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Presentation on theme: "DUTIES OF HOSs IN R/O MATTERS CONCERNING DSEAR,1973 & RTE Act,2009"— Presentation transcript:

Presented By: Dr Madhu Teotia Addl. Director (Act-I)

REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DEPT. Rules 96, 98, 154, 155, 156, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178 of DSEAR, 1973

3 Attend all the meetings.
Send a Quarterly Report of: 1. No. of meetings of Managing Committee , SSC , DPC or the Disciplinary Authorities 2. No. of meetings attended/not attended 3. Brief details of Business Transacted

4 D.E Nominees should insist on: Circulation of agenda in advance Circulation of minutes of the meeting.

5 D. E Nominee should put forth the view of the Govt. reflected as :. 1
D.E Nominee should put forth the view of the Govt. reflected as : In the Act In the Rules In the instructions issued by the Directorate.

6 In case he does not endorse the view of the Managing Committee, D
In case he does not endorse the view of the Managing Committee, D.E nominee should insist that his/her views/ dissent must be reflected in the minutes.

7 In case, minutes not reflecting his/her view or if views reflected in minutes are wrong, he/she should send a written protest and also sent a copy of written protest to the Director of Education.

8 Failure in above is deemed to be failure in performance of his/her duty.

9 DE Nominee shall immediately bring to the notice of Director of Education in writing any grave irregularity in the functioning of the school.

10 Managing Committee Rule 59 Two nominees of the Director of Education.
Two Advisory Board nominee. Two representative of teachers. One parent duly elected by the PTA. Quorum should be: at least 1/3 out of 21 members. In case, a Principal of a Govt. school who was nominated as educationist in MCof the school gets transferred, Vice-Principal of that school would replace him/her as educationist till the post of the Principal gets filled up.

11 Probation of an employee
Rule 105 Probation period is one year. May be extended for one more year. DE Nominee shall ensure that there are adequate grounds for extension of probation or termination during probation as the case may be.

12 Appointments Rule 96 : Selection Committee.
Rule 98 : Appointing Authority = MC The Deptt. has notified the Recruitment Rules for all the posts. D.E. Nominee should be well conversant with these RRs.

13 Fee and Other Charges Section 17 & 18 and Rule 154,155,156,172, 173, 175, & 178 School can not collect any fee or other charge except following: Registration fee Rs.25/- Admission Fee Rs. 200/- Caution Money Rs. 500/- (Refundable along with interest at the time of school leaving) These have been decided by the Director as the maximum limit.

14 Tuition Fee –shall be determined to cover the standard cost of establishment including provision for DA, Bonus and all terminal benefits and also the expenditure of revenue nature concerning the curricular activities. Annual Fee -shall only be levied if it is determined by the MC to cover all revenue expenditure, not included in the tuition fee and ‘overheads’ and expenses on play ground, sports equipment, cultural and other co-curricular activities. Earmarked levies shall be spent only for that purpose for which they are being charged. Development fee shall not exceed 15% of total annual tuition fee and will be kept in separately maintained Development Fund account. This can be used for purchase, up gradation and replacement of furniture, fixtures and equipments and only charged when school is maintaining Depreciation Reserve Fund. These are decided by the MC only after consulting the parents.

15 Budget of school/utilization of income
Rules 175,176 & 177 : How the income of the school shall be utilized. The DE Nominee should ensure that the provisions of these Rules are strictly being followed. Fee/Funds Collected from the parents/students shall be utilized strictly in accordance with these Rules.

16 Trust/ Society shall not collect any fee/ contribution from the students.

17 DE Nominee should check that no amount what so ever shall be transferred from the school to Society or Trust. (Clause 8 of order No. D.E.15/Act/Duggal. Comm/ dated )

18 Disciplinary Authority
Rule 118 The Chairman of the MC of the School; The Manager of the School; A Nominee of the Director- the EO/DEO (not the D.E. Nominee in the MC) The HOS (where the disciplinary proceedings is against him/her, the head of any other school, nominated by the Director) A teacher who is a member of the MC of the School, nominated by the Chairman

As per DOE Notification dated 07/01/2011, each District shall have a DAMC (District Admission Monitoring Committee) DDE :Chairperson of DAMC and concerned EOs/DEOs:members of DAMC DAMC is empowered to take immediate strict action for violation of RTE Norms with regard to admissions

20 DAMC ensures that admissions in un-aided recognized schools for EWS and Disadvantage Group Category students are done with utmost transparency and without any favor to anyone. Chairperson of DAMC appoints one OBSERVER for each unaided recognized school under its jurisdiction, from amongst Principals/Vice- Principals of Govt. Schools to supervise entire admission process of the school.

21 Depending upon the requirement, DAMC Chairperson may assign two or even more schools to any Principal/ Vice Principal of a Govt. school as an OBSERVER. If the OBSERVER finds that the school is involved in any unfair practice, an appropriate report specifying the violations is to be furnished in writing to the DAMC Chairperson Admissions under EWS and Disadvantaged Group Category are to be done only on the basis of ‘Distance Criteria’

22 Whether a Draw of Lots is required to be done will be decided by the OBSERVER and , accordingly, date and time of Draw will be decided by the OBSERVER in consultation with the school concerned and the same will be publicly displayed by the school as well as DAMC Admission will be offered strictly on the basis of “DRAW OF LOTS” to be video recorded in the presence of the parents and the OBSERVER

23 For the Distance Category for which DRAW has to take place, the school shall prepare one slip for each student eligible for the DRAW and the same will be put in a bowl/box in the presence of the OBSERVER and at least 4 representatives of parents Slips of all the eligible students will be put in the DRAW even if the parent/guardian is not personally present during the DRAW.

24 Each SLIP for the DRAW shall contain:
Name of the SCHOOL; Registration Number: Name of the Applicant; Date of Birth; Father’s Name; Category as per DISTANCE CRITERIA: 1/2/3/4 ===================================== Signature of: PRINCIPAL OBSERVER

25 In case the number of applicants is much larger than the seats, it would be safe to hold DRAW for 20% more students to be kept in the WAITING LIST. After the end of the Draw, the OBSERVER is required to prepare a report in triplicate for DAMC, the school concerned and one for future reference. There will be separate report for each Entry Level for which a Draw is held.



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