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HyprCube Enterprise Total Freight-Forwarding Solution.

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1 HyprCube Enterprise Total Freight-Forwarding Solution

2 What is HyprCube? Total freight-forwarding solution. Cloud ERP – No software. – No hardware. – No extra human-resources to support. – Accessible 24/7 from anywhere and any device with an internet connection. Multi-country / branch office aware, with consolidated job and financial reporting as a core feature. Intra-department cooperative, fostering greater collaboration and transparency between business units.

3 What do I get with HyprCube? FMS (Freight Management System) – Air/Sea Import & Export – Other Jobs sub-module Contact! CRM HyprAcc Accounting SalesTeam Sales-force Automation RateMaster Air Collaboration In 2013 look forward to: HyprWMS Warehouse Management System FMS Overland RateMaster Sea

4 Key Benefits Unbeatable bang-for-the-buck. Five core modules covering freight- forwarding activities at a fraction of the price of competitors. Fully integrated modules that leverage key information from other modules when and where it is needed. Easier, faster and more comprehensive Contact and Customer Relationship Management. Complete air and sea job control from booking, printing documents to billing and reports. Jobs intelligently linked to sales-force automation and accounting modules, increasing productivity and decreasing errors while maintaining intra-department transparency.

5 Collaboration Collaboration is the starting point of every work session in HyprCube and is the hub for personal and inter-group time management and communications. Enjoy interactive messaging, calendar events and appointments, with optional permanent links to Contact! CRM and SalesTeam sales leads.

6 Contact! CRM Comprehensive contact card for all business contacts. Supports customers, vendors, administrative contacts, and more. Individuals and staff profiled in addition to companies. Summarizes information from all core modules, providing a one-stop source of information for all contacts. Powerful Search Options Quickly see contacts being updated

7 Contact! CRM Compilation of integrated data from other modules Comprehensive Contact Card

8 Contact! CRM Current and Historical Data Vertical Information

9 SalesTeam Help your sales people organize their daily routine. Assign salesleads to your salespeople, and get up to date follow ups by your salespeople through a Dashboard. Make campaigns for special promotions and assign them to sales people, and follow the cost and revenu of a specific campaign. Be able to record everything under the Saleslead, like Calendar events, appointments, history, quotations. Make detailed spot quotations that shows the bottom line total amount. Keep records of all calls, emails, mailings and meetings in one saleslead per contact.

10 SalesTeam Track & Update leads Quantify and Control Campaigns, Events and Projects

11 RateMaster Air Check rates 24/7 from anywhere and with any device with an internet connection. Gain valuable insight on weight breaks and quote customers confidently in minutes as apposed to hours and/or days.

12 RateMaster Air Cost Analysis and Selling Recommendations Weight Break Analysis

13 FMS (Freight Management) Supports Air/Sea Import/Export and Miscellaneous Jobs. Integrated with HyprAcc accounting system and Contact! CRM. Tabbed interface for faster and dynamic job management. Master and House records support allocated sales and costs.

14 FMS (Freight Management) Jobs Link to SalesTeam Multitude of Printable Documents Powerful yet easy to use job reporting

15 HyprAcc (Accounting) Enterprise accounting system supporting multiple currencies and profit/cost centers. Supports consolidated reporting and central accounts management. Streamlined for freight-forwarders. Fully integrated with FMS and Contact! CRM.

16 HyprAcc (Accounting) Intuitive Controls Supports Netting Advance to Shipping Controls

17 Thank you Please send any comments or questions to Visit our website at http://www.hyprcube.com HyprCube is also on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.FacebookLinkedInTwitter

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