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Unraveling Open Education developments – next MOOCs generation? Fred de Vries GO-GN Cape Town 11 December 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Unraveling Open Education developments – next MOOCs generation? Fred de Vries GO-GN Cape Town 11 December 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unraveling Open Education developments – next MOOCs generation? Fred de Vries GO-GN Cape Town 11 December 2013

2 GO GN Cape Town - Fred de Vries Pagina 2 My talk Context Research focus Research strand 1 Research strand 2 PhD proposal

3 GO GN Cape Town - Fred de Vries Pagina 3 Context: ‘moving target’ European focus New ways of Open Education for Life Long Learning and professional development MOOCs are an introduction to the changes in HE A changing playing-field of ODL HE institutes TEL and OER play a big role. NOT concentrating on Degree Programmes.. but on CPD and LLL in HE

4 GO GN Cape Town - Fred de Vries Pagina 4 Context: Opening up Education European agenda (IP/13/859 25-9-2013)IP/13/859 25-9-2013 Reshaping education using OER and TEL Creation of Open Learning Environments –Digital literacy of both educators and learners Certification and acceptance of digitally acquired skills for further learning or work. Funding programmes Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020 to support universities with new business models and educational models EC stimulates universities to change

5 GO GN Cape Town - Fred de Vries Pagina 5 Context: challenge of HE How will new forms op Open Education actually change the policies of universities and the behaviour of learners in choosing courses for their own professional development and LLL Their will be not one model of ‘Open Education’ but multiple variations to be distinguished Take snapshots of the main developments –In terms of business model –In terms of educational model –How students, educators and employers deal with this change

6 GO GN Cape Town - Fred de Vries Pagina 6 Context: OpenupEd Openness to learners Digital openness Learner-centred approach Independent learning Media-supported interaction Recognition options Quality focus Spectrum of diversity 174 courses

7 GO GN Cape Town - Fred de Vries Pagina 7 Research in two strands Find possible evidence for the transformative educational potential of OER for improving accessibity, quality, efficiency, effectiveness of education By focussing on a specific kind of MOOCs: OpenUpEd In a systematic way over a longer period: 1.longitudinal study with repeated survey questionnaire 2.In-depth study of MOOCs that develop in an interesting direction

8 GO GN Cape Town - Fred de Vries Pagina 8 Research strand 1: MOOC Knowledge (IPTS) Longitidual 3 year study with 3 PhDs UOC, UPM, OUNL supported by IPTS Survey on regular intervals in different EU-languages 5 repeated data-collections in 30 months See the development of: –Demand –Business model –Costs –Completion rates –Learning outcomes

9 GO GN Cape Town - Fred de Vries Pagina 9 Research strand 1: MOOC Knowledge (IPTS) Profile of learner: -Acquired Higher degree -LLL and CPD activities -Digital literacy -Experience with MOOCs -Motivation for using MOOCs

10 GO GN Cape Town - Fred de Vries Pagina 10 Research strand 1: MOOC Knowledge (IPTS) Providers of MOOCs Number of participated students over time Number of returning students to the same institute Characteristics of their MOOC offerings Business model Educational model / Pedagogy

11 GO GN Cape Town - Fred de Vries Pagina 11 Research strand 2: In-depth analysis Focus on MOOCs that develop in an interesting direction for students (no drop-outs) Educators (innovative pedagogy) management (impact, revenu) Employers (accepting MOOCs with / without certificates) Selection of MOOCs and their institutes based on longitudinal study In-dept Interviews with stakeholders (repeated)

12 GO GN Cape Town - Fred de Vries Pagina 12 PhD proposal Work out literature review PhD proposal to be finalized in Spring 2014 Start up IPTS MOOCknowledge study in February 2014

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