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Welcome to Glen Park Primary School Foundation Stage Intake September 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Glen Park Primary School Foundation Stage Intake September 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Glen Park Primary School Foundation Stage Intake September 2006

2 Partnership  You are your child’s foremost educator; Your influence carries on for a lifetime  Your child’s education is a joint responsibility  By the time a child starts school, she has already got 85% of her language skills  Your child, between the ages of 0 and 16, will spend just 15% of his waking hours at school

3 The Induction Process  Parent:teacher appointments  Home School Agreement  Staggered entry –Importance of establishing a secure start –Allows children the chance to find their way around their new environment –Opportunity for teachers to get to know each child closely from the beginning –Allows teachers to carry out ‘baseline assessment’ of each child

4 Structure of the day  Children arrive between 8.45 and 8.55, to be inside the classroom by 8.55 ready for the Register  Morning break for fruit, drink and play is at 10.30 until 11.00  Lunchtime is from 12.00 until 1.00  Afternoon break for play and fresh air is from 2.00 until 2.10  Home time is 3.15

5 Lunchtime  Healthy lunch = healthy mind and body! –A good balanced meal - a sandwich, a salad, some fruit or yogurt and a drink of juice or milk –A school dinner  Playtime is social time; The MTAs will supervise play and encourage children to play games with each other

6 People Who Work With Your Child Your child Teachers And Teaching Assistants Education Welfare Officer School Nurse School Dentist Educational Psychologist Administrative Staff Meal Time Assistants Speech Therapists

7 What Will the Children Be Doing?  Choosing a book  Playing with the toys  Painting and drawing  Using the ‘home corner’  Playing with the sand and water  Using the bikes and trikes  Singing, dancing and role- playing

8 What will they need?  Wellies  Tracksuit bottoms  School uniform, including PE Kit  Water to drink throughout the day

9 The Early Learning Goals Early Learning Goals Communications, Language and Literacy Mathematical Development Knowledge and understanding of the world Creative Development Physical Development Personal, Social and Emotional

10 How Teaching and Learning Progress:  Foundation stage: pre school and the first year of school –Children follow the early learning goals for the foundation stage  Key Stage 1 – Years 1 and 2 –Children follow the National Curriculum (10 subjects), and sit their SATs in the summer term of Year 2  Key Stage 2 – Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 –Children follow the National Curriculum still, and sit their SATs in the summer term of Year 6

11 Assessment  Baseline Assessment – within first half-term  Foundation Stage Profile  Teacher Assessment - continuous  PIPs – Foundation, Year 1 and Year 4  Year 2: Standard Assessment Tests/Tasks  Year 6: Standard Assessment Tests

12 How Parents Can Help Us  Talk to your child about their day  Read to or with your child every day  Check the book bag for messages  Use the reading record to communicate with teachers (or a quick word in the morning/afternoon)  Encourage your child to be independent –Come into school by himself (after the first few days) –Have the right things on the right days

13 Developing Learning Outside School  Getting the balance right: children need to play and they need to rest. However, you can use all sorts of activities as learning opportunities: –Shopping –Cooking –Cleaning –Laundry –Gardening –Washing the car –Tidying

14 How We Can Help You  If you have any questions at all, ask one of the staff.  We will issue a termly ‘topic web’ which details the work to be covered that term.  If you want more ideas of how to help at home, ask the teachers.  We will send home a weekly newsletter so that you know what is going on in school.  You will be invited to regular meetings to discuss your child.  We will make ourselves available to talk to you – immediately if possible, but if not, then as soon as we can.

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