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Healthy Schools Project Peace Corps – Ministry of Education Interamerica Region and The Pacific Peace Corps Sergio Mack Peace Corps Guatemala.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Schools Project Peace Corps – Ministry of Education Interamerica Region and The Pacific Peace Corps Sergio Mack Peace Corps Guatemala."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Schools Project Peace Corps – Ministry of Education Interamerica Region and The Pacific Peace Corps Sergio Mack Peace Corps Guatemala

2 Introduction Letter of Understanding with the MOE signed up in 1996 Western and northern highlands: High indigenous population density Subsistence farmers Low health and education indicators

3 Project Goals Participating students practice healthy habits in the school The school has the minimum sanitary conditions to allow the practice of healthy habits

4 Healthy Practices in the school Move from theory to practice The “heart” of the project: Hand washing after using the latrine Hand washing before the school snack Tooth brushing after the school snack Clean body and dressing Healthy practices everyday, every classroom, every teacher

5 School Sanitation It is needed to facilitate the practice of healthy habits The school is healthy if students do practice healthy habits Basic sanitary conditions: Water and faucets Pit latrines or flushable toilets School kitchen

6 School Sanitation School rain catching systems

7 School Sanitation School wells

8 School Sanitation School Latrines

9 School Sanitation School kitchen

10 School septic tanks School Sanitation Water tanks

11 School Certification

12 HS Public Policy The National Commision for Healthy Schools Lead by MOE and MOH NGOs, other GOs, International Missions, Foundations, Research Centers, etc. Public Policy proposal Pendant of final approval by both Ministers

13 1. Health lessons in the clasroom twice a week 2. Every classroom with a “Health Nook” and the “Health Roulette” (or the Health Dice) 3. There is a snack program in the school Level I

14 3. At least 75 % of students: Wash hands after using the latrine Wash hands before the school snack Brush their teeth 4. At least 75 % of students: Come clean to the school 5. The school has water all the time

15 Level I 6. The school has at least 8 faucets 7. Participating teachers and the Student’s Parents Committee are trained on PDM and successfully finished a school sanitation project 8. The school looks clean

16 The evidence that it works Percentage Hand washing after using the latrine, by year. 2008 Source: EORM Chiallí, Tactic, AV. Healthy Schools Project Evaluation 2008

17 The evidence that it works Percentage Tooth brushing after eating the school snack, by year. 2008 Source: EORM Chiallí, Tactic, AV. Healthy Schools Project Evaluation 2008

18 Student’s cleanliness by year, 2008 Percentage The evidence that it works Source: EORM Chiallí, Tactic, AV. Healthy Schools Project Evaluation 2008

19 Percentage of participating schools certified as healthy counted up to March, 31, each year

20 What is next? A Healthy Schools Public Policy was developed and pendant on final Minister’s signatures Moving from Phase I to Phase II Pairs of HS PCVs to increase coverage and maximize outcomes Cover the entire Education District: 20 to 30 schools

21 Main Challenges Lack of water in the schools and other sanitation facilities The need to repeat constantly to students the same hygiene messages and teacher’s perseverance Integration with parent’s health promotion projects

22 Partnerships & Resources Local Municipal funds Private Sector: Local bank and/or local NGO’s Local materials and unskilled labor force provided by the student’s parents

23 ¡…Thanks IAP!

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