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Wisconsin School Forest Garlic Mustard Monitoring: Engaging Teachers and Students Jeremy Solin Wisconsin School Forest Coordinator October 21, 2005 Citizen-based.

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Presentation on theme: "Wisconsin School Forest Garlic Mustard Monitoring: Engaging Teachers and Students Jeremy Solin Wisconsin School Forest Coordinator October 21, 2005 Citizen-based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wisconsin School Forest Garlic Mustard Monitoring: Engaging Teachers and Students Jeremy Solin Wisconsin School Forest Coordinator October 21, 2005 Citizen-based Monitoring Conference

2 Wisconsin School Forest Garlic Mustard Monitoring Wisconsin School Forest Program Garlic Mustard Monitoring Project Future SF Monitoring Projects

3 School Forest History School & Community Forest Law – 1927 1 st School Forests at Laona, Wabeno and Crandon Goals – Reforestation – Income

4 School Forest Opportunities Meet state education standards Integrate environmental education into curriculum Demonstrate sustainable natural resources management Strengthen school/community relationships Provide income for schools/school forests

5 School Forests Today ~ 345 School Forests 190 different public school districts (45%) 66 of 72 counties Range of sizes (>24,000 acres in total) Range of utilization (daily – never)

6 Wisconsin School Forest Program Wisconsin School Forest Ed. Specialist LEAF - The Wisconsin K-12 Forestry Education Program Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education and the WDNR - Forestry

7 School Forest Garlic Mustard Monitoring Wisconsin NatureMapping “Special Project” Teacher Training Teacher and Student Use Data Continuation

8 Wisconsin NatureMapping Special Project

9 Teacher Training May 7, 2005 20 Teachers, 17 Districts Garlic Mustard natural history and control Wisconsin NatureMapping GPS Data collection and submission

10 Teacher and Student Use 16 sites surveyed Students involved in most of the surveys At least 4 teachers immediately used the materials in their classroom All survey respondents (10) expected to use the project in their classroom

11 Garlic Mustard Data Area Surveyed 16 sites average area of site = 46 acres average area surveyed = 26 acres

12 Garlic Mustard Data Garlic Mustard Presence: 9 sites with garlic mustard 8 in counties with documented presence 1 in Waushara County (GM not previously documented) 1 site in a pine plantation intermediate density average area = 3 acres

13 Garlic Mustard Data Control: Pulling was implemented at 7 sites average area treated = 1.6 acres

14 Garlic Mustard Data Other Invasives Recorded: Other invasives at 8 sites Buckthorn and honeysuckle most common Also recorded: black locust, reed canary grass, Dame’s rocket, wild parsnip, multi- floral rose, and purple loosestrife

15 Garlic Mustard Monitoring Continuation Wisconsin NatureMapping website Future recruitment and training of teachers Integration with other monitoring projects

16 Future SF Monitoring Efforts School Forest Monitoring Network – Tree species, diameter, and height (volume, growth rates) – Tree health – Understory diversity – Invertebrates – Tree regeneration – Salamanders (board monitoring) – Invasives – Downed woody debris

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