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Getting in to Medical School Dr Shauna Hegarty PERC RCPath NI.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting in to Medical School Dr Shauna Hegarty PERC RCPath NI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting in to Medical School Dr Shauna Hegarty PERC RCPath NI

2 The local scene








10 Other Interviews Want to know who you are If you will fit into course and career Not an exam-no “right answers” Try to relax & be yourself Pause and think before you reply Don’t be afraid to big yourself up-but be truthful! Don’t be afraid of the left-field question!



13 Preparing for the Interviews The obvious- Get there on time! Dress appropriately Check in Speak to/don’t speak to other candidates as you feel you need to Try to enjoy the experience

14 Preparing for Interviews Hot topics – Tend not to go for anything hugely divisive Sources – BMA web site – GMC website – Newspapers, TV news




18 Preparing for Interviews Work as a group – Prepare short talks or discussions about current topics – Discuss with each other/handouts etc Practise interviews – Peer assessment very insightful! Use all the resources available – Internet – Books – Friends – Past pupils

19 And then.......... The interview is only one step Personal statement Head of school report Exam results! Do not panic if you don’t get an offer Keep working for exams.........

20 And then.......... The interview is only one step Personal statement Head of school report Exam results! Do not panic if you don’t get an offer Keep working for exams......... Good luck!

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