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 Mathematics in the Prep School. Objectives  To give you an overview of how Maths is taught in the Prep School  To inform you of important changes.

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Presentation on theme: " Mathematics in the Prep School. Objectives  To give you an overview of how Maths is taught in the Prep School  To inform you of important changes."— Presentation transcript:

1  Mathematics in the Prep School

2 Objectives  To give you an overview of how Maths is taught in the Prep School  To inform you of important changes to the National Curriculum in Maths  To give you some practical ideas of how to help your child succeed in Maths  To show you the ActiveLearn interactive platform and how it supports learning

3 Overview  Overall aim: for children to enjoy learning in Maths  Every lesson/ activity differentiated to suit the learner  Concrete materials used to develop understanding- not just tricks  Teaching a range of strategies- mental and written- what works for the child?  Towards problem solving- group work

4 National Curriculum  Move to exposing children to fractions and decimals earlier  More ‘Secondary Maths’ in Year 6 eg. long division  Practice, practice, practice- more repetition of key number facts eg. times-tables  No Calculators in KS2 SATS- mental methods and efficient written methods as a focus  At Finborough, we take the best bits!

5 How to help…..  Take the two handouts (targets and websites) and use these at home  Make it enjoyable- our main aims should be the same  Good old fashioned times-table and number bonds practice is always useful eg. timing, races, rhymes  Involve children in the time, DIY measurements, logic games eg. cards, dominoes etc.  The answer is ___. What’s the question?  Give children a pair of compasses, a ruler, a protractor- explore symmetry and making shapes or patterns

6 ActiveLearn 

7 Any questions?

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