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Christian Rausch, 23 May 2014 CCA Drylab current development focus

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1 Christian Rausch, 23 May 2014 CCA Drylab current development focus

2 a Drylab is about …

3 Drylab … a spherical cake
lekker zeg! ICT Shell 1 Shell 2 Shell 3 Pre-processing of raw “machine” data Data interpretation & Data integration Bioinformatics & Sys. Biol. Research Groups

4 CCA Drylab Galaxy Seminars and hands-on workshops ICT
“more bioinformatics power to Shell 2” Sustainable development of tools Seminars and hands-on workshops CCA Drylab Chairs Strategic Board Wim van Criekinge Bauke Ylstra Integration RNA/DNA Wessel v Wieringen Biostatistics Genomics VUmc Coordi- nator Christian Rausch Shell 3 VU and external: Bioinformatics & Sys. Biol. Research Groups Genomics Mark vd Wiel Functional RNAs Renee de Menezes Shell 2 Data interpretation & Data integration Shell 1 Preprocessing of raw “machine” data Clinical Genetics RNA-NGS Irsan Kooi ICT Proteomics Thang Pham Constitutional Genomics Oncology Hematology Oncogenetics Oncoproteomics DNA-NGS Daoud Sie Pediatric Oncology Oto-laryngology Pathology Tumor profiling Functional Genomics Departments Cancer Genomics Tumor genome analysis Focus of Research groups Mol. Pathology

5 Wim van Criekinge Prof. Mark van de Wiel Daphne v. Beek Henk Verheul Jeroen Beliën Eric Sistermans Connie Jimenez Frits Peters Josephine Dorsman Jacqueline Cloos Victor van Beusechem Elisa Giovannetti Remond Fijneman Michiel Pegtel Danijela Koppers-Lalic Bauke Ylstra Ruud Brakenhoff Renske Steenbergen Daniëlle Heideman Daphne de Jong Gerrit Meijer

6 Drylab: current focus DNAseq RNAseq RNAseq analysis
DNAseq analysis (genome resequencing) RNAseq analysis DNAseq RNAseq Analysis of Genome Structure Copy number profiling Insertions Deletions Breakpoints Translocations Inversions sRNAseq analysis Image source:

7 Drylab: focus DNAseq methods
Falco (Amplicon Analysis pipeline) DNAseq analysis (genome resequencing) Analysis of Genome Structure Copy number profiling Insertions Deletions Breakpoints Translocations Inversions Common tools (established) DNAseq tools QDNAseq

8 IRNA pipeline (by Irsan & Najim)
Drylab: focus RNAseq methods IRNA pipeline (by Irsan & Najim) RNAseq analysis Common tools (established) RNAseq tools

9 sRNAbench (Michael Hackenberg)
Drylab: focus sRNAseq methods sRNAbench (Michael Hackenberg) sRNAseq analysis Common tools (established) sRNAseq tools

10 Drylab: focus software infrastructure
Centralized Services run on Galaxy Software sustainability Software usability (user-friendliness) alpha and beta test users

11 Drylab: focus hardware infrastructure
Usage of virtual machines and separate Test and Production environments Hardware requirements are currently evaluated VUmc private cloud (Green Qloud) VUmc Store4ever storage solution

12 Drylab: focus education in bioinformatics
Training and work shops for users Network and pathway analysis with Cytoscape (fall) DNAseq RNAseq

13 Thanks! Thanks to all contributors Thanks for your attention!
Daoud Sie Stef van Lieshout Irsan Kooi Mariska Bierkens Thanks for your attention! Time for your Remarks Questions

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