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Hazard Communication Update (includes Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Chemical Labeling ) Next Slide.

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2 Hazard Communication Update (includes Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Chemical Labeling ) Next Slide

3 This training was prepared by the State of Michigan’s Office of the State Employer (OSE) using materials from both the Federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration/OSHA and the Michigan Occupational Safety & Health Administration/MIOSHA websites.Occupational Safety & Health Administration/OSHAMichigan Occupational Safety & Health Administration/MIOSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION

4 Next Slide On April 7, 1986, a three-bill, Michigan Right-to-Know package was signed into law. The package, which is an enhanced version of the Federal Hazard Communication/Right-to-Know Program, requires all employees who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals during the course of routine work or in a foreseeable emergency to conform to the law regardless of their employer's status as manufacturer or non-manufacturer. Note: Employees working in laboratories are covered under MIOSHA Standard Part 431: Hazardous Work in Laboratories Standard (Chemical Hygiene Plan)Part 431: Hazardous Work in Laboratories Standard (Chemical Hygiene Plan) Back INTRODUCTION

5 Next Slide Michigan's Right-to-Know Law - provides information to workers whose jobs involve the routine use of hazardous chemicals. This requirement, similar to that of the Federal Hazard Communication Standard (29 C.F.R. 1910.1200), was adopted by the Michigan Hazard Communication/Right-to-Know Law - MIOSHA Standard, Parts 42, 92 and 430: Hazard Communication.Parts 42, 92 and 430: Hazard Communication Back INTRODUCTION (CONTINUED)

6 Next Slide Michigan's Firefighter Right-to-Know LawMichigan's Firefighter Right-to-Know Law - affords the fire chief the right to request and receive a list of chemicals and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) used at a specified work location. Under the law and if requested, the employer has 10 business days to provide a list of all hazardous chemicals, SDSs for all hazardous chemicals, and any other information pertaining to the quantity and location of the chemicals within the work location. In addition, the employer is also required to provide the fire chief with a written update whenever there is a significant change to the quantity, location, or presence of hazardous chemicals in that work location. Back INTRODUCTION (CONTINUED)

7 Next Slide Michigan's Community Right-to-Know LawMichigan's Community Right-to-Know Law - makes it possible for any community member to request a listing of all SDSs for all hazardous chemicals present at a workplace. In 1986, the Community Right to Know Law was replaced by the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA); SARA is enforced by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Under Title III of SARA, an employer is required to provide a comprehensive statement regarding hazardous chemicals in the workplace to members of the community. Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Back INTRODUCTION (CONTINUED)

8 Next Slide These laws (i.e., Michigan RTK, Fire Fighter RTK, and Community RTK/SARA) remain in effect today. Since 1986, the Federal Hazard Communication Standard has been revised several times. In addition, the United Nations has been working diligently to create and enhance a Global Harmonized System (GHS) for the classification and labeling of chemicals to be used by importers, distributers, manufacturers, and employers worldwide. Back INTRODUCTION (CONTINUED)

9 Next Slide In 2012, the Federal government/OSHA revised the Hazard Communication Standard to align it with GHS. This update provides a common and coherent approach to classifying chemicals and communicating hazard information on labels and SDSs. The revised MIOSHA Standard Part 42, 92, & 430: Hazard Communication will improve the quality and consistency of hazard information in the workplace, making it safer for workers by providing easily understandable information on appropriate handling and the safe use of hazardous chemicals.Part 42, 92, & 430: Hazard Communication Back WHAT HAS CHANGED?

10 Next Slide This update will also help to reduce trade barriers, improve the productivity of those American businesses that regularly handle, store, and use hazardous chemicals, and provide cost savings for businesses that periodically update SDSs and labels for chemicals covered under the Hazard Communication Standard. Back WHAT HAS CHANGED? (CONTINUED)

11 Next Slide Appendix G of the revised MIOSHA Standard, Parts 42, 92, & 430: Hazard Communication, includes two (2) Michigan Right-to-Know (RTK) posters that can be used to meet the posting requirements of the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act 154, Section 14.Parts 42, 92, & 430: Hazard Communication The first poster (CET-2105) is designed to serve as a reminder as to who is responsible for and the location of the SDSs for the worksite.CET-2105 Back EMPLOYMENT POSTERS

12 Next Slide The second poster (CET-2106) informs employees of any changes recently made to one or more SDSs. The employer is required to notify employees of any changes by posting the information within 5 days of receipt; the new or updated information must be displayed on the posting for a minimum of 10 work days.CET-2106 Back EMPLOYMENT POSTERS (CONTINUED)

13 Next Slide Both Michigan Right-to-Know (RTK) posters (i.e., CET-2105 and CET-2106) are to be displayed/posted in a conspicuous place where notices are customarily available.CET-2105CET-2106 Back EMPLOYMENT POSTERS (CONTINUED)

14 QUICK REVIEW………. What is the purpose behind this Hazard Communication/GHS Update?

15 Next Slide The Michigan Right-to-Know laws require that containers housing hazardous substances be labeled. The intent of the law is to ensure that employees are fully informed as to the identities of the materials they are exposed to and any inherent dangers if the substance is handled. Labels provide an immediate source of information and should not, under any circumstances, be removed or defaced. Generally speaking, it is the manufacturer's responsibility to label all hazardous chemicals before being shipped to the workplace. If a hazardous chemical is transferred from a large container to a smaller (secondary) container, or a label falls off, the employer will need to produce or update the container label. Back LABELS

16 Next Slide One of the major changes with the Hazard Communication/GHS update is that chemical labels, when appropriate, include signal words. These signal words are: “DANGER” (more severe hazard) “WARNING” (less severe hazard) Only one (1) of the signal words is permitted to appear on the label at any given time. Back LABELS (CONTINUED)

17 Next Slide The words DANGER or WARNING are used to alert employees and indicate the severity of the hazard. Not all labels will have a signal word. Some chemicals are not hazardous enough to require a signal word appear on the label. Back LABELS (CONTINUED)

18 Next Slide Back LABELS (CONTINUED) This is a sample label from a chemical importer, distributer, or manufacturer.

19 QUICK REVIEW………. TRUE or FALSE. Both the container labels and SDSs include information about the hazardous chemicals or substances you work with.

