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School educational programme Masaryk commercial academy Jičín.

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1 School educational programme Masaryk commercial academy Jičín

2 Graduate Profile  Adjusted level of education secondary education with school leaving exam  Length and form of education four-year full-time  Way of completion school leaving exam  Certification school leaving exam certificate  Taking effect 1st September 2009 starting with 1st grade

3 Career perspectives of the graduate – specialization commercial academy  Commercial academy graduate can find his/her job in the group of professions focused on economic, commercial and administrative activities in businesses of all kinds.  For example financial manager, wages officer, accounting assistant, statistician, sales manager, state administration clerk, bank and insurance worker, administrative worker, assistant, organization worker, personnel manager marketing staffer etc.

4 Career perspectives of the graduate – specialization commercial academy  The graduate is also prepared to be able to go on to a certain type of tertial education, first of all to a university or to a school of higher special education.  The graduate is also qualified for starting and developing his/her own business activities.

5 School leaving exam from school year 2011/2012 Common part  In its common part, the school leaving exam for students of secondary schools will consist of the following subjects: Czech language and literature Foreign language (English, German, French, Russian) Elective subject  Mathematics  Basics of civic and social sciences  Informatics Optional subject

6 School leaving exam from school year 2011/2012  Students have the right to choose between the basic or higher level of difficulty for each of the compulsory and elective subjects.  The headmaster has the right to specify the subject or subjects for the elective exam.

7 Summary of the exams SpecializationLevel of difficulty of the exams of the common part – MCA Jičín B (basic), H (higher) 63-41-M/02 Commercial academy  Czech language and literature B and H  Foreign language B and H  Elective exam  Mathematics B and H  Basics of civic and soc.sciences B and H  Informatics B

8  The prerequisite of preparing for the higher level of difficulty is to attend the elective seminar in the given subject in the 3rd and/or the 4th grade.

9 Profile part  The profile part of the school leaving exam serves for profiling schools and their students, for using their specific educational intentions.  It consists of three compulsory exams and of at most two optional exams.  Unlike in the common part, it is the headmaster who specifies the content, form and topics of the exams of the profile part of the school leaving exam.

10 Summary of the profile exams at MCA Jičín Specialization Profile exams 63-41-M/02 Commercial academy  Practical exam in special subjects  Economics – oral exam  Optional subject  Mathematics  Accounting  2nd foreign language  Information technology – oral exam

11 Curriculum Subject Number of weekly lessons in individual grades Total Czech lang. and literature 333312 1st foreign language4/4 16/16 2nd foreign language3/3 12/12 Mathematics433010 History22004 Civics11114 Physical education2/2 8/8 Basics of natural sciences20002

12 Curriculum Ecology20002 Informatics2/2 8/8 Typing and correspondence3/32/23/308/8 Economics334/13/113/2 Accounting03/24/4 11/10 Economic calculation02/200 Economic geography22004 Business and labour law00022 Elective subjects004/48/812/12 33323332130

13 Use of weeks in the period September - June Activity 1st grade2nd grade3rd grade4th grade Teaching according to the schedule 34 30 Sport course (summer, winter) 1 1- Articles- 3- School leaving examination---2 Adaptative course1 Time reserve (revision, educational events tec) 4625 Total40 34

14 Curriculum schedule in individual grades  Foreign languages English and German – B1, B2 Russian and French – B1

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