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Troubleshooting Dynamics GP and Movers Suite Tracking the path of documents.

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Presentation on theme: "Troubleshooting Dynamics GP and Movers Suite Tracking the path of documents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Troubleshooting Dynamics GP and Movers Suite Tracking the path of documents

2 Generate transaction in Movers Suite

3 Reports>Revenue Transaction Errors

4 Movers Suite SQL tables We store transactions in our billing tables before they are generated in Movers Suite We have another table to hold transactions after they are generated and before they are imported A Movers Suite table exists in Dynamics GP company database after importing (Scripts to find transactions if interrupted on import)

5 Run MSS Import from Sales or Purchasing

6 MSS Import common errors Be sure to look at the report and expand it to show the number in ‘Records Rejected’

7 Error shows on the far right of the report

8 Account is not active/Account not found errors Create/Make the account active on the Financial pane under Cards

9 Vendor Inactive/Not a 1099 vendor button and change 1099 Tax Type dropdown

10 AFS document number already exists This is an error that EWS will need to fix for you when it is on the MSS Import There are also warnings like ‘Apply-to document missing’ that are timing issues and will import

11 New custom code changes GP2013 Movers Suite custom code does not allow an imported Movers Suite batch to be deleted

12 Reviewing batch transactions Save-Saves the window (even if no changes made) Delete-Will delete the transaction completely Cancel-Will not save any changes and return to the window

13 Post the batches in Dynamics GP RM-, PM- and GL- batches

14 Inquiry screens Work Open History *Voided items have an asterisk

15 Expansion buttons View MSS fields Branch Order Number Shipper Item Code

16 Document number

17 MSSDOC# If the order number including the slash and sequential number at the end exceed 17 characters then a MSSDOC number is used instead U9900-24015-4/999 Example of largest document size before MSSDOC number is used

18 Accounting Tools>Dynamics GP Order Inquiry Be careful of items applied to this order from a different order number (manually done)

19 Reports Order Billing Inquiry

20 Collections reports showing 0 balance orders Orders may show a zero balance in A/R credit and collection or on A/R trial balance reports. Those items need to be APPLIED Use the MSS Auto Apply or Apply Sales Documents (manually) Note that A/R items do not automatically move to history

21 Commissionable vendors Steps to take if the Dynamics GP check does not match the Movers Suite commission statement Do not finalize the commission statement until the check has been built and matches the comm stmt total Commission statements cannot be un-finalized

22 Confirm cut-off dates used

23 Allow the batch time to build

24 Process Monitor

25 Batch total and The Batch Total will change if over zero balance changes to

26 Re-Query the commission statement This builds a new commission statement just like deleting and creating a new one

27 Vendor Class ID Confirm the vendor is in the class ID if using that as a restriction

28 Items on hold? Will not build in Select Checks Will not show on the Commission Statement On hold items do show on the A/P trial balance

29 Look for future transactions Run the A/P trial balance and Msuite commission statements to 12/31/9999 to look for data entry errors Future applied credit memos will be found using 9999 date also

30 Checkbook branches Invoices will only be built if under the checkbook’s branches

31 Are there payment terms on the vendor? On the vendor card under the button Payment terms could move the invoice out past the cut-off date

32 Apply problems? Items may have apply issues; Are there documents in history that do not have apply records? Documents showing fully applied but still in Open status? Disconnections, slow server processing, low disk space, data corruption, special characters

33 Use the Inquiry screens As when checking on imported items, view the Inquiry screens to see if invoices are Work, Open or History. *Voided items have an asterisk Drill back on the document to view the apply records Expand to see the branch, order number etc…

34 Multiple Commission Statements Movers Suite allows multiple statements with the same cut-off date and statements prior to the last finalized dates

35 Export statement to Excel

36 Questions? Thank you for attending!

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