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ICT adoption in Schools

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1 ICT adoption in Schools
Rajendra S Pawar National Conference on ICT in School Education 13-14, August, 2013, New Delhi

2 ICT in Schools: The genesis
ICT adoption in Schools ICT in Schools: The genesis 1974 Education Technology scheme(ET) commenced 100% assistance was given to 6 State Institutes of Educational Technology (SIET) Assistance to States/UTs for buying radio cum cassette players and colour TVs. Centrally sponsored scheme for Computer Literacy And Studies in Schools (CLASS) project for educational institutions. Later including Higher Secondary schools 1998 Prime Minister‐led National Task Force on Information Technology and Software Development (IT Task Force), recommends IT in education sector Includes schools for making computers accessible through The Vidyarthi Computer Scheme, Shikshak Computer Scheme and School Computer Schemes.

3 ICT adoption in Schools
ICT in Schools: Now 1999 Pathbreaker: TN Schools tenders for ICT Education as service (later called BOOT model) • Other States adopt BOOT model: Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh. • Fully from State funds • BOOT model stabilizes as a solution to accelerate ICT in schools 2004 Centrally Sponsored scheme.(Centre: State funds at 75:25; 90:10 in specific states) now SSA and State funds drove ICT adoption in schools for student education & Teacher Training • BOOT: Build--‐Own--‐Operate--‐Transfer • BOT: Build--‐Operate --‐Transfer • Subscription • Infrastructure bought By Govt; but outsourced faculty • Digital content In local language, MIS

4 ICT in Schools: The genesis
ICT adoption in Schools ICT in Schools: The genesis 1974 ET scheme 100% assistance to 6 SIETs Radio/cassette players, CTVs CLASS project 1998 PM IT Task Force Vidyarthi and Shikshak Schemes

5 ICT in Schools: Now 1999 Pathbreaker: TN BOOT model 1999 - 2003
ICT adoption in Schools ICT in Schools: Now 1999 Pathbreaker: TN BOOT model Karnataka, AP • Fully from State funds 2004 (75/25, 90/10) now SSA, State Funds • BOOT/BOT/Subscription • Govt. Infra, outsourced faculty • Digital content (local lang), MIS

6 ICT adoption in Schools
NIIT Experience 1:04

7 Success Indicators • The Mission Control centre
ICT adoption in Schools Success Indicators Quality in Project Management – delivery and implementation • The Mission Control centre • Quality manual, MIS, multi-level daily and weekly calls • Support call centre

8 INNOVATIONS introduced
ICT adoption in Schools INNOVATIONS introduced

9 INNOVATIONS introduced
ICT adoption in Schools INNOVATIONS introduced • Shared Computing • Mathlab • Mobile Science Lab

10 INNOVATIONS introduced
ICT adoption in Schools INNOVATIONS introduced Digital Content Development with research-driven pedagogy

11 Development of children outside classwork
ICT adoption in Schools Development of children outside classwork Mind Champion Academy • NIIT’s initiative • Major impact • Improvement in academics; motivation

12 Development of children outside classwork
ICT adoption in Schools Development of children outside classwork Mind Champion Academy

13 Development of children outside classwork
ICT adoption in Schools Development of children outside classwork Digital Arts Festival

14 Partnering with Government : starting 1999
ICT adoption in Schools Partnering with Government : starting 1999 Andhra Pradesh 2,668 Schools Gujarat 2,010 Schools Rajasthan 1,672 Schools Assam 2675 Schools Chhattisgarh 1855 Schools Karnataka 700 Schools Tamilnadu 371 Schools HP 282 Schools Meghalaya 265 Schools Maharashtra 1,513 Schools West Bengal 100 Schools Bihar 438 Schools Tripura 73 Schools UP - NOIDA 25 Schools NDMC 29 Schools Madhya Pradesh 4 Schools Andhra Pradesh Teachers Training Tamilnadu Teachers TRG Puducherry Teachers Training Kerala Exam Board Orissa 1,518 Schools Private Schools Project Shiksha Intel® Teach

15 ICT adoption in Schools
NIIT in Schools Students 26,278,440 Teachers 1,191,815 Nodes 104,895 Hrs of Content 21,461 Instructors 18,138 Schools 20,183  States 19 Schools Cumulative

16 ICT adoption in Schools
No Child Left Behind !

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