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Published byMaggie Langworthy Modified over 10 years ago
Potential School Leaders November 3, 2014
Activity-Find 4 clock partners 21 st Century Classroom Video 21 st Century Classroom Video
MimioVote We will be using the student response system during this presentation. Please press the blue * button when asked.
Pre–Assessment I am familiar with the role of the school administrator as it relates to the PDC areas of responsibility. I am somewhat familiar with the role of the school administrator as it relates to the PDC areas of responsibility. I have limited familiarity of the role of the school administrator.What is the PDC?
Learning Goal Participants will have a clearer understanding of the role of school administrators relative to instructional technology, FEAPS, professional development, mentoring, and library media services as they apply to the Standards for School Leaders. Standards for School Leaders, 3.1 and 6.5 (see handout and web Standards for School Leaders)
3.1 FEAPs: The leader aligns the school’s instructional programs and practices with the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (Rule 6A-5.065, F.A.C.) and models use of the Florida common language of instruction to guide faculty and staff implementation of the foundational principles and practices.
6.5 Technology Integration: The leader employs effective technology integration to enhance decision making and efficiency throughout the school. The leader processes changes and captures opportunities available through social networking tools, accesses and processes information through a variety of online resources, incorporates data-driven decision making with effective technology integration to analyze school results, and develops strategies for coaching staff as they integrate technology into teaching, learning, and assessment processes.
PDC Overview Welcome PSL Webpage Director, Inservice & Instructional Technology Instructional Technology Professional Development Library Media Specialists Instructional TV Evaluation Systems (PDP)
Teacher Leader Groups District Technology Committee Professional Development Council Mentor Teacher Program Library Media Specialists Inservice Representatives Lesson Study Facilitators Data Teams Technology Contacts Technology Coaches PLC Facilitators
Mentor Teacher Program Crucial for new teacher retention and effectiveness 2000-01Retention Rate46% 2006-0798% 2010-1188% 2013-1479% Mentor Teacher Roles Support new and struggling teachers Support Professional Improvement Teachers (PIP) Support administrators in Teacher Evaluation System
21 st Century Classroom Find your 12:00 partner and discuss the importance of the administrator’s vision for technology Debbie Anderson Video Q & A
Technology: Driving Forces – National/International National Technology Plan International Society for Technology in Education National Education Technology Standards for Administrators (ISTENETS A)
Technology: Driving Forces – State Digital Classroom Plan Technology is a tool to enhance student learning. Technology should be seamlessly integrated into the curriculum. Readiness for Online Testing Electronic Textbooks/ Digital Curriculum Technology Surveys
Technology: Driving Forces – District District Technology Plan Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) Hardware/Software Standardization Curriculum Drives Technology School Technology Needs/Vision (school visits) Digital Classroom Plan (new) 21 st Century Classrooms
Rank your readiness for technology leadership in a school. I am really ready! I have a clear vision of how technology use should look in a school and am ready to share it! I am prepared to lead technology in a school but know that I have a few holes in my understanding. I am not yet prepared to lead with respect to technology but am on my way to being there. I am ill-prepared to lead with respect to technology and know I have a lot of work to do in this area.
Activity Find your 3:00 partner and discuss technology strengths that you have to offer as an administrator, and also some thing that you need to work on. (2 minutes) Share
Research says… Schools that integrate technology in the most constructive way were those where the principals shared an unwavering vision that technology had the potential to improve student learning.
Research says… Studies have shown that teachers who had positive perceptions about the principal’s role in supporting the integration of technology were more likely to integrate technology themselves.
Research says… Effective principals should be actively involved with technology including modeling technology use and helping to implement ongoing curriculum-integrated technology staff development.
Library Media Specialists/Instructional TV Library Media Center should be the heart of the school Power School Library Video Power School Library Video Power School Library Video Power School Library Video Instructional Television supports all school programs Projector troubleshooting and maintenance
What is your level of understanding of how the library media center relates to the overall school culture? Highly EffectiveEffectiveNeeds Improvement/DevelopingUnsatisfactory
Break/PDC Tour (6:25-6:40) Break PDC Tour/Snacks (break into 2 groups, elementary & secondary)
Professional Development/ Standards for School Leaders Master Inservice Plan Professional Development System Administrator PDPs Teacher PDPs Reflection/Deliberate Practice/Continuous Improvement Professional Learning Communities Lesson Study
Douglas Reeves Evaluation Training RTTT-Initiated Administrative Evaluation Committee State Evaluation Model District Evaluation Model Truenorthlogic Self-assessment Introduction
Administrative Self-Assessment (PGS) 1. Go to PGS (link on District homepage) 2. Login in –lastname.psl—password—psl 3. Click “Start Plan” by Admin Evaluation 2014- 15 4. Select Section #1 5. Select Administrator’s Self Assessment 6. Click Start New
Self-Assessment Activity Find your 6:00 partner and discuss needs based on the Self-Assessment responses. What did you learn about yourself? Identify similar strengths and needs. Brainstorm how these needs could impact your leadership ability.
Standards for School Leaders Go into PGS using your alias. Find the PDP portion. Select a focus area based on the self-assessment that you have just completed. Write an administrator goal based on your focus area of need. Click save.
Florida School Leaders Standards for School Leaders WCG Website overview Content specific modules matched to the 10 Standards for School Leaders
Post–Assessment I am familiar with the role of the school administrator as it relates to the PDC areas of responsibility. I am somewhat familiar with the role of the school administrator as it relates to the PDC areas of responsibility. I have limited familiarity of the role of the school administrator.What is the PDC?
Good Luck!
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