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Everything you wanted to know about Middle School…but were afraid to ask!

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Presentation on theme: "Everything you wanted to know about Middle School…but were afraid to ask!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Everything you wanted to know about Middle School…but were afraid to ask!

2  Middle School Day  Middle School Classes  Middle School Grades  Middle School Activities  Middle School Safety  Middle School “Other Stuff” including information about uniforms/dress code, lunch, school supplies and homework, organization

3  Each middle school grade is divided into a team.  A team consists of several subject area teachers who teach the same group of students.  The make-up of each team includes students of all ability levels.  Academic classes can have up to 32 students. Normal size for Garrison is under 25.  A middle school team teacher teaches up to 100 students each day.

4  The middle school day goes from: 7:55 – 2:55.  Students start the day by attending homeroom which will be their Fine Arts area.  Students will travel to different classrooms throughout the day.  The academic subjects consist of Math, Science, Social Studies, and English Language Arts; Literacy Block  The connections classes may include classes such as Spanish, Health, P.E., CTAE (Career Technical Agricultural Education)

5  There is 1 Connection period  Connections classes meet on alternate days.  Health is required for one quarter for all students.  Students rotate as a class to their Connection class

6  A progress report is issued each 4 1/2 weeks. However, parents may check daily progress through Parent Connect.  Each nine-week report is considered the end- of-quarter report card.  The nine-week reports will determine honor rolls, promotions and retentions.  Concerns about grades should be directed to your child’s teacher or counselor.

7  90-100A  80-89B  74-79C  70-73D  69-belowF  Conduct grades are: E-Excellent; S- Satisfactory; N-Needs Improvement; U-Unsatisfactory  Student will be placed on academic probation for the marking period if average falls below an 80.  Student will be placed on probation for conduct grade of an N or U.  Sign up for Parent Access in the front office with our Information Specialist to receive your Login information. This will give you access to your child’s grades.  7 th and 8 th grade report cards will be used in the criteria for acceptance to High School Specialty Schools.

8 Coaches: Debra Morrell Jamie Salas Fall: Softball (Girls) Swimming (Girls and Boys) Volleyball (Girls) Winter: Basketball (Girls and Boys) Spring: Soccer(Girls and Boys) Golf (Girls and Boys) Baseball ( Boys)

9 Peer Mediation Garrison Givers FCA National Junior Honors Society Tri-M Honors Chess Club Quiz Bowl DEEP Speaks Writing Club FBLA Girls on Track Art Exhibits Gamers Club Odyssey of the Mind Art Club Fine Arts Performances Lego League Math Team Spirit Squad

10 Janet James K - 5 Ruby Pierce 6 – 8 Students entering middle school are experiencing a tremendous amount of change. They now have 7 or 8 teachers and the academic rigor increases. Their bodies are changing and the hormones and emotions are raging! The importance of social acceptance is at an all time high. This all can create the “perfect storm” for problems to develop at home and school. Although your child is beginning to look like an adult, the middle school child still needs parental and adult guidance and assistance. The counselors are here to support you and your child in this transition. Consistent and positive parental support and communication between the parent, teacher, and student is a must. Please call or e-mail us anytime. Counseling Services: Individual Counseling; Group Counseling/Peer Mediation ; Classroom Guidance; Georgia College 411/Career Education; Advisement ; Parent/Teacher Conferences; Anti-bullying campaign; Character Education; Red Ribbon Week

11  The school building opens at 7:25 a.m.  All visitors must sign in at the front office.  All Savannah-Chatham County schools have adopted a “Zero Tolerance” policy which prohibits the use or presence of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and/or weapons on any school property.  All Savannah-Chatham County schools adhere to a strict policy prohibiting harassment or bullying.  Students are expected to follow an established behavior management plan.  PBIS  Peer Mediation  Character Counts  Cyber Safety

12 “OTHER STUFF” about Middle School

13  All students are expected to wear the uniform for the school he/she is assigned to attend.  Each school will enforce the uniform dress code policy.  White or Kelly Green polo tops; Khaki or Black uniform bottoms; Garrison plaid skirts for girls; pants with loops must have a belt; tucked shirts  Students are required to have ID everyday.  Refer to Garrison website for more information.

14  Students go to lunch with their class/grade level.  You have a variety of items to choose from on the lunch menu.  Additional items are available for purchase.  You may log on to enroll

15  Basic school supplies include pencils, blue and black pens, markers, colored pencils, highlighters, 3-ring binders, pocket folders with brads and white loose-leaf paper, marble composition notebooks, ruler, scissors, glue sticks, USB flash drive, Agenda Book  In addition to general school supplies, each teacher or team may have individual requirements. Back to School Night in August will provide you with more information.

16  Bus service is provided for students living 11/2 miles from the school.  Bus routes are posted in the Savannah Morning News and on the district website about a week before school begins.  Students need to know their bus route number by the end of the first day of school.  Students should ride the bus the first day and week of school so he/she will know the bus route number and procedures.

17  A sixth grade student can expect to complete at least an hour of homework each night. It is our expectation that HW will be turned in on time. Most teacher do not allow class time to complete HW. Late assignments will incur penalties.  Homework grades are included in the student’s academic average!  Homework assignments should be written in agenda. Each teacher will place assignments due on their class website.  Homework tips: Study area should be free of distractions; Create a study space equipped with school supplies; Designated time everyday for HW

18  One key to middle school success is the student must be ORGANIZED. Follow the teachers’ guidelines or check with the counselor for suggestions if needed.  An agenda (student planner) is an excellent tool to record all assignments. Teachers may use the agenda to communicate to parents.  In addition to the agenda, check the teachers’ websites on a daily basis to be up to date on when assignments or projects are due, power points, class notes, rubrics, and other events happening in the 6 th grade.  Students must take an active role in their own school transition. Asking questions when needing assistance is one way to be more responsible. Also students must make a commitment to take responsibility and ownership of their completion of tasks.

19  Provide structure and routines within the home.  Limit access to technology unless using it for schoolwork. Be mindful of their social media and mobile device usage.  Know your child’s friends. Your child’s social/emotional development needs to be consistently monitored.  Designate a study area in the home and a time for Homework. Check behind your child to make sure he/she completes Homework.  Know how to check teachers’ and the school website for updates on when projects or assignments are due and other announcements and events.  COMMUNICATION is the key! Talk with your child on a daily basis and be involved in their education. E-mail the teacher periodically to check up on your child. Set up a conference if needed with the teacher.  Sign up for PARENT POWERSCHOOL. Make weekly checks on your child’s grades. Allow your child access to Powerschool so that they can take ownership of their progress.  Attend Back to School Night and PTA meetings.  Encourage your child to get involved in afterschool clubs, sports, and other organizations if your child shows an interest.  GET INVOLVED !! You child needs your support more than ever at this stage of development.



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