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PR STD/HIV School Screening Puerto Rico Department of Health (PRDOH) and Department of Education (PRDOE) Collaborative Agreement Inarvis Y. Bonilla IPP.

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Presentation on theme: "PR STD/HIV School Screening Puerto Rico Department of Health (PRDOH) and Department of Education (PRDOE) Collaborative Agreement Inarvis Y. Bonilla IPP."— Presentation transcript:

1 PR STD/HIV School Screening Puerto Rico Department of Health (PRDOH) and Department of Education (PRDOE) Collaborative Agreement Inarvis Y. Bonilla IPP Regional Meeting Nov. 1-2, 2006

2 Schools Selection Municipalities with high incidence of STD’s between group 13 to 24 years old. Schools were selected based on this epidemiologic indicator. Schools were selected based on this epidemiologic indicator. Two schools selected in four Educational Regions: San Juan, Ponce, Mayaguez and Bayamon (Total= 8 schools). Schools selected have an extended hour program (PR DOE didn’t allow screening during class hour)

3 Meeting and Parents Notification Parents notification - Information focused on STD Infections, STD adolescent statistics and the importance of STD education, screening and treatment process (including information about STD clinics phone numbers) were explained on letter that will be sent by school’s director. Also, they were invited to attend a meeting for a STD/HIV presentation and inform them about school screening activity.

4 Project Implantation Meeting between DOH STD/HIV Prevention staff, school’s director and regional superintendent to determine sites for screening and results delivery, hour and date, meeting’s date with school’s teachers and meeting’s date with parents. School’s teacher meeting - inform teachers about screening process, give STD/HIV presentation and educational material that they (Science and Health teachers) will use with students one week prior to screening day. Presence of teachers wasn’t allowed during screening and results delivery process.

5 Project Implementation Screening process Approximately, four classroom were used: #1- Students registry/education #2- Students STD/HIV counseling, results delivery appointment sheet #3- Next to bathrooms (Ct/Gc tests) #4- Phlebotomy- HIV/VDRL tests and quality control

6 Results Delivery All students received an appointment to deliver their lab results. Results were distributed individually three weeks after screening at school. Only students with positive results were contacted by phone four days after screening date and referred to nearest clinic for Tx and follow-up by DIS Staff (Tx, counseling, partner notification, etc.). If students with positive results were not contacted by phone, they were reached on delivery results day at school.

7 STD/HIV School Screening Project Results School #1: Dr. Facundo Bueso High School- San Juan Region School #1 Students enrollment number Students tested % 428103 24 %

8 STD/HIV School Screening Project Results School #1: Dr. Facundo Bueso High School- San Juan Region School # Ct/Gc tested Ct + Gc + Dual Infection 195 8 (8.4%) 00 Females- 65 Males- 30 Females-7males-1 Average age 16 yrs. old

9 STD/HIV School Screening Project Results School #1: Dr. Facundo Bueso High School- San Juan Region School # VDRL/HIV tested # VDRL reactive VDRL/ TPPA HIV reactive 1103300 FemalesmalesFemalesmales 653830

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