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User Conference nr 6 Welcome!. Program 13:00Welcome! 13:10 What is this thing – FileMaker? 13:20 What about Fertsoft? 13:30 What ToDo 13:45 Fast typing.

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Presentation on theme: "User Conference nr 6 Welcome!. Program 13:00Welcome! 13:10 What is this thing – FileMaker? 13:20 What about Fertsoft? 13:30 What ToDo 13:45 Fast typing."— Presentation transcript:

1 User Conference nr 6 Welcome!

2 Program 13:00Welcome! 13:10 What is this thing – FileMaker? 13:20 What about Fertsoft? 13:30 What ToDo 13:45 Fast typing – with templates 14:00 Find it! 15:00 What (is) next? 16:45 Summary

3 Presenters Martin Björkman, Fertsoft Magnus Schmiedtke, FileMaker Bianca Nymo-Andersen, Fertilitetsavdelingen Sør, Porsgrunn Johan Olsson, Fertsoft

4 Participants Elin Fridén, NIVFC Göteborg, Sweden Pia Saldén, Eva Appelberg, Krystyna Wallerek NIVFC Malmö, Sweden Kit Mathiesen, Elizabeth Nedstrand, Stefan Zalvary RMC Linköping, Sweden

5 Participants Lena Hyberg, Jeanette Gudmundsson Reprod. med. Karolinska, Sweden Petra Sandell, RPC Uppsala, Sweden Bianca Nymo-Andersen, Anette Bergh Fertilitetsavdelingen Sør, Norway

6 Participants Vibeke Standnes, Jimmy Bergetun Helse Vest IKT, Norway Siren Skrede, Anne Torgersen Haukeland universitetssjukehus, Norway Mona Iren Aas, Ann-Helén Anvendsen Haugesund Fertilitetssenter, Norway

7 Participants Mette Haug Stensen, Fertilitetssentret Oslo, Norway Peter Michael Kragh, Spiren Fertilitetsklinikk, Norway Purusotam Basnet, IVF Clinic, UNN, Tromsø, Norway

8 Participants Sigrun Kjøtrød, Astri Wold St Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, Norway Nadia Martinova, Jaroslavs Lakutins AVA Riga, Latvia

9 Participants Norway:13 Sweden:10 Latvia: 2 Italy: 0 25

10 Program 13:00Welcome! 13:10 What is this thing – FileMaker? 13:20 What about Fertsoft? 13:30 What ToDo 13:45 Fast typing – with templates 14:00 Find it! 15:00 What (is) next? 16:45 Summary

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