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Jl. Babarsari 44 Yogyakarta 55281Telp. +62-274-487711 Fax. Crisis Management Stages Dr. Gregoria Arum Yudarwati.

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Presentation on theme: "Jl. Babarsari 44 Yogyakarta 55281Telp. +62-274-487711 Fax. Crisis Management Stages Dr. Gregoria Arum Yudarwati."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jl. Babarsari 44 Yogyakarta 55281Telp. +62-274-487711 Fax. Crisis Management Stages Dr. Gregoria Arum Yudarwati

2 Jl. Babarsari 44 Yogyakarta 55281Telp. +62-274-487711 Fax. What is Crisis Management? A set of factors designed to combat crises and to lessen the actual damage caused : 1.Prevention = mitigation Steps taken to avoid crises 2.Preparation This includes the crisis management plan (CMP), diagnosing crisis vulnerabilities, selecting and training a crisis management team and spokespersons, creating a crisis portfolio, and refining a crisis communication system 3.Response The application of the preparation components to a crisis. Response is very public in an actual crisis. part of response is recovery, i.e. the organisation attempts to return to normal operations as soon as possible following a crisis. part of response is recovery, i.e. the organisation attempts to return to normal operations as soon as possible following a crisis.

3 Jl. Babarsari 44 Yogyakarta 55281Telp. +62-274-487711 Fax. 4.Revision = the development of the organisational or institutional memory, which can improve the effectiveness of crisis management by expanding the organisation’s perception of crises and its response capacity. The evaluation of the organisation’s response in simulated and real crises, determining what it did right and what it did wrong during its crisis management performance. The organisation uses the insight to revise its prevention, preparation, response efforts The factors are linked in a spiral. Crisis management is a process of preventing, preparing for, responding, and revising from crises.

4 Jl. Babarsari 44 Yogyakarta 55281Telp. +62-274-487711 Fax. Ongoing Approach to Crisis Management  The crisis life cycle staged approach to crisis management.  Integrated into the organisation’s normal operation.

5 Jl. Babarsari 44 Yogyakarta 55281Telp. +62-274-487711 Fax. Staged Approaches to Crisis Management 1.Fink’s four stages model 2.Mitroff’s five stages model 3.A basic three stages model

6 Jl. Babarsari 44 Yogyakarta 55281Telp. +62-274-487711 Fax. Fink’s Four Stages 1.Prodromal : clues or hints of a potential crisis begin to emerge 2.Crisis breakout or acute: a triggering event occurs along with its damage 3.Chronic 4.Resolution Fink divides crisis into 3 stages: a trigger event (acute phase), moves to extended efforts to deal with the crisis (chronic phase), and concludes with a clear ending (resolution). Each phase requires a different action and communication.

7 Jl. Babarsari 44 Yogyakarta 55281Telp. +62-274-487711 Fax. Mitroff’s Five phases 1.Signal detection 2.Probing and prevention 3.Damage containment 4.Recovery 5.Learning

8 Jl. Babarsari 44 Yogyakarta 55281Telp. +62-274-487711 Fax. Three macro stages 1.Precrisis a.Signal detection b.Prevention c.Crisis preparation 2.Crisis a.Crisis recognition b.Crisis containment 3.Post crisis

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