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Graduation Requirements for Texas Students

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Presentation on theme: "Graduation Requirements for Texas Students"— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduation Requirements for Texas Students

2 Graduation Requirements for Texas Students
Foundation High School Graduation Requirements with an Endorsement

3 26 Credits for Graduation

4 EPISD Distinguished Level of Achievement Plan HB5

5 Endorsement Options STEM Business and Industry Public Service
Arts & Humanities Multidisciplinary Equaling 4 credits

6 Testing STAAR EOC

7 STAAR End of Course Exams
Testing Requirements STAAR End of Course Exams 5 Exams Algebra I, English I, English II, Biology U.S. History

8 Equals 26 credits in the appropriate areas EOC testing requirements
Graduation Equals 26 credits in the appropriate areas AND EOC testing requirements

9 No graduation 26 credits + not meeting testing requirements 4 years + 16 credits 5 years + 25 credits Must have 26 credits in the appropriate areas and testing requirements!!

10 Absences Must be IN class 90% of the time (TEA Law) If a student misses more than 5 days in a semester = not receiving credit for class 89% NC 78% NC NO CREDIT

11 Advanced Classes Open enrollment
9th and 10th grade classes are Pre-Ap (Advanced Program) 11th and 12th grade classes are AP Programs (Advanced Programs) Dual Credit Classes Receive college credits while in High School Colleges LOOK FOR THESE!!!!!!!!!!

12 Graduation Checklist Take the optional and required college entrance exams early (SAT and Act) Talk with people about their college experiences Apply for financial aid Apply for scholarships

13 High School Counselor Get to know them WELL!! They will help with
High School requirements College applications Scholarships Recommendation Letters NCAA Clearinghouse (athletic scholarships)

14 Franklin 9th Grade Center
HB 5 Meetings January 12 0r January 20 6:00 High School Counselors and Administration will be there to answer specific questions

15 GO Center Research on internet Careers Colleges Scholarships Financial Aide Anything to assist you with planning for your future Some printed materials available Open before school at 7:15 – 7:40 Tues-Thurs

16 Calling is Easy PLAN

17 Web sites

18 Julie May Black, M.Ed, BS Ed
Counselor Brown Middle School 7820 Helen of Troy El Paso, Texas

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