Registration File for processing parallels the User File process. Administrative features used to import files are found under Setup > Import/Export Data. Student Registration – Import Process 33

34 Registering a Student in PearsonAccess next 34 How to manually add a new student in PearsonAccess next :

35 Student page Functionality: Registering a Student in PearsonAccess 35

36 Registering a Student in PearsonAccess 36

37 Registering a Student in PearsonAccess 37

38 Registering a Student in PearsonAccess 38

39 Registering a Student in PearsonAccess 39

40 Registering a Student in PearsonAccess 40

41 Registering a Student in PearsonAccess 41

42 Registering a Student in PearsonAccess 42

43 Registering a Student in PearsonAccess 43

44 Online Testing Management 44

45 Online Testing Management 45

46 Online Testing Management 46

47 Online Testing Management 47

48 Online Testing Management 48

49 Online Testing Management 49

50 Additional Orders 50 The Additional Orders Process requires Add-on Roles to be assigned to the PearsonAccess next User Account(s). Request Additional Order Role - Allows a user to request additional orders in the system. Approve Additional Order Role - Allows a user to approve additional orders in the system.

51 Requesting an Additional Order 51 Select the appropriate Administration at the top of the screen and organization if needed.

52 Requesting an Additional Order 52 Under the Setup, select Orders and Shipment Tracking.

53 Requesting an Additional Order 53 Under the Select Tasks dropdown menu check Create/Edit Orders and click the Start button.

54 Requesting an Additional Order 54 Fill out the Details and Ship To sections.

55 Requesting an Additional Order 55 Next click the Edit button that is located on the lower part of this screen.

56 Requesting an Additional Order 56 Fill out the Materials Order screen. When complete click the X button in the upper right hand corner.

57 Requesting an Additional Order 57 Click the Create button once you have reviewed that all your requested items are listed.

58 Requesting an Additional Order 58 The Additional Order will now be listed as “submitted” on the Orders & Shipment Tracking screen.

59 Late Student Registrations 59 1.Import a Student Registration Import File for students not yet registered*. 2.Submit an order for additional test materials* in PearsonAccess next for each participating school. Note: avoid unwanted material and do not submit an additional order if you are expecting to receive an initial order. If you missed the deadlines for the initial order, follow these steps: Fall Block: Oct 3 rd, 2014 Spring PBA: Nov 21 st, 2014 Spring EOY: January 23 rd, 2014

60 Resources 60 Access multiple resources at:

61 Resources – PARCC Technology Website 61

62 Resources – Technology Guidelines document 62 Technology Guidelines for PARCC Assessments

63 Resources – Support Page 63

64 Resources – Training Center 64 From the PARCC site, select Training Center. Select Sign In. Enter your User ID and password, and then click Sign In to go to the Training Center. NOTE: A separate User ID and password is required to access the Training Center; contact your LEA Test Coordinator if you have not received a login.

65 Contact PARCC Support for assistance with: Support: PARCC Support  Accessing resources  Setting up proctor caching  Submitting additional orders  Inquiring about shipments  Navigating PearsonAccess next  Navigating the Training Center  Managing Student Registration Data  Setting up test units  Managing user IDs and passwords Online Support and Resources: Call Toll Free: 1-888-493-9888 (5:00 am – 7:00 pm CT, Mon. –Fri.) Email: 65

66 Support: State or LEA Support  Testing schedule  Testing accommodations  Unusual circumstances on test days  Violations of test security  School emergencies that affect testing  Questions about general testing policies  Questions about state communications Contact your State or District Test Coordinator for assistance with: 66

67 67 Thank you

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