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EndNote Tutorial Martin Graham Why & How. What is EndNote? EndNote is Bibliographic Management software that integrates with MS Word – and OpenOffice.

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Presentation on theme: "EndNote Tutorial Martin Graham Why & How. What is EndNote? EndNote is Bibliographic Management software that integrates with MS Word – and OpenOffice."— Presentation transcript:

1 EndNote Tutorial Martin Graham Why & How

2 What is EndNote? EndNote is Bibliographic Management software that integrates with MS Word – and OpenOffice to some extent i.e. these bits in your reports & papers

3 EndNote has a learning curve to start with – hence this tutorial So PhD students start off hand-referencing… Why Bother? Paper TypeReferencesTo put in order.. Conference Paper1337 comparisons Journal Paper31124 1 st yr Report88461 PhD Thesis2401713 But eventually wish they’d learnt EndNote So you might as well start now

4 In the short-term (a single paper) Dynamic and consistent styling and ordering of references – Harvard  Chicago in a click – All Journal references etc laid out identically – Switch ordering from alphabetical by author to order of occurrence in text Auto-formatting with EndNote’s Cite-As-You- Write plug-ins for Word + OO Why Bother?

5 In the long-term, using Endnote allows you to – Build up a reference collection that can be used in later papers and your final thesis – Input further references relatively painlessly – Share references through libraries / EndNote Web The longer the papers you write, and the more papers you write, the more you will benefit


7 Endnote Libraries EndNote itself – References are stored in files (.enl suffix) known as libraries – Can have multiple libraries I have one for Visualisation refs And one for Taxonomy/ecology refs ENDNOTE STORE IN.enl LIBRARY FILE CAN HAVE MULTIPLE LIBRARIES Libraries can be searched, filtered and sorted by reference record fields – Author – Keywords – Date – etc

8 Input by Connections Allow you to connect to other institutions’ libraries and download references – Tends to be only books & PhD theses – Many non-university sources ask for username / password combinations… my ATHENS info gets me nowhere… ENDNOTE REF SOURCES INPUT CONNECTIONS FILTERS BY HAND

9 Input by Filters Typically, for journal and conference papers we search a digital library such as ScienceDirect or Ingenta – Then import the search results into EndNote (look for an “Export” link or button) – Most DL’s now generate a file format EndNote recognises and knows the correct filter for* – just pick the library to import into ENDNOTE REF SOURCES INPUT CONNECTIONS FILTERS BY HAND * Dependent on the browser you use and file associations being set up correctly etc etc etc…

10 Input by Filters Other sources give you a text file with references in – Problem is there are hundreds of possible formats and a corresponding number of input filters – Tip: Try common formats (RIS, Endnote Import). If this fails then look for a name match with the ref source – Cut’n’paste references into correct library if necessary ENDNOTE REF SOURCES INPUT CONNECTIONS FILTERS BY HAND

11 Input by Hand As it says… – Fill in the details by selecting a ‘New’ reference – Time-consuming but sometimes necessary – for occasional references often quicker if you have the paper at hand than the previous methods – Often need to fill in the gaps or correct errors in references imported by other methods ENDNOTE REF SOURCES INPUT CONNECTIONS FILTERS BY HAND

12 Adding EndNote Refs to Word Adding references to a word document – Select the references in Endnote and either In EndNote: Tools  Cite While You Write  Insert Selected Citations In Word 2007: Ribbon  EndNoteX3  Insert Selected Citations – References inserted at cursor point in word document ENDNOTEWORD STYLE ADD REFERENCES RESTYLE DYNAMICALLY STORE IN.ENL LIBRARY FILE CAN HAVE MULTIPLE LIBRARIES

13 Restyling References in Word Reformatting your references is one of the main strengths of EndNote – EndNote: Tools  Cite While You Write  Format bibliography – Word: Ribbon  EndNote X3  Format bibliography And select a style option – Word document will then use style information to re-format citations and re-order the reference list (by position in text, author name etc) ENDNOTEWORD STYLE ADD REFERENCES RESTYLE DYNAMICALLY STORE IN.ENL LIBRARY FILE CAN HAVE MULTIPLE LIBRARIES

14 Styles - Basic To make more styles available, go to Edit  Output Styles  Open Style Manager and check (tick) the styles you want Edit  Preferences  Folder Locations allows you to set folder locations for styles etc other than the shared network drive – This is important if you wish to edit or tweak the styles or build a style of your own, changes won’t be saved to a network drive – Tip: Cut’n’paste your most used styles to your own folder - faster ENDNOTEWORD STYLE ADD REFERENCES RESTYLE DYNAMICALLY STORE IN.ENL LIBRARY FILE CAN HAVE MULTIPLE LIBRARIES

15 Styles - Advanced To edit a style, usually because the exact one you need isn’t out there already, select Edit  Output Styles  Edit – Citation  Templates, and Bibliography  Templates, contain the templates for each reference type (journal, conference, book etc) – As the previous slide said, can only save changes if you’ve moved location of your Style folder to a location under your control ENDNOTEWORD STYLE ADD REFERENCES RESTYLE DYNAMICALLY STORE IN.ENL LIBRARY FILE CAN HAVE MULTIPLE LIBRARIES

16 Remember EndNote just stores and then outputs the data you input – It won’t automatically fill in gaps or correct errors in poor reference records – It won’t read the papers for you

17 A link

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