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Homedale Jt. School District #370 Supplemental Levy August 27, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Homedale Jt. School District #370 Supplemental Levy August 27, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homedale Jt. School District #370 Supplemental Levy August 27, 2013

2 What will the Levy Cover? School Safety – Full Time Safety Resource Officer – Restore Full Time Counselor – Improve Parent Communication System Emergency Information to Parents Increase communication – Adding Text and Voice Calling

3 Student Achievement Restore – 4th Grade Teacher – 5 th Grade Teacher – High School Teacher – Full Time Librarian – 2 Paraprofessionals (Instructional Aides) (1) Middle School ; (1) Elementary School – 2 Contract Days for Employees

4 Student Achievement Cont. Continuation of Technology Integration Specialist Implement Idaho Education Network (IEN) System for the Middle School

5 Misc. Athletic Fee Reduction ½ Time IT Support Fund Balance Recovery/Stabilization

6 What if Levy Fails? Effects on Students – Decreasing electives and programs – Increasing classroom sizes – Eliminate Non-Core Programs – Increasing fees for extra-curricular activities, athletics, etc.

7 What if Levy Fails? Effects on Staff – Additional Furlough Days – Eliminating positions

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