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"Een nieuwe blik op sterrenkunde" "Panoramische camera's en het Astro-Wise systeem" Gijs Verdoes Kleijn Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen.

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Presentation on theme: ""Een nieuwe blik op sterrenkunde" "Panoramische camera's en het Astro-Wise systeem" Gijs Verdoes Kleijn Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen."— Presentation transcript:

1 "Een nieuwe blik op sterrenkunde" "Panoramische camera's en het Astro-Wise systeem" Gijs Verdoes Kleijn Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen


3 Human vision: data load Eye: –resolution ~5/60deg –Field of view 90^2deg –2x2 pixel sampling per resolution element –Pixels: 2160^2 –Dynamic range: 1e3-1e5: 2^16 –One image ~9Mbyte –One image/sec for 70years: 18Pbyte –Costs 18Pbyte (0.33euro/Gbyte)~ 6million euro Brain does something smart…….


5 Astronomical vision: data load Camera on telescope: –Resolution through atmosphere ~1/3600deg (atmospheric blurring) –Whole sky: 41e3 deg^2 –2x2 pixel sampling per resolution –Pixels: ~(1.5e6)^2 –Dynamic range: 2^16 –One image full sky: 4Tbyte –One full sky/sec for 70years: 8.4e6 Pbyte (was 18Pbyte for eye) –Further data increasing ’ factors: HST 1/10 of atmospheric resolution; time-resolution; wavelength resolution –Data decreasing factor: depending on depth of exposure: lots of dark area Something smart to deal with large datasets is crucial!

6 The history of the Universe The big questions (according to me) Dark matter/energy: (In what form/Where) is ~90% of the matter? What is dark energy? Structure formation: how do objects exactly form? Structure Galaxy Clusters Galaxies Black holes Stars Planetary systems Cooling Expansion + Gravity Collapse

7 Astronomical science which uses large-area imaging because it is Needle in the hay-stack objects Subtle effects requiring large number statistics Galaxy clustersPlanetsSupernova Quasars & Gamma Ray Bursts Asteroids Lensing

8 The OmegaCAM panoramic camera 16k x 16k mosaic of 32 CCDS: –Each CCD 2k x4k Field of view: 1deg^2 pixel size 0.21 arcsec / 15μm. 330 to 1000 nm Starting operations end 2006 USM Padova 1deg HST

9 VLT Survey Telescope (VST) at Paranal, Chile Artist’s impression Very Large Telescope (VLT) VLT Survey Telescope (VST)

10 OmegaCAM vision: data load Vast amount of data Single image 550 Mbyte (~200 screens for full resolution) Sole instrument: OmegaCAM observes equivalent of Southern sky in ~3 years (30 min exp, 300 nights/year) Many filters & science programs Of order 10 Tbyte of raw data/year with time-varying atmosphere, instrument & telescope performance Vast amount of data Single image 550 Mbyte (~200 screens for full resolution) Sole instrument: OmegaCAM observes equivalent of Southern sky in ~3 years (30 min exp, 300 nights/year) Many filters & science programs Of order 10 Tbyte of raw data/year with time-varying atmosphere, instrument & telescope performance

11 Panoramic image processing and analysis: the classical way Image cleaning of instrumental effects –examples: varying pixel sensitivities; cosmic rays; image distorsions; correction for extinction of light (in atmosphere and instrument) Derivation of astronomical parameters –examples: size galaxy, color star, brightness supernova Analysis of results –Comparison to theory; statistics Image cleaning of instrumental effects –examples: varying pixel sensitivities; cosmic rays; image distorsions; correction for extinction of light (in atmosphere and instrument) Derivation of astronomical parameters –examples: size galaxy, color star, brightness supernova Analysis of results –Comparison to theory; statistics

12 Panoramic image processing and analysis: the Astro-Wise way Image cleaning of instrumental effects –examples: varying pixel sensitivities; cosmic rays; image distorsions; correction for extinction of light (in atmosphere and instrument) Derivation of astronomical parameters –examples: size galaxy, color star, brightness supernova Analysis of results –Comparison to theory; use statistics Image cleaning of instrumental effects –examples: varying pixel sensitivities; cosmic rays; image distorsions; correction for extinction of light (in atmosphere and instrument) Derivation of astronomical parameters –examples: size galaxy, color star, brightness supernova Analysis of results –Comparison to theory; use statistics Database

13 The architecture of the Astro-Wise system Parallel Computing Database All OmegaCam images

14 Astro-Wise is on-line: you can use it whenever there is internet

15 An test-case of Astro-Wise system use Asteroids

16 10000 Ecliptic~plane in which planets move

17 Observations

18 Asteroids on images Cross-correlating >3e5 known asteroids with images: –Code: PyEphem+Astro-Wise –(~1day on Linux box) Analysis is student project

19 To take advantage of state-of-the-art technology to better understand how the Universe came about and evolved you need a team of : 1deg HST -experts

20 To take advantage of state-of-the-art technology to better understand how the Universe came about and evolved you need a team of : 1deg HST -experts OmegaCEN at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute OmegaCEN director: professor Edwin Valentijn

21 Contacts for more info: Astro-Wise, OmegaCEN –Gijs Verdoes Kleijn Astronomy at RUG in general: –Student advisor: Leon Koopmans –Education advisor: Greta de Vries

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