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Pupil Premium Review 2014.  Format of the day  Additional information  Questions asked  Report findings  Future cctions.

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Presentation on theme: "Pupil Premium Review 2014.  Format of the day  Additional information  Questions asked  Report findings  Future cctions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pupil Premium Review 2014

2  Format of the day  Additional information  Questions asked  Report findings  Future cctions

3 TimeInformation 8.30amWelcome and Introduction - Head Teacher 8.45-9.30amMeeting with Named Pupil Premium Governor 9.30-10.15amTour of the school with Pupil Premium Students 10.30-11.30amMeeting with Pupil Premium Progress Tutors 11.40-12.30pmMeeting with Assistant Head Teachers Pupil Premium Lead Assessment Lead 12.50-1.20pmMeeting with Head of English and Maths and Key Stage 3 and 4 co-ordinators for English and Maths 1.30-2.15pmStudent voice – Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 2.15-2.45pmReflection time 2.45-3.30pmDiscussion and Feedback with Pupil Premium Lead and Head Teacher

4  Reviewed the Pupil Premium Action Plan  Scrutinised the RAISEonline report (2013)  Scrutinised the current Pupil Premium analysis of data (2013-2014)  Scrutinised tracking and monitoring systems for individual students

5  How/when/what data shared is with Governors?  How is the curriculum structured to best support pupil premium students?  Describe and explain your assessment process.  How do you track and monitor individual students?  How do you know your actions are having an impact?  Explain your intervention strategies in English and Maths at Key Stage 3 and 4.

6  Asked about the quality of teaching.  Asked what activities they were involved in outside the classroom.  Asked about how they found work in lessons and did it challenge them enough.  Asked about what they liked about the school.  Asked about what they would like to see in school be developed.  Asked if they received additional support.

7  Intervention needs to be targeted to individual needs.  Include a whole school target on Pupil Premium in all staff appraisals.  Training for Governors in ‘how to ask the right questions’ to challenge the school.  Start a programme in Year 7 with parents to support homework, reading and Maths.  Ensure all actions will have an impact on outcomes.

8  Develop/review current action plans from the report feedback:  Immediate response – now until Aug 14  Long-term plan – September 14 onwards

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