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Waregem and Budapest.  Heilig-Hart college Waregem  arrival to school: 8 am  25 minutes to prepare for the lessons  first lesson starts: 8:25  the.

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Presentation on theme: "Waregem and Budapest.  Heilig-Hart college Waregem  arrival to school: 8 am  25 minutes to prepare for the lessons  first lesson starts: 8:25  the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waregem and Budapest

2  Heilig-Hart college Waregem  arrival to school: 8 am  25 minutes to prepare for the lessons  first lesson starts: 8:25  the length of lessons: 50 minutes  breaks: 10:05 – 10:15, 12:00 – 13:15 (lunch break)  Wednesday: school finishes at noon  Xántus János Secondary School  first lesson starts: 7:45  the length of lessons: 45 minutes  breaks: 10 minutes after every lesson, 12:10 – 12:50 (lunch break)

3  it depends on the curriculum  Economics: 4 lessons a week  French: 4 lessons  Science: 2 lessons  History: 2 lessons  Dutch: 4 lessons  German: 2 lessons  Maths: 3 lessons  English: 3 lessons  Religion: 2 lessons  Gym: 2 lessons  Geography: 2 lessons

4  Grammar School  Spanish: 5  English: 3  Literature: 4  English and American civilization: 2  Maths: 3  Physics: 2  Geography: 2  History: 3  Art history: 1  Biology: 2  Gym: 2  Media:1  Vocational School  English: 5  History: 2  Literature: 4  German: 3  Art history: 1  Maths: 3  Hotel Management Studies: 2  Tour Guiding: 2  Guiding: 2  Marketing: 1  Tourism Geography: 1  Gym: 2  Catering: 1  German /English civilization: 1  Economic Calculation: 1  Geography: 1  Biology: 1  Tourism: 1

5  Belgium  Cooking  Technical education  Arts  Economics  Languages  Sciences  Business  Hungary  Cooking  Tour guiding  Hotel Management  Languages  Arts  Sciences

6  Heilig-Hart college Waregem: morning study (not in Xántus János Secondary School)  Types of schools:  in Belgium: sports school, technical school, economic-language school, art- school – all 6 years.  in Hungary: vocational, grammar, trade school – 4-5 years  Curriculum:  Belgium: free space  Hungary: strict program, many A- level subjects  Number of years:  in Belgium: 2x6 years, primary school; secondary school  in Hungary : primary school 1-8, secondary school 9-12(13)

7  Marks: depend on percent  Grades tests:  Belgium: A, B, C at the end of the year  Hungary: graded 1-5, depending on percent

8  It is the same in Belgium and in Hungary  It depends on:  The students  How interesting the subject is  Study from lesson to lesson  Good student = works a lot  Take good notes  Do homework and prepare for the lesson

9  Heilig-Hart college Waregem  Most of the time the teacher gives normal lessons.  Sometimes we have to do a presentation but not often.  We don’t do a lot of group work at our school.  Xántus János Secondary School  the teachers explain the material  students have to pay attention and take notes  students have tests, homework, sometimes presentations  sometimes there is group work during the language lessons

10  Heilig-Hart college Waregem  a Belgian example: Mr Goemaere  We always say sir or miss  We have a good connection with most of the teachers  the teachers call the students with their first name  Xántus János Secondary School  students mustn’t be on first name terms with the teachers  Miss or mister teacher

11  Misbehaviour  Talking during lessons  Cheating  Eating and drinking  Walking around  Using cellphone  Sleeping  Not doing homework  Punishment  Note in diary  Going to principal’s office  Calling parents  Extra writing task  Working study

12  Heilig-Hart college Waregem  School canteen system- mostly everybody eats there  You can choose a soup, vegetarian or non-vegetarian main dish, biscuit or fruit  In breaks: fruits  Xántus János Secondary School  School canteen system  In breaks: sandwiches from home or from buffet  Buffet offers: sandwiches, apples, yoghurt, cookies, chocolate, hot dog, hot sandwiches, tea, coffee, juices, soft drinks

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