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How To Be An Be An Effective Teacher By Harry Wong

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Presentation on theme: "How To Be An Be An Effective Teacher By Harry Wong"— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Be An Be An Effective Teacher By Harry Wong
The First Days of School How To Be An Be An Effective Teacher By Harry Wong

2 The First Days Are Critical
What you do on the first days of school will determine your success or failure for the rest of the school year. You will either win or lose your class on the first days of school.

3 An Effective Teacher Can explain the district’s, school’s and department or grade level’s curriculum Realizes that teaching is not a private practice Is flexible and adaptable Listens, listens, listens

4 3 Characteristics of an Effective Teacher:
positive expectations for student success. is an extremely good classroom manager knows how to design lessons for student mastery.

5 Positive Expectations
There is absolutely no research correlation between success and family background, race, national origin, financial status, or even educational accomplishments. There is but one correlation with success, and that is ATTITUDE.

6 Dress for Sucess You do not get a second chance at a first impression.
It is not what is, but what is perceived. You dress for four main effects: Credibility Acceptance Authority Respect

7 Effective Teachers help students by:
Having an inviting personality and classroom environment.. Addressing students by name. Saying “Please” and “Thank you.”

8 First Day of School Begin teaching:
Discipline Procedures Routines Personally greet each student at the door. Students find assigned seat. (All seats should face the teacher.) Have a self starter activity available Introduce self and students.

9 Classroom Management Classroom management refers to all of the things that a teacher does to organize students, space, time, and materials so that instruction in content and student learning can take place.

10 Discipline Plan Rules: What the expected behaviors are.
Consequences: What the student chooses to accept if a rule is broken. Rewards: What the student receives for appropriate behavior.

11 What about rules? Rules should be limited to a number that you and the students can readily remember-never more than five. Should be stated positively. Should be concerned with behavior; not academic work (writing in ink or pen)

12 Rules vs. Procedures Discipline: Concerns how students BEHAVE.
-HAS penalties and rewards PROCEDURES: Concern how things are DONE. -Has NO penalties or rewards.

13 Consequences Consequences are what result when a person abides by or breaks the rules. Positive consequences are rewards that result when people abide by the rules. Negative consequences are penalties that result when people break the rules

14 Teaching Prodcedures Explain: demonstrate specifically and demonstrate, not just tell. Rehearse: practice under your supervision Reinforce: praise or reteach

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