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CONJUNCTIONS. Bağlaçlar(conjunctions) sözcük ya da sözcük öbeklerini ya da cümleleri bağlayan sözcüklerdir. Bağlaçlar(conjunctions) sözcük ya da sözcük.

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Presentation on theme: "CONJUNCTIONS. Bağlaçlar(conjunctions) sözcük ya da sözcük öbeklerini ya da cümleleri bağlayan sözcüklerdir. Bağlaçlar(conjunctions) sözcük ya da sözcük."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bağlaçlar(conjunctions) sözcük ya da sözcük öbeklerini ya da cümleleri bağlayan sözcüklerdir. Bağlaçlar(conjunctions) sözcük ya da sözcük öbeklerini ya da cümleleri bağlayan sözcüklerdir. Bunlar so,and,once gibi tek bir sözcükten oluşabilir ya da in order that, so that, as long as gibi bir sözcük öbeğide olabilirler. Bunlar so,and,once gibi tek bir sözcükten oluşabilir ya da in order that, so that, as long as gibi bir sözcük öbeğide olabilirler. Although she studied hard,she could not pass the licence exam. Although she studied hard,she could not pass the licence exam.

3 Bağlaçları üç grupta inceleyebiliriz: 1. Coordinating conjunctions 2. Correlative conjunctions 3. Subordinating conjunctions


5 Bu bağlaçlar şunlardır: Bu bağlaçlar şunlardır: and,or,but,yet,nor,so,for and,or,but,yet,nor,so,for And aynı doğrultuda anlama sahip sözcükleri birleştirir(her ikiside olumlu ya da her ikiside olumsuz):beautiful and clever But ve yet fakat,ama anlamına gelir ve zıtlık vurgulayan,çelişen sözcükleri birleştirir. Beautiful but/yet stupid

6 Or seçenek sunarken (ya da anlamında kullanılır) sooner or later And,but,yet,or iki cümleyide birbirine bağlayabilir The children were playing and the parents were chatting. She did not feel well,yet she still went to work

7 I am too tired but I can do this I am too tired but I can do this He does not like meat nor does he like fish He does not like meat nor does he like fish She does not like him nor does she like his She does not like him nor does she like hisbrother She did not go to work for she was ill She did not go to work for she was ill


9 Bu gruptaki bağlaçlar ikili olarak kullanılır:both…and,either…or,neither…nor Bu gruptaki bağlaçlar ikili olarak kullanılır:both…and,either…or,neither…nor Not only…but also, not…but, not only…but as well. Not only…but also, not…but, not only…but as well. Bu bağlaçlar genellikle iki özne,nesne,sıfat,zarf ve fiili sözcük öbeğini ya da cümleciği bağlayabilir. Bu bağlaçlar genellikle iki özne,nesne,sıfat,zarf ve fiili sözcük öbeğini ya da cümleciği bağlayabilir.

10 Both Ali and Ayşe will come with us for the party tonight Both Ali and Ayşe will come with us for the party tonight Not only but also Ayşe will come with us for party tonight Not only but also Ayşe will come with us for party tonight She is neither short nor tall. She is neither short nor tall. Either Ali or Ayşe will help me Either Ali or Ayşe will help me


12 Bir yan cümleyi temel cümleye bağlayan when,before,because,although gibi sözcükler subordinating conjunctions diye isimlendirilir Bir yan cümleyi temel cümleye bağlayan when,before,because,although gibi sözcükler subordinating conjunctions diye isimlendirilir Although it was raining, she went out for a walk Although it was raining, she went out for a walk Because she was tired, she went straight to bed Because she was tired, she went straight to bed

13 Conjunctions as a Chart Time: after, before, by the time, until, till, since,as long as, so long as, while, as, when, whenever, once, as soon as, immediately, the moment. Place:where, wherever, as far as. Manner:as, as if, as though, how Cause:because, as, since, seeing that, seeing as, for, as long as, inasmuch as Purpose:so that, in order that, for the purpose that, for fear that, lest Concession and Contrast:Although, though, even though, while, whereas, much as, however, Condition:If, unless, only if, whether or not, even if Result:So, so … that, such… that


15 After After I finish the sport, I will go out for lunch After I finish the sport, I will go out for lunchBefore Before I go out for lunch, I will finish the sport Before I go out for lunch, I will finish the sportWhen When I got home, they were eating dinner When I got home, they were eating dinner

16 While While I was walking up the street, I ran into an old friend While I was walking up the street, I ran into an old friendAs As I was taking the cake out of the oven, I burnt myself As I was taking the cake out of the oven, I burnt myself By the time By the time he comes back we will have finished out work By the time he comes back we will have finished out work

