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Module ‘Medical Law’ Almaty 2008-2009.  The course ‘Medical Law’ was tested at one of the Kazakhstani medical schools  The pilot project "Medical Law"

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1 Module ‘Medical Law’ Almaty 2008-2009

2  The course ‘Medical Law’ was tested at one of the Kazakhstani medical schools  The pilot project "Medical Law" was introduced at Kazakhstan School of Public Health under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2009  The audience – 2nd-year master students studying “Medicine”.  Group size - 20 people.  The course was introduced as an elective discipline.  The format of the course - modular.  The course consists of 2 credits (30 lecture hours + 60 hours of independent work of a student under the guidance of teacher (SRMP) + 60 hours of student’s independent work (SRS).  The set of credits and scores was included in the transcript.  The project was funded by the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan.

3  As a result of the "Medical Law" study course students should be able to:  apply laws and other normative legal acts regulating the legal relations in the health sector;  properly prepare official medical documents, write primary medical records, prepare the documents necessary for the realization of the right to engage in medical activities;  use legal mechanisms to protect the rights and legitimate interests of both medical workers and patients;  evaluate and predict the legal consequences of violations by professional medical personnel, and determine possible legal ways to prevent medical violations.

4 It is expected to include the discipline ‘Medical Law’ to 1. State Educational Standard of Master Studies as Compulsory Component; 2. 10—months programme of ‘Management of Health care’.

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