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Estonia 2012 Jens christian Nielsen Stine Nedelkovski.

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Presentation on theme: "Estonia 2012 Jens christian Nielsen Stine Nedelkovski."— Presentation transcript:

1 Estonia 2012 Jens christian Nielsen Stine Nedelkovski

2 UU Copenhagen : youth eduacational guidance Copenhagen population: 550.000: 15 years: 80.000 16 - 19 years: 15.000 from 19: number increasing. Issues for the moment The term: not educational ready – Transition Fokus on the last 10% - young people with special needs - characteristica Integration through education (30% bilingual) UEA-undervisning: a subject in school

3 TEC - vocational School Youth Education from 16 years Guidance throughout education Retain TEC students through conversations, special readingmethods, students coach. Who are the young with special needs? How to discover them?

4 Cooperation TEC 10 New common project from august 2011: Goal: Prevention drop-outs 10th School year in a tecnical School, where pupils take a 10th School year and parts of a basic course. UU counsel the students the first half year, and TEC takes over.

5 Methods in UU Copenhagen Conversations – based on a constructivistic perspective – The wellbeing of the whole person is in focus – all aspect in life Vance Peavy – Ishu Ishiyama (example of a circle/Validationsgram) Appreciative Inquiry(AI) Wishes about education/jobs are tested through short courses at schools or education centers and through trainee periods. involving parents and all the professionals around the person Contact and cooperation with social authorities looking up guidance – mobile/in the streets

6 JUMP in practice - in a group counselling perspective. 1. Mention a job- or an educational situation? 2. Hvilke arbejdsopgaver er du god til? Which work tasks are you good at? 3. Hvad har du lyst til at lave i din fritid? What do you like to do in your spare time? 4.Hvad indeholder dit drømmejob? What contains the job of your dreams? 5. Hvilke egenskaber kræver dit fremtidige job? Which characteristics does a future job demands? 6. Hvad giver dit liv glæde? What makes your life happy?

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