17 Until Until he comes back, we will cook the dinner Until he comes back, we will cook the dinnerTill She will wait for me till I finish my work She will wait for me till I finish my workSince We have not seen each other since we left the school We have not seen each other since we left the school

18 As soon as As soon as I finish the work, we will head to party As soon as I finish the work, we will head to partyImmediately Immediately I saw her, I understood that something was wrong Immediately I saw her, I understood that something was wrong The moment The moment I saw her, I fell in love with her The moment I saw her, I fell in love with her

19 As long as I will not forgive him as long as I live I will not forgive him as long as I live So long as So long as I love you, I will never forget you So long as I love you, I will never forget youWhenever Whenever we are together, we enjoy a lot with our friends Whenever we are together, we enjoy a lot with our friends

20 The first time The first I saw her, I thought that she was the right girl to marry The first I saw her, I thought that she was the right girl to marry The next time The next time I see him, I will pay what I owe The next time I see him, I will pay what I owe The last time The last time I saw her, she was very happy The last time I saw her, she was very happy

21 Now that Now that you have graduated, you can go abroad Now that you have graduated, you can go abroad No sooner… than No sooner had I entered the house,than he started to cook No sooner had I entered the house,than he started to cook Hardly, Scarcely, Barely… when I had scarcely/hardly/barely received his letter when he himself arrived I had scarcely/hardly/barely received his letter when he himself arrived

22 Therefore He did not like the party, therefore he went out. He did not like the party, therefore he went out. Seeing that Seeing that the traffic was rather heavy, we decided to take the back road Seeing that the traffic was rather heavy, we decided to take the back roadConsequently He did not let him take the car, consequently Jack broke his car down He did not let him take the car, consequently Jack broke his car down

23 Owing to Owing to his lack of interest, he did not decide to go to camping Owing to his lack of interest, he did not decide to go to camping Due to Due to the limited employment in rural areas many people are moving to big cities Due to the limited employment in rural areas many people are moving to big cities Because of I am crazy because of you. I am crazy because of you.

24 On account of On account of the construction work on the highway going on for sometime now, we have been taking another route to our work On account of the construction work on the highway going on for sometime now, we have been taking another route to our work As a result It is raining heavily, as a result we cannot go out for today to have a picnic with our classmates It is raining heavily, as a result we cannot go out for today to have a picnic with our classmates

25 So…that It was so windy that we could not go sailing It was so windy that we could not go sailingSuch…that It was such a wonderful film that I watched it again It was such a wonderful film that I watched it againSo…as His music at last performance was so emotional as to make his harshest critics admit to his talent. His music at last performance was so emotional as to make his harshest critics admit to his talent.

26 Such…as The power of the film was such as to make me leave the cinema with tears in my eyes The power of the film was such as to make me leave the cinema with tears in my eyesFor He finished the meal quickly,for he had not eaten anything since the morning He finished the meal quickly,for he had not eaten anything since the morning Result from Whale’s facing extinction result from men’s hunting them in large numbers Whale’s facing extinction result from men’s hunting them in large numbers

27 Due to the fact that Due to the fact that man hunts whales in large number, they face extinction Due to the fact that man hunts whales in large number, they face extinction Owing to the fact that Owing to the fact that there was a lot of snow on way of school, the bus driver decided not to go from that way,instead he decided that it would be more convenient to go from that way because that way was not closed cause of snow. Owing to the fact that there was a lot of snow on way of school, the bus driver decided not to go from that way,instead he decided that it would be more convenient to go from that way because that way was not closed cause of snow.

28 Thus We went to party,thus we met a lot of people thanks to our schoold friends. We went to party,thus we met a lot of people thanks to our schoold friends. Result in The team did not train enough for the match last week which resulted in a dissappointing result against their rivals in Sunday’s match that was 4-1. The team did not train enough for the match last week which resulted in a dissappointing result against their rivals in Sunday’s match that was 4-1.

29 For that reason He did not like to go to school yesterday,for that reason he did not eat anything He did not like to go to school yesterday,for that reason he did not eat anything In case Do not use this in case of fire Do not use this in case of fire Even though Even though it was good for everyone,Charley did not like it Even though it was good for everyone,Charley did not like it

30 Even if I will not forgive you even if you do I will not forgive you even if you doHowever It does not matter however hard you try to unlock that door because it is stuck and will not move until a stick is placed and burst to open with a great power and you will not unlock that door It does not matter however hard you try to unlock that door because it is stuck and will not move until a stick is placed and burst to open with a great power and you will not unlock that door

31 Feyza Demirkapak İİÖP 1090620054

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