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Board of Directors William H. Dunlap, Chair David Alukonis Eric Herr Dianne Mercier James Putnam Todd I. Selig Michael Whitney Daniel Wolf Martin L. Gross,

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Presentation on theme: "Board of Directors William H. Dunlap, Chair David Alukonis Eric Herr Dianne Mercier James Putnam Todd I. Selig Michael Whitney Daniel Wolf Martin L. Gross,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Board of Directors William H. Dunlap, Chair David Alukonis Eric Herr Dianne Mercier James Putnam Todd I. Selig Michael Whitney Daniel Wolf Martin L. Gross, Chair Emeritus Directors Emeritus Sheila T. Francoeur Stuart V. Smith, Jr. Donna Sytek Brian F. Walsh Kimon S. Zachos “…to raise new ideas and improve policy debates through quality information and analysis on issues shaping New Hampshire’s future.” Manchester’s Education Benchmarks Using data to map a path to success Manchester Board of School Committee September 22, 2014

2 Goals Assemble a body of relevant information, beyond usual data points, to serve as a tool for policymakers Help identify most critical challenges facing city schools  What goals should follow? Bring new people to the table to engage in future of Manchester’s schools Think of new ways to measure progress


4 Demographic snapshot

5 Births to unwed mothers

6 Steady rise in poverty among students

7 Variation across district

8 Rise in minority student population

9 Developmental indicators

10 Enrollment declines

11 Per-pupil equalized property valuation declining

12 Per-pupil spending

13 Average class size rising

14 What is “success” for a school system? Test scores Graduation rates College/career readiness College-going rates Funding equity Socio-economic & racial equity Steady improvement across the board

15 Poverty and student achievement

16 Early school readiness

17 3 rd Grade reading trend

18 Current baseline: Student outcomes – 3R

19 7 th Grade math trend

20 Current baseline: Student outcomes – 7M

21 Gaps remain 7 th Grade Math3 rd Grade Reading

22 Manchester-NH comps: Some narrowing of gaps

23 Current baseline: Graduation rates

24 Subgroup disparities, Manchester vs. elsewhere…

25 ...and within the district, as well

26 College-going rate on decline

27 College success


29 What are your measures of success? What are goals of district in terms of student performance, subgroup disparities, progress over time, etc? Who do you compare yourself to as a district? How can that drive data collection, analysis and interpretation?

30 Gaps in data Early childhood: access to quality pre-school College readiness: ACT/SAT scores, by subgroup ELOs, internships English-language learner data, refugee/immigrant status

31 IndicatorMeasure Most recent year's data Change since previous year Progress? Infant health low-weight newborns as percent of total births 7.5%-1.0% ↑ School readiness % of incoming kindergarteners scoring proficient on 1st trimester assessments 70.4%-2.5% ↓ Early-grade reading % of 3rd graders scoring proficient or higher in reading on state assessment 57%-6% ↓ Mid-grade math % of 7th graders scoring proficient or higher in math on state assessment 46%-4% ↓ High school graduation 4-year cohort high school graduation rate 75.1%1.5% ↑ Post-secondary enrollment Percent of graduates going on to post- secondary study 66.5%-3.6% ↓ Progress indicators ↓ = Indicator worsening ↑ = Indicator improving ↔ = No significant change Manchester schools in a snapshot

32 What we see Some areas of positive growth –Rate of growth, particular in minority NECAPs, exceeds state rates in some areas Most test scores hit plateau or declined after initial growth Achievement gaps persist across grades –Racial/ethnic –Economic status Achievement gap against state remains, and is increasing among upper grades High school drop-out rate rising after significant decline Class-sizes rising at lower grades Spending on special programs increasing fastest Broader city demographics & community indicators may increase pressure on system

33 New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies Want to learn more? Online: Facebook: Twitter: @nhpublicpolicy Our blog: (603) 226-2500 “…to raise new ideas and improve policy debates through quality information and analysis on issues shaping New Hampshire’s future.” Board of Directors William H. Dunlap, Chair David Alukonis Eric Herr Dianne Mercier James Putnam Todd I. Selig Michael Whitney Daniel Wolf Martin L. Gross, Chair Emeritus Directors Emeritus Sheila T. Francoeur Stuart V. Smith, Jr. Donna Sytek Brian F. Walsh Kimon S. Zachos `

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