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Centre for Translation Studies

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1 Centre for Translation Studies
Teaching CAT tools Dr Joanna Drugan Centre for Translation Studies University of Leeds My background – teaching CAT tools for over 5 years, running module then programme -50 students in 11 language pairs per year -currently 7 TM, localisation & PM tools -UTF award based on CAT teaching -Leeds involvement in EU-funded projects such as eCoLoRe & eCoLoTrain

2 Talk map Why teach CAT tools? What do students learn?
Why useful for students & staff? How to teach CAT Sample approaches, illustrations Pitfalls & solutions

3 Why teach CAT tools? Benefits for students
Standard industry tools, motivating Typical workflow & deadlines Multilingual environment Confidence Wider range of skills valued Enhanced employability, especially at beginning of career

4 Why teach CAT tools? Benefits for staff/course
Networking, closer links with industry Professional reputation, enhanced credibility of applied courses Rewarding variety, challenge of teaching in fast-changing field

5 Approaches to teaching CAT tools
Leeds MA-level compulsory CAT module MA in Applied Translation students Two semesters, 45 credits (/180)

6 Approaches to teaching CAT tools
Course structure 4 hours/week, 10 weeks/semester Wednesday: academic-led, presentation & exercise Friday: industry-led, report from the ‘wordface’ & exercise Team project weeks: student project manager-led

7 Approaches to teaching CAT tools
Course content Phased introduction to key concepts: terminology management, translation memory, project management, localisation Tool-based approach: TRADOS, Wordfast, LTC Organiser, Passolo, DVX, SDLX, STAR Most recent version of all tools, one licence per student NB importance of adequate technical support

8 Approaches to teaching CAT tools
Sample exercise 1: Week 1 classes on terminology Presentation on importance of standardised terminology in translation today, practical illustrations Tutor demonstration of class activities Students select a theme they’ll work on during the year & identify 3 related files: .DOC, .HTML, .XLS Terminology extraction & glossary (Word table) Glossaries imported & exported across 3 basic formats: .DOC, .TXT, .XLS Terminology exchange & merging: pairs of students files to each other for glossary merging

9 Approaches to teaching CAT tools
Sample exercise 2: Week 3 classes on TRADOS MultiTerm Presentation on features of software, typical users Tutor demonstration of class activities Students Navigate an existing sample glossary Add, edit & delete entries Create a new glossary based on a template & a new glossary from scratch Import data from glossaries in .DOC, .TXT & .XLS formats Export data from TRADOS proprietory format Exchange exported data by attachment for import into MultiTerm format

10 Approaches to teaching CAT tools
Sample exercise 3: Team projects Multilingual student teams working to a tight deadline under a student project manager Aim to reproduce ‘real-world’ scenario: Real materials (e.g. One World Trust website) Quotes Project management software to cost & manage project Client feedback

11 Approaches to teaching CAT tools
Demonstration: Passolo student project Localise Solitaire.EXE

12 Approaches to teaching CAT tools
Assessment Practical focus Demonstrate competent users of software Comparative, critical approach Strong & weak points of each tool Demonstrate understanding of CAT principles Essay-based with electronic submission of relevant files

13 Pitfalls & some possible solutions
Insufficient specialised staff Draw on industry links Training available (Passolo Train the Trainer events, company visits) Use PG demonstrators (recent graduates)

14 Pitfalls & some possible solutions
Multilingual teaching but need for same source materials Translate out of English only where necessary (team projects) Encourage students to identify their own materials for use in class exercises eCoLoRe & other free multilingual resources

15 Pitfalls & some possible solutions
Varying student levels of competence/progress Provide optional supplementary exercises Use best students as early team project managers then appoint them to mentor future PMs Provide frequent reassurance Invite graduates back to reassure current intake Provide ample time for assessment & adequate access to facilities for preparation

16 Pitfalls & some possible solutions
Labour-intensive Team teaching, PG demonstrators Acknowledge in module credit weighting Staff input underestimated by colleagues/workload models ?

17 Questions?

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