20 Next Slide Precautionary statements describe recommended measures that should be taken to protect against hazardous exposures, or improper storage or handling of a chemical. For example, wear respiratory protection, wash with soap and water, store in a well-ventilated place. Precautionary statements are generally found on the chemical container label. Back PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS

21 Next Slide Hazard statements also appear on the label based on the chemical hazard classification. Examples of hazard statements might include one or more of the following: flammable liquid and vapor, causes skin irritation, or may cause cancer. Back HAZARD STATEMENTS

22 Next Slide There are three (3) main hazard groups associated with GHS; of those, two (2) have been incorporated in the MIOSHA Hazard Communication Standard. They are as follows: Physical Hazard - A chemical that is classified as posing one of the following hazardous effects: explosive; flammable (gases, aerosols, liquids, or solids); oxidizer (liquid, solid or gas); self-reactive; pyrophoric (liquid or solid); self-heating; organic peroxide; corrosive to metal; gas under pressure; or contact with water emits flammable gas. See Appendix B of the MIOSHA Standard, Parts 42, 92, & 430: Hazard Communication for more Physical Hazard Criteria.Parts 42, 92, & 430: Hazard Communication Back HAZARD GROUPS

23 Next Slide Health Hazard - A chemical which is classified as posing one of the following hazardous effects: acute toxicity (any route of exposure); skin corrosion or irritation; serious eye damage or eye irritation; respiratory or skin sensitization; germ cell mutagenicity; carcinogenicity; reproductive toxicity; specific target organ toxicity (single or repeated exposure); or aspiration hazard. See Appendix A of the MIOSHA Standard, Parts 42, 92, & 430: Hazard Communication for the criteria used in determining whether a chemical is classified as a health hazard.Parts 42, 92, & 430: Hazard Communication Back HAZARD GROUPS (CONTINUED)

24 Next Slide Environmental Hazard - This type of hazard is not regulated by MIOSHA. Check with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for more information. Back HAZARD GROUPS (CONTINUED)

25 QUICK REVIEW………. Which grouping of terms best describes a health hazard?

26 Next Slide Beginning June 1, 2015, the Hazard Communication Standard will require pictograms on labels to alert users of the chemical hazards to which they may be exposed. Each pictogram consists of a symbol on a white background framed within a red border and represents a distinct hazard(s). The pictogram on the label is determined by the chemical hazard classification. pictograms Back PICTOGRAMS



29 Next Slide Back PICTOGRAMS (CONTINUED) Note: this pictogram is associated with target organs and chronic or long-term health effects.







36 QUICK REVIEW………. The Pictogram below represents what hazards?

37 Next Slide Beginning June 1, 2015, the Hazard Communication Standard requires ALL chemical importers, distributers, and manufacturers provide SDSs in a uniform 16-section format. Back SAFETY DATA SHEETS (SDS) 1 - Product and Company Identification 2 - Hazard(s) Identification 3 - Composition/Information on Ingredients 4 - First-Aid Measures 5 - Fire-Fighting Measures 6 - Accidental Release Measures 7 - Handling and Storage 8 - Exposure Controls/Personal Protection 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties 10 - Stability and Reactivity 11 - Toxicological Information 12 - Ecological Information* 13 - Disposal Consideration* 14 - Transport Information* 15 - Regulatory Information* 16 - Other information including date of preparation of last revision *Not enforced by MIOSHA

38 Next Slide Employers are required to maintain copies of SDSs for all chemicals used and stored within the work area. The employer is also required to have a system in place to ensure all SDSs are accounted for and that it has the most current SDS (usually based on revision date) when chemicals are received from an importer, distributer, or manufacturer. Back SAFETY DATA SHEETS (CONTINUED)

39 QUICK REVIEW………. When must chemical importers, distributors, and manufacturers provide uniform Safety Data Sheets?

40 Next Slide Employers are required to provide Hazard Communication/Right-to-Know Training to employees who work with hazardous chemicals and substances. Training should be ongoing; it is required at the time of initial assignment and whenever new chemical hazards are introduced into the work area. Back TRAINING

41 Next Slide This Hazard Communication/GHS Update, in itself, does not fulfill the required training component. Departments/Agencies are still required to provide employees with site-specific instruction in order to comply with the Hazard Communication Standard requirements. Back TRAINING (CONTINUED)

42 Next Slide Site-specific instruction, at a minimum, must include the following: 1.Location and availability of the Department/Agency’s written Hazard Communication/Right-to-Know Program and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs). 2.Physical hazards, health hazards, and hazards not otherwise classified of chemicals in the work area. 4.Chemical list, the location and use of hazardous chemicals, and information about the secondary container labeling system. 5.Specific procedures to protect employees from the chemical hazards. 6.Methods used to detect the presence or release of hazardous chemicals (i.e., sensor alarms, odors, other monitoring devices, etc.). Back TRAINING (CONTINUED)

43 TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE………. Click Here to Start Quiz

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