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Brought to you by Career Services and the Pre-Law Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Brought to you by Career Services and the Pre-Law Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brought to you by Career Services and the Pre-Law Advisor

2  Take some interest assessments  Conduct research on legal careers  Investigate online resources  Intern, extern, or shadow law professionals  Conduct informational interviews  Speak with both satisfied and dissatisfied lawyers  Discuss law school with alumnae or current students  Take a position as a legal assistant, research assistant, or paralegal

3  Average starting salary $86,396; median salary 65,750.  11% of salaries were below $40,000  Salaries of more than 75,000 accounted for nearly 43% of salaries reported  About 27% took positions in public service, including judicial clerkships, government agencies, and public interest orgs.  Aprox. 56% of the class chose private practice in law firms.  Graduates entering business accounted for about 14%  Approximately 23% of graduates were employed in positions for which bar passage is not required

4  Developing skills  Selecting a major  Compiling an impressive record  Other activities

5  National/Regional schools  Faculty  Facilities and resources  Student body  Special programs  Career services  Student life  Costs

6  Schools with reputations that tend to appear in various “top ten” lists.  Schools with good regional reputations  Local schools  Check out the Official Guide to ABA- Approved Law Schools

7  The Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools 2010  NALP-The Association for Legal Career Professionals  Catalogs and bulletins  The NAPLA/SAPLA Book of Law School Lists  Various Law School Days  SBC Alumnae lists – Legal, etc.

8 Objective CriteriaSubjective Criteria  Law School Admissions Test (LSAT)  Undergraduate grade Point Average (GPA)  Applicant Index  Personal Statement  Letters of Recommendation  Experience  Various recruitment programs, i.e. Minority, etc.

9 LSAT  Applying to Law School  Take the LSAT the Summer or Fall of the year you apply

10  Organizes and analyzes applicant information in a way that allows law schools to compare academic records from undergraduate schools that use different grading systems. A law school report is compiled:  A year by year grade and credit summary  Photocopies of transcripts  Your GPA for each academic year, your degree  A description of your overall grade distribution  The mean LSAT score and GPA of students at your school who have subscribed to the LSDAS and your percentile rank among those students  Up to 12 LSAT scores, including cancellations and absences  An average LSAT score, if you have more than one score on file  Copies of LSAT writing sample

11  You can apply to any ABA approved law school through the LSDAS electronic applications at the LSAC website.  You can also complete applications located on websites of law schools or call those schools for hard copies  Applications are straight forward; be truthful and forthright; enclose a resume but do not use as a substitute for responding to questions.

12  Background, personal qualities, leadership; skills, motivation to learn  Highlight and expand on what is important in your life; select significant events and experiences that demonstrate growth, change, persistence, distinctive qualities  Two double spaced pages, if no guidelines on length  Serious, honest, sincere, confident.  If you are addressing a specific school it is imperative that you demonstrate knowledge of the school and its programs, faculty, etc. and why you connect with it.  Follow good essay writing guidelines. The thesis is why law school is for you.

13  1 to 2 letters of recommendation  Faculty letters carry the most weight – Your academic potential  Cover sheet – courses, research, experience, etc.  Copy of your transcript  A draft of your personal statement  A resume  Copies of exams/papers in his/her class  Recommendation forms from LSAC or the law schools  Stamped envelopes addressed to LSAC or to the schools  A list of dates when recommendations are due

14  8 – 12 law schools  A couple of stretch, several where you have a good chance, a sufficient number that you have at least one school you would like to attend  Submit applications by early November if possible  Start early  Make realistic choices on schools  Read information provided by schools very carefully  Follow directions  Print applications to use as drafts  Provide complete and accurate responses  Make copies of completed Applications  Submit fees with applications  Respect deadlines

15  Write a letter to the director of Admissions  If the school is your first choice, state that if accepted you will attend  If you are a senior, inform the school of accomplishments since you applied, ex. Completed honors thesis, Phi Beta Kappa, etc.  If you are working, include an updated resume, describe any worthwhile activities.  Send an additional letter of recommendation, do not exceed four, however.  Visit the law school; demonstrate your interest, take a tour, sit in on a class, talk to faculty, admissions folks.

16  Devote more time and energy to academics during your senior year  Your entire academic record will be available to schools not just six or seven semesters  You may just need a rest after 4 rigorous academic years  You can gain professional experience and/or test drive a legal career by working as a legal assistant or paralegal.

17  Personal Savings/Family support  Federal Loans  Private loans  Grants and scholarships  Earnings  Frugality  Complete your FAFSA as soon as possible after January 1

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