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E12 Vocabulary review – look at the picture and guess the word! (silently and in your head first, and then as a class) Unit 10.

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Presentation on theme: "E12 Vocabulary review – look at the picture and guess the word! (silently and in your head first, and then as a class) Unit 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 E12 Vocabulary review – look at the picture and guess the word! (silently and in your head first, and then as a class) Unit 10

2 Enclave, Forte, Schism, or Gratis?

3 Condescend, Mountebank, Ancillary, or Quizzical?

4 Ancillary, Cozen, Icon, or Enclave?

5 Forte, Cozen, Quizzical, or Gratis?

6 Forte, Schism, Cozen, or Mountebank?

7 Forte, Quizzical, Condescend, or Icon?

8 Ancillary, Gratis, Condescend, or Enclave?

9 Gratis, Icon, Forte, or Cozen?

10 Quizzical, Condescend, Schism, or Icon?

11 Gratis, Forte, Enclave, or Mountebank?